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U Francuskoj je jedna asocija trazila posebne termine u bazenima za zene (i to poslije 13. novembra).

Pravdali su se da to nema veze sa islamom nego da se bore za zenska prava. :isuse:

Sto je najgore, ovo bi sigurno bilo prihvaceno da nije bilo 7. janura i 13. novembra.

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Pa cesto imas a islamskim drzavama bazene samo za muskarce, samo za zene i u manjem broju obicne unisex bazene


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u meni ima razočarenja malo gorčine i puno sjete  :fantom:


Death threats, rampant sexism and cheating: German woman reveals what it is really like working in a registration centre for migrants


    The unidentified woman claimed men ignored her and made death threats
    Others returned several times with different identification papers, she said
    She told local media she was now preparing to quit her job in Hamburg
    The woman also said she no longer wore tight clothes due to cat calls



By Allan Hall for MailOnline Published: 13:19 GMT, 20 January 2016 | Updated: 15:09 GMT, 20 January 2016


A female asylum seeker helper working in a Hamburg refugee registration centre is poised to quit because of cheating, death threats and demands for a luxury life from the migrants.


In a searing indictment of the behaviour of the refugees, the unnamed woman said her idealism had been eroded and virtually destroyed.


At first she was enthusiastic and wanted to help out with processing the tens of thousands of migrants arriving in Germany on a weekly basis when they first began to arrive.


Now, she told the Welt am sonntag newspaper, she is disillusioned, disheartened and on the verge of quitting as the situation deteriorates.


Describing how she applied for the job because it was 'exactly' what she wanted to do, she said her enthusiasm drained away in the first few days.


Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3408331/Female-asylum-seeker-helper-working-Hamburg-registration-centre-tells-cheating-death-threats-sexism-migrants.html#ixzz3xpFB2eaf
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zašto tako mudro šutite dragi feministi jel možda ignorišete neka bitna dešavanja da ne biste bili proglašeni za islamofobe i ostali bez grantova za graktanje po tviteru


još o neviđenoj sramoti i posledičnim levičarskim cenzurama autocenzurama podmetanjima laganjima relativizacijama i izvrtanjima kakva u nemačkoj nisu viđena od vremena gebelsa :fantom:



Cologne police IGNORED 200 migrant sex attacks and took FOUR HOURS to respond to reports

GERMAN police stood idly by and IGNORED more than 200 migrant sex attacks on the streets of Cologne before finally stepping in to help the terrified victims, an explosive report has revealed today.


By Nick Gutteridge PUBLISHED: 19:10, Wed, Jan 20, 2016




Police took four hours to respond to the Cologne attacks, it has emerged


A bombshell dossier lifted the lid on the shocking failures of officers to protect women being groped and raped by rampaging refugees during the horrific attacks on New Year's Eve.


It reveals how police waited more than FOUR HOURS to take action against the migrants perpetrating the horrific sexual assaults - by which time more than 200 attacks including gang rapes had already taken place.


The damning report, compiled by Germany's Interior Minister Ralf Jäger, will fuel growing anger over authorities' handling of the Cologne sex attacks amid suspicions politically correct authorities wanted to cover up the crimes to protect Angela Merkel's open door immigration policy.


Shockingly it reveals how weeping women ran to officers for sanctuary as early as 8.30pm on the night to tell them they had been sexually assaulted by gangs of migrants.


But rather than acting on the reports officers just stood idly by, letting carnage and mass rape unfold before finally stepping in just before 1am to break up the gangs of roaming refugees.


The distressing dossier also lists the final victim count at 821 women, many of whom were groped and sexually attacks, as the full scale of the carnage in Cologne is finally revealed despite systematic attempts to cover it up.


It reveals how the first "rape by a group" took place at just 8.30pm, when police began to receive reports of the horrific scenes unfolding in the historic cathedral city's central square.


But Mr Jäger scathingly notes that police failed to act until 12.50am - and even then bungling officers failed to apprehend any of the migrant sex attackers.


Police finally arrested the first refugee in connection with the sexual assaults in Cologne this week, prompting outrage over why it took them more than three weeks to track down just a single alleged perpetrator.


In his report, published by the Cologne Express newspaper, Mr Jäger branded the police presence and response on the night completely inadequate, saying far too officers were on duty at the time of the attacks.


It states that, between 11.30pm and 12.30am when most of the attacks took place, just 93 officers were on duty rather than the 143 who should have been.


His report also alleges a series of "fatal misjudgements" from police chiefs in terms of the deployment of officers which may have led to another 336 women being attacked in the 90 minutes after 12.15am.


The document states that those who were present were confronted early on in the evening by a "weeping woman came to them and said she had been touched in the genital area".


Other crimes documented on the night included "sexual coercion, rape by group, raid-like rapes and sexual insults".


The Interior Minister will present his report to the Civil Liberties Committee of the German parliament tomorrow, when he will be asked to explain why the migrant sex-mob was allowed to go on the rampage for so long without being confronted by police.


German politicians are also mulling over launching an official inquiry into the police handling of the case, and are set to make a decision next week.


The shocking revelations came after a Muslim cleric in Germany appeared to blame the victims for the horrific Cologne attacks, saying they were asking to be attacked because they were "half naked and wearing perfume".


Sami Abu-Yusuf, of the Salafist Cologne mosque, provoked outrage when he reportedly said society needed to "react properly" to the mass rapes, adding people should not "add fuel to the fire".


He argued that the women out celebrating New Year's Eve were to blame for the abhorrent events that ensued because of their state of dress, adding: "It is not surprising the men wanted to attack them."


Germany has taken in more than 1.1 million migrants in the last year after Mrs Merkel controversially threw open the borders to all Syrian refugees.


But there has been a growing backlash against her open door immigration policy in recent weeks, with rising tensions over a series of horrific sex attacks linked to recently arrived migrants.



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baš nešto slow news day što se tiče javnih manifestacija mentalnih oboljenja možda čak i ne bude žrtava do kraja dana ko zna :fantom:


A Muslim school has failed an Ofsted inspection after investigators found extreme books in its library promoting stoning to death.


The watchdog’s inspectors said they discovered three texts promoting inequality of women and illegal punishment during a ‘brief visit’ to Jamiatul Ummah School in Tower Hamlets, East London.



Ma'an host: "The German people did not know that Hitler was morally corrupt."
Tawfiq Tirawi: "He was not morally corrupt."
Ma'an host: "The French think that de Gaulle was half a prophet. Churchill, I don't know what his story was, but people see him as one of the most important statesmen."
Tawfiq Tirawi: "Let us talk logically. Hitler was not morally corrupt. He was daring."



Sheikh Imam Rashid, the leader of the Salawatiya Muslim Mission in Ghana has claimed that patients suffering from HIV/AIDS could be cured within twenty-four hours using remedies from the Quran.


“Twenty-Four hours is the maximum time to cure HIV/AIDS and Ebola. The Quran has cures to any disease that can come on the earth.”


Sheikh Rashid who is also the CEO of the Salawat Health Restoration Center added that he has been abled to power a car with air, all using information from the Quran.



On Sunday afternoon, Zarghona said, Reza Gul and Mr. Khan got into an argument over his having taken his uncle’s 6- or 7-year-old daughter as his fiancée, with the intention of making her his second wife this year. During the dispute, Mr. Khan erupted into a rage, took a knife and cut off his wife’s nose, said Zarghona, who goes by a single name.



“I get aroused when I look between the legs of girls wearing leggings and pants,” said the teacher identified only by the initials E.Ş., a high school teacher in Istanbul’s Beykoz district, according to a claim by the Education and Science Workers’ Union (EĞİTİM-Sen), an education labor union.


E.Ş. allegedly asked a female student wearing pants stand up during class and asked a male student what he thought of her. “That’s it,” the teacher said after the male student responded “me too,” according to EĞİTİM-Sen.


E.Ş. also allegedly said in a separate class that he saw women as sex objects and implied that he would rape a woman if they were alone in a room.


Edited by Hella
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cudo kako helli promaklo ovo


nije nego nisam imao ništa protiv da radi šta oće u svoja četiri zida #mybodymyterms 


inače ako je neko sumnjao evo saopštenja o dolasku šerijata na koje će feministi i evnusi reagovati kurvinskom šutnjom jer snagu valja čuvati za sredovečne belce na tviteru a pijane horde bliskoistočnih testosteronskih bombi neka se teturaju ispod prozora i urliču žena gradom neće šetati šetati šetatiiii :fantom:


Germans must ban ALCOHOL if they want to prevent further sex attacks and help North Africans integrate, says Muslim group


    MuslimStern compared women to 'naked antelope' presented before 'lions'

    The group said banning alcohol in Germany would help resolve the issue

    German women were told to dress like the Virgin Mary and not Lady Gaga

    The group accused the women of being responsible for their own attacks 


Germany needs to ban alcohol if it wants to prevent further sexual violence and to help North African migrants integrate into society, a Muslim pressure group has claimed.


Commenting on the Cologne sex-attack controversy, MuslimStern, which has 20,000 followers on Facebook, said its mission was to 'highlight the way the media was using the incidents to promote racism against minorities'.


The group complained that the female victims had brought the unwanted attention to themselves by dressing in a manner that North African men were not accustomed to.


Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3411641/Germans-ban-ALCOHOL-want-prevent-sex-attacks-help-North-Africans-integrate-says-Muslim-group.html#ixzz3y58edW15


inače +1 na konstataciju o njihovim saplemenicima i raskalašnim ženama  ^_^ 



The group claimed: ‘You cannot expect to chuck a naked antelope in front of a lion and not expect it to react. It is mind boggling that with so much time spent teaching children about sex at school, they completely forget to pass on this basic biological fact.’

Edited by Hella
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nije nego nisam imao ništa protiv da radi šta oće u svoja četiri zida #mybodymyterms 


inače ako je neko sumnjao evo saopštenja o dolasku šerijata na koje će feministi i evnusi reagovati kurvinskom šutnjom jer snagu valja čuvati za sredovečne belce na tviteru a pijane horde bliskoistočnih testosteronskih bombi neka se teturaju ispod prozora i urliču žena gradom neće šetati šetati šetatiiii :fantom:



inače +1 na konstataciju o njihovim saplemenicima i raskalašnim ženama  ^_^


Lepo je kako sve saplemenike u veri naziva raspomamljenim muzjacima.  :fantom:

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  • 23:45 Vice na B92

Islamska država - subota u ponoć 

Vice u novoj epizodi prikazuje prvu do sada kamerom zabeleženu priču o tome kako funkcioniše Islamska država iznutra, ko su njeni pripadnici i u šta veruju na svom krvavom osvajačkom pohodu. VICE je prvi medij na svetu koje uspeo da provede čak tri nedelje u ovoj organizaciji, tokom kojih je imao pristup dešavanjima unutar same grupe u Iraku i Siriji. Četrdesetominutni dokumentarni film prikazuje na koji način ova militantna grupa regrutuju borce, kako dolaze do oružja i šta se dešava sa lokalnim stanovništvom na koje nailazi u svojim pohodima. 


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