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Gura na personalni nivo ovaj poraz, daje primer i ostavlja fotelju iz principa, nadrkan. Zahvalio se i pozeleo (skoro kroz suze) srecu italijanima recima "glasali ste protiv mene, eto vam ga sad. Da vidim ko & kako ce vam sad pomoci."




...poslato sa prinudnog...


Jeste, napravio je medvedju uslugu italijanima i evropi. Pukao mu je film i izdramatizovao je ala Felini.


Na potezu je Matarella, oces-neces moraju promeniti i izborni zakon pre izbora tako da mislim da ce bar do NG i izglasavanja budzeta Renci izdrzati a onda pocinje cirkus. Zaduzenost Italije je katastrofalna i (jos jedna) velika banka MPS je u fazi raspada, ko zna koliko njih ce sa/za njom.



...poslato sa prinudnog...


mortadela, matadela...




Dzip se pokvario i morali su da ga guraju. 




Posted (edited)

Ocekivano, spanjdjao mu Berluska, Grillo uterao a Salvini razbucao. Najgori moguci mesec za ovako nesto, ljudi su mislili da se prakticno glasa protiv Renzijeve mlitave Italije iako se alternativa ni ne nazire, ko sto rece juce neki pevac stalije "90% italijana su glupi". Renci jeste ostao sam (skoro, podrzali ga industrijalci, banke, Casini i jos neke sitne ribe poput D'Aleme) ali je gurao ono sto se od njega trazilo, naravno reforma je nepotpuna i nema tu mnogo interesa za kaste. Znao je vec i Renci kuda ide ovo pa posle gnusne kampanje nema vise sa kim da "vlada". Ocekuje nas tehnicka vlada, Eu ce pokusati (opet) da smiri situaciju na ekonomskom planu a italijani se okrecu praznicnom periodu, srecni zbog jos jedne "pobede" nad sistemom koji im visi za vratom. Sledeca bitka je vracanje Lire. Naravno omece ih u tome prevremeni izbori polovinom 2017 ali vazno je da se Ustav ne dira, ako je bal nek je bal.


Renci se obraca u ponoc. Dodje mi ga zao jer je u stvari uradio vise (sitnih) stvari nego gluposti iako ostaje klovn u zemlji lutkara. Berluskoni eno otvara sampanjac jer su krizne vlade njegova specijalnost.




...poslato sa prinudnog...






Izvini, koliko dugo si ti u Italiji? Ovako nakaradna analiza ti se oprasta samo ako je period kraci od 2 godine.   :isuse:

Edited by lo zingaro

Izvini, koliko dugo si ti u Italiji? Ovako nakaradna analiza ti se oprasta samo ako je period kraci od 2 godine. :isuse:

222 meseci.


Volim tako da nabacam sve sto mi prdne na pamet, o njihovoj politici logicki misliti e samoubistvo.




...poslato sa prinudnog...


Izvini sto se mesam u tvoje privatne stvari, ali nakon skoro 20ogodisnjeg boravka u jednoj zemlji smatrati tu istu kao nesto njihovo a ne tvoje  je u najmanju ruku tuzno, da ne koristim teze reci. Pa o kojoj politici rzmisljas? Picodercevoj?

Nemam nameru da se raspravljam o tvojoj viziji ovdasnje politike za koju smatram totalno pogresnom ali mi zasmetao taj tvoj stav odozgo, kao italijani su indijanci i nemaci pojma, steta sto nemaju jednog Mlatka da im objasni zivot.


Nemam ja vise nikakve vizije ni iluzije da politika juzno od Alpa moze biti smislena na duzi period vremena. sve je to giostra. Sta koji moj ima da razmisljam o politici?


Zasto te taj moj stav pogodio? Priznajem da je ono o 90% glupih jos jedna bufala od pre dva meseca koju je navodno rekao Benigni. Nije daleko od istine, mada glupih nije bas skroz dobar prevod od ignoranti.


Ako si glasao prosvetli nas, nemoj da me ostavis na cedilu vec kad si se javio. Ne kazem da sam nesto pametno napisao, nisam novinar ovde da moram da pazim na detalje. Oslikao sam slobodnim perom situaciju iz mog ugla.


Ti si sa severa? osecam frustriranost [emoji38]




...poslato sa prinudnog...


Ti si sa severa? osecam frustriranost [emoji38]





Frustracija je kad zivis u zemlji totalnih idiota a samo ti to znas  :( , zajebano skroz.... 




Vietnam has begun dredging work on a disputed reef in the South China Sea, satellite imagery shows, the latest move by the Communist state to bolster its claims in the strategic waterway.

Activity visible on Ladd Reef in the Spratly Islands could anger Hanoi’s main South China Sea rival, Beijing, which claims sovereignty over the group and most of the resource-rich sea.

Ladd Reef, on the south-western fringe of the Spratlys, is completely submerged at high tide but has a lighthouse and an outpost housing a small contingent of Vietnamese soldiers. The reef is also claimed by Taiwan.

In an image taken on Nov. 30 and provided by U.S.-based satellite firm Planet Labs, several vessels can be seen in a newly dug channel between the lagoon and open sea.

While the purpose of the activity cannot be determined for certain, analysts say similar dredging work has been the precursor to more extensive construction on other reefs.

“We can see that, in this environment, Vietnam’s strategic mistrust is total … and they are rapidly improving their defenses,” said Trevor Hollingsbee, a retired naval intelligence analyst with Britain’s defense ministry.

“They’re doing everything they can to fix any vulnerabilities – and that outpost at Ladd Reef does look a vulnerability.”

Reuters reported in August that Vietnam had fortified several islands with mobile rocket artillery launchers capable of striking China’s holdings across the vital trade route.

Vietnam’s foreign ministry did not respond to a request for comment.

The vessels at Ladd Reef cannot be identified in the images, but Vietnam would be extremely unlikely to allow another country to challenge its control of the reef.

Greg Poling, a South China Sea expert at Washington’s Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), said it remained unclear how far the work on Ladd Reef would go. Rather than a reclamation and a base, it could be an attempt to simply boost access for supply ships and fishing boats.

Ladd could also theoretically play a role in helping to defend Vietnam’s nearby holding of Spratly Island, where a runway is being improved and new hangars built, he said.

“Vietnam’s knows it can’t compete with China but it does want to improve its ability to keep an eye on them,” Poling said.

Vietnam has long been fearful of renewed Chinese military action to drive it off its 21 holdings in the Spratlys – worries that have escalated amid Beijing’s build-up and its anger at the recent Philippines legal action challenging its claims.

China occupied its first Spratlys possessions after a sea battle against Vietnam’s then weak navy in 1988. Vietnam said 64 soldiers were killed as they tried to protect a flag on South Johnson reef – an incident still acutely felt in Hanoi.


The United States has repeatedly called on claimants to avoid actions that increase tensions in the South China Sea, through which some $5 trillion in world trade is shipped every year.

Vietnam has emerged as China’s main rival in the South China Sea, actively asserting sovereignty over both the Paracel and the Spratly groupings in their entirety and undergoing its own naval modernisation. Taiwan also claims both, but its position is historically aligned with Beijing’s.

The Asia Maritime Transparency Initiative, run by the CSIS, says Vietnam has added about 120 acres (49 hectares) of land to its South China Sea holdings in recent years.

Regional military attaches say Vietnam’s key holdings are well fortified, some with tunnels and bunkers, appearing geared to deterring easy invasion.

Vietnam’s reclamation work remains modest by Chinese standards, however.

The United States, which has criticized China for militarizing the waterway, estimates Beijing has added more than 3,200 acres (1,300 hectares) of land on seven features in the South China Sea over the past three years, building runways, ports, aircraft hangars and communications equipment.

Beijing says it is entitled to “limited and necessary self-defensive facilities” on its territory and has reacted angrily to “freedom of navigation” operations by U.S. warships near Chinese-held islands.


In another image provided by Planet Labs, reclamation work in the Chinese-held Paracel Island chain appears to have been damaged by recent storms.

China began dredging and land filling earlier this year at North Island, about 12 km (7 miles) north of Woody Island, where it has a large military base and this year stationed surface-to-air missiles.

Satellite images in February and March showed dredging vessels working to build a 700 meter (2,300 ft) sand bridge connecting low-lying North Island with neighboring Middle Island.

But images taken after two powerful storms spun through the region in October show the narrow sand strip has been largely swept away.

The Paracels have been under Chinese control for more than 40 years after a battle towards the end of the Vietnam War, when Chinese forces removed the then-South Vietnamese navy. Analysts say they play a key part in protecting China’s nuclear armed submarine fleet on Hainan Island, to the north.

China has not commented publicly on the work at North Island and the foreign ministry did not respond to requests for comment.



Zarad raznih koji se po srpskim fejsbucima loze na Trudoa (jer mlad, lep, tako progresivan™ i sl.) :isuse: moram da ostavim ovaj link na ovo kvalitetno napusavanje istog od ove stare novinarske kuke: :D




a i suptilna prozivka onih koji se na njega toliko loze



I'm not sure I'd necessarily put carrying a message of openness and optimism into the win column, but a fair number of millennials no doubt nodded and beamed at the respectful, tolerant spirit Trudeau always conveys.
Their love for him has abided since the day he was sworn in last autumn, when he stood before the nation and declared, in a masterpiece of tautology, that "the future of our country is deeply wrapped up in a positive future for our young people," and that the "diversity that makes this country so strong is a diversity of views that will carry us forward."


This new generation wants, we are told, less negative and more positive news. They turn away from old-fashioned media that insist on reporting unpleasant things from an unpleasant world, instead of constructive stories promoting inclusiveness and respect.
So there was lots of that Monday. No substantive detail to speak of, but geysers of respect and inclusiveness.

Pa ništa, i jedni i drugi su značajno pojačali prisustvo™ i onda su ovakvi incidenti normalna pojava. Ima tu još regularnih dešavanja na meniju, npr. demonstrativno izranjanje podmornica ispred neprijatljskih plovila, plovidba na ivici teritorijalnih voda, možda čak bude i fizičkog izguravanja. Standardno igranje patkicama.

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