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Politika u UK



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  1. 1. da sam podanik krune, glasao bih za:

    • jednookog skotskog idiota (broon)
    • aristokratskog humanoida (cameron)
    • dosadnog liberala (clegg)
    • patriotski blok (ukip ili bnp)

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koja brzina u smeni premijera i postavke, u sat ipo vremena gotovo..kameron novi premijer, upravo izasao sa prijema kod kraljice

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Na povratku s posla ja prošao pored Parlamenta, helikopteri zvižde, 200-300 ljudi se okupilo na Whitehallu sa nekim banerima, kao peti oktobar :D
Više mi liči na 28. decembar 2003 :P
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Ко ће да смени Менделсона? Је ли то физички могуће?Једино по чему ћу издалека памтити Нове лабуристе биће масивне количине спина које су просипали. Ипак, њихова владавина допринела је новијој српској поезији ("Господине Тони Блер, никад ниси био фер, дижеш НАТО да нас рушиш...).Штета што ће Камерон владати у коалицији, соло би се сигурно размахао у грађењу 1 стаааарог Великог друштва.

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Mr Cameron has begun appointing his first cabinet, with the Tories' George Osborne as Chancellor, William Hague as Foreign Secretary, Liam Fox as Defence Secretary and Andrew Lansley as Health Secretary. Mr Clegg's chief of staff, Danny Alexander, who was part of the party's negotiating team, is to be Scottish Secretary, the BBC understands. Lib Dem Treasury spokesman Vince Cable has been given responsibility for "business and banks" but it is not known if his title will be chief secretary to the Treasury, a senior Lib Dem source said. There are expected to be about 20 Lib Dems in government jobs in total.
Koliko ima ministarstava, ukupno?
- There will be a "significant acceleration" of efforts to reduce the budget deficit - including £6bn of spending reductions this year. An emergency Budget will take place within 50 days - Plans for five-year, fixed-term parliaments, meaning the next election would not take place until May 2015 - The Lib Dems have agreed to drop plans for a "mansion tax" on properties costing more than £2m, while the Conservatives have ditched their pledge to raise the inheritance tax threshold to £1m - The new administration will scrap part of Labour's planned rise in National Insurance and will work towards raising income tax thresholds for lower earners - A pledge to have a referendum on any further transfer of powers to the EU and a commitment from the Lib Dems not to adopt the euro for the lifetime of the next Parliament - The Lib Dems have agreed to Tory proposals for a cap on non-EU migration - The Conservatives will recognise marriage in the tax system, but Lib Dems will abstain in Commons vote - The Lib Dems will drop opposition to a replacement for Britain's Trident nuclear missiles but the programme will be scrutinised for value for money - There will be a referendum on moving to the Alternative Vote system and enhanced "pupil premium" for deprived children as Lib Dems demanded
I za kraj:
Former Labour minister Kim Howells was scathing of the Lib Dems, and said he was glad his party had not done a deal with them. He said: "I tell you why it's been rejected by most Labour MPs - because they know that they're [the Liberal Democrats] a bunch of opportunistic toerags, who'll say anything to anyone in order to get power. And they've done it this time, they've got power."
:D neko rece, party strife? Eto ga.
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Ma, u nacelu, ovakva reakcija laburista samo pomaze da se ucvrsti nekakvo LibDem jedinstvo.Sinoc je na Newsnight Kirsti sprecavala fajt izmedju Tojnbijeve i Dajan Abot. Labour su u fazonu k'o vas jebe, bolje sto smo u opoziciji. Opasnost je da, ako se Vlada slucajno pokaze kompetentna, da izgledaju ostrasceno. Hocu reci, mozda i LibDem budu zbrisani sa lica zemlje, ali to uopste ne mora da pomogne laburistima da se vrate na vlast.Sto se ministarstava tice:U UK su ministri - secretaries, a zamenici i pomocnici - ministers.LibDems ce imati 5 ministara (Clegg, Huhne, Laws, Alexander i Cable) i jos 15-ak ovih junior post.

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Meni je najzanimljivija brzina kojom su se dogovorili a da istovremeno u dogovoru ima veliki broj detalja. Ovako nesto u kontinentalnoj Evropi nije moguce gde se pregovori o koalicijama obicno razvlace. Naravno, u ovom slucaju je problem bila i berza/trziste obveznica ali je isto tako bilo jasno da je pritisak javnosti bio toliko jak da se prosto ocekivao dogovor za nekoliko dana a nikako duze.

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Meni je to prvenstveno znak da su ove stvari pocele da se razmatraju i pre izbora, cim je po anketama bilo jasno da Konzervativci nece imati vecinu.

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