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Sve ovo sa Kartmanovom devojkom i kolonizacijom Marsa je genijalna stvar, komotno u mojih Top 10 SP zapleta svih vremena :Hail: 


Nisam fan kontinuiteta u pokušaju, ali taj deo pratim sa neobičnim interesovanjem. Praktično jedva čekam svaku sledeću epizodu, gonna party like it's 2004.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Mislim da je i njih ovo sa Trampom zateklo. Vdel ose da su ocekivali da Hilari dobije pa da je tu i tamo pokazu, a da Gerisona vrate u staru ulogu. Ovako su zaglavili sa bar 4 godine Gerisona u ulozi Trampa. Zajebano jer ne mozes bas da muzes 4 sezone Trampa a da se ne izlize a ne mozes ni da otpises Gerisona.

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  • 1 month later...

Нема коментара на крај сезоне...


УБР, је ли неко провалио да је сцена кад Брофловски ср. вечера у седишту TrollTrace-a пресликана из "Паклене поморанџе"?

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Danas na CC ubedljivo najgora SP epizoda ikad




Jos je to valjda bilo  i finale desete sezone.


edit: guglam sad i cini mi se da je najomrazenija epizoda koja je meni odlicna


1) A Million Little Fibers 



– Yea, this really should not be unexpected. This is the episode everyone hates. Seriously. I have not heard anyone speak positively of this episode. On paper, it sounds like a strong idea. Both Oprah Winfrey and the Million Little Pieces controversy were ripe for satire. Towlie is also a character that has been used to funny ends before. The Intervention parody is amongst the funniest episodes they have done. So why does the episode go so wrong? For one, the idea is not enough to sustain the episode (only one good gag comes from it). For another, Oprah’s sentient vagina falls absolutely flat. The joke becomes more obtuse the longer the episode goes on, does not feel necessary to the overall point of the episode, and is, quite simply, not funny. The main characters also barely show up at all, meaning that the episode does not have a straight man to bounce off of. That last reason is the reason that the episode is the worst of the series. It is almost as though the creators have forgotten how to be funny. We are all fortunate such a lapse is rare.



Cak i ovi sto hejtuju cup moraju da pljucnu po bratu Tauliju, Mindziju i Geriju  :cry:

Stanley's Cup

How the hell did THIS episode not get number one on this list! A Million Little Fibers is bad and all, but this episode is probably the worst dead episode I've ever seen,


Edited by katamaran
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