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Jolly Roger

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  On 13. 11. 2014. at 19:56, burekdzija said:

Ima jedan gasni thruster na vrhu, koji je trebao opaliti u momentu ispaljivanja harpuna kako bi ponistio impuls koji time nastaje (dakle da "priljubi" dodatno lander na povrsinu) ali ni on nije opalio.
Mozda mogu sad da ga aktiviraju kako bi ga zarotirali, ali sad bas izmisljam.

Edit: mislim da povratak nikad nije bio planiran.


da, spajanje sa rozetom nije planirano. 


thruster nije radio ni kada su sletali (znali su to pre nego sto su otkacili philae od rozete), tako da tesko da uspeju da ga sad aktiviraju :(

takodje, izgleda da ni harpuni nisu opalili :(

al sve se nadam da ce uspeti nekako da ga okrenu da moze da ima dovoljno sunca za eksperimente



  On 13. 11. 2014. at 20:16, Tale said:

Koliko kapiram ona je manje-više u stacionarnoj orbiti iznad. Možda je moglo da se navede da ga se ponovo zakači i pomeri.


kolko ja znam, rozeta nije u stacionarnoj orbiti iznad philae. 

recimo prilikom sletanja philae, ona ga je izbacila kao bombu i otisla dalje da se vrti oko komete

  On 13. 11. 2014. at 20:11, Have_Fun said:


A gde pratite vesti i updejte?



Posted (edited)


pu, znao sam da sam trebao da se zalim onomad u skoli da me prebace na nemacki -.-

nista, onda cu informacije skupljati ovde od vas :)

keep it coming

Edited by Have_Fun

ty :)

praticu to

a i forum, tako da.. bacajte sto vise informacija :)


Sef tima za sletanje kaze da sada razmatraju dve opcije da isprave Philae:

1. da ispale jedan ili oba harpuna ili

2. da pomere dve noge koje su u kontaktu sa povrsinom

U oba slucaja, a narocito pri ispaljivanju harpuna, se boje da zbog vrlo male gravitacije lander posto ne odleti sa komete.

Paljenje gasnog thrustera izgleda nije opcija.

  On 14. 11. 2014. at 12:57, Time Crisis said:

Počeli da buše izgleda

Paolo Ferri, head of mission operations at the European Space Agency (ESA), which is managing the project from 250 million miles away, said today that they are ready to start a risky drilling operation in a race against time as the lander’s batteries start to run out.


“We’re coming to the end, so we’re taking more risks,” he told the BBC. “But we’re super happy with what we’ve done up until now. I can’t tell you exactly how much this lander has achieved but it is close to 100 per cent.


“What’s missing is the drilling. But with time running out, we’re taking risks.”


The drilling could bump the poorly anchored lander back into space after two harpoons intended as anchors failed to operate after it touched down awkwardly with one of its three legs in the air on the duck-shaped comet, 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko..


The team is also likely to announce today whether an attempt to turn or move the probe into a sunnier location might be made to preserve its life by allowing better access for its solar panels.

Posted (edited)

Mission teams agreed to command @Philae2014 to rotate, aiming to boost exposure to sun.


Update from ESA's Main Control Room: ground controllers are planning to issue a 'turn' command to Philae later this evening.

The aim will be to rotate Philae's main body in the hopes of exposing one of the larger solar panels to the meager sunlight that is falling on one of the smaller ones.


"The rotation of the lander's body could result in more power if one of the larger solar panels can catch the illumination that is falling on the smaller," says ESA's Mark McCaughrean, senior science advisor.


"All things being equal, the same amount of sunlight falling on a larger panel should result in more power being generated."

Edited by Skyhighatrist
  On 14. 11. 2014. at 22:11, Skyhighatrist said:




Mission teams agreed to command @Philae2014 to rotate, aiming to boost exposure to sun.


Hail Mary!


Suckers! Pojma vi nemate. To nije kometa, to je



UFOs revealed? Rosetta comet mission is an 'alien' space structure, NASA coverup

Have UFOs in space been revealed as the true identity of the Rosetta mission? The Guardian reports this Friday, November 14, that experts are working on a last-ditch attempt to save the Philae lander on Comet 67-P, but UFO aficionados say it is a NASA coverup for an “alien” structure. These theorists speculate the space probe is in fact a UFO trying to reach humans, and is part of a much larger conspiracy than the European Space Agency (ESA) would want people to believe.

Regardless of the alien rumors or mention of a “mystery song” coming from the structure, the Rosetta mission remains a highly tenuous endeavor watched anxiously by many around the world. Scientists maneuvering the Philae lander are trying to manipulate the spacecraft on Comet 67-P, making one final effort to attach the probe into a location that catches more sunlight on the surface of the comet. Unfortunately, notes the report, should these space experts fail in their duty, the lander will stop functioning. The probe’s work will have come to an early end.

Finding that crucial sunny spot is no easy task. The complex Rosetta mission involves the lander’s legs needing to settle into a precise site on the comet. Using an automatic springing action, scientists are inputting commands that will attempt to transition to the spacecraft to its desired location. The press release notes that there is a limited chance of success.

UFO enthusiasts, believe that this foreign body is not what it appears — or what the ESA alleges this mission actually entails. They argue that Philae, the space probe, is in fact a UFO that is trying to contact us humans here on Earth. Rumors suggest that the craft has discovered structures of alien design and is releasing a “mystery song” while trying to connect with our home planet.

Based on an email provided by UFO Sightings Daily News, notes the Mirror UK this afternoon, these conspiracy theorists believe that the European Space Agency’s probe — which incredibly managed to land on a comet soaring through space — is actually an alien object. The ESA and NASA are part of a massive cover-up intent on hiding the actual origins of this foreign device, they contend.


Not all details surrounding the Rosetta comet mission or the email itself have been revealed, but certain pieces of the message are provided here. The email has been allegedly composed by an ESA employee coming clean with the UFO conspiracy. It says:

“Do not think for one moment that a space agency would suddenly decide to spend billions of dollars to build and send a spacecraft on a 12-year journey to simply take some close-up images of a randomly picked out comet floating in space. Comet 67P is NOT a comet … Some 20 years ago NASA began detecting radio bursts from an unknown origin out in space … It would later be known that these had likely come from the direction of the now named comet 67P.”

Interestingly enough, part of the email message concludes by saying that the apparent alien structure uses mechanical-like parts to navigate space, and that it did not intend to be found. Its purpose and design are still a major mystery meant to be kept under governmental wraps. "It does show signs on its outside of machine like parts and unnatural terrain … Whatever this object is, it did not ask to be found or scrutinized.”


Scott Waring, a well-known UFO researcher, has recently come forward to offer his input on the Rosetta space mission and its supposed “true” purpose. He believes that the mystery song recorded were actually signals intended to establish contact with Earth, and that NASA and the ESA are aware of this.

“If it was a warning, they would not allow the ESA craft to have landed. I believe the landing of the ESA craft was the equivalent of a first handshake … They will make another move soon probably.” Waring added, “Alien structures are on the comet. I don’t believe it’s natural.”

The ESA has disclosed that the speeding comet has produced something strange being called a “song.” Its origins are still being investigated, but some theorists argue that this only provides more evidence suggesting the attached probe is a veritable UFO. Do you believe it is a sign of alien life, and that a NASA cover-up is involved? Mr. Waring finished by saying:

“In my opinion, this is not a code. It is how a species of aliens communicate to one another without speaking — [something like a] form of telepathy put into primitive radio signals … It's the only way this species can communicate to us. This is their thoughts. [because] they don’t talk. Is it a message of greetings, orr is it a warning of what’s to come? We, the people of the world, need to find out.”

Millions of dollars have been invested into the Philae probe mission; the spacecraft has already provided invaluable details to us about space. In addition to providing various photos, it also succeeded in landing on Comet 67-P following a decade journey with the Rosetta satellite, launched by the ESA, which was a breakthrough endeavor.



:0.6:  Kakvi bolesnici :lolol:

Jos da nauce da se pise 67/P a ne 67-P ili 67P...



Scott Waring, a well-known UFO researcher, has recently come forward to offer his input on the Rosetta space mission and its supposed “true” purpose.


Ali se Skot nas*ao, da proste ljudi ovde. :isuse:


Elem, odličan posao su izgleda odradili danas, kako je krenulo dobro je prošlo. :D

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