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4 hours ago, Gojko & Stojko said:


'Inevitable': Auckland goes back into lockdown with four new cases in New Zealand

New Zealand has confirmed four new cases of COVID-19 in Auckland after more than 100 days of the community remaining virus-free.


The city will now return to level three restrictions at midday tomorrow for three days.


New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern told reporters in Wellington that it was the first positive case in the county in more than 100 days that was not in a managed isolation facility.


She said authorities had not determined the cause of the original transmission and that the country would resort to the "go hard, go early" strategy it had successfully deployed before.


"Given we haven’t identified the original source case, we are expecting that there will be more cases," Ms Ardern said.


"Together we've beaten the virus before and together, with fast action, we can do so again.


"We know what to do because we've successfully done it before."


Ms Ardern said the positive cases had all come from one household but it put more than one Auckland workplace at risk.


Public facilities, bars, restaurants and businesses must close tomorrow, as will schools unless they have students whose parents are essential workers.


"We're asking people in Auckland to stay home to stop the spread," Ms Ardern said.


New Zealand’s Director-General of Health Ashley Bloomfield said the virus had been acquired from an unknown source and that another case of community transmission was inevitable.


"This is a tricky virus," Dr Bloomfield said.


"The health system is well prepared and the important thing is to stop the virus spreading through our community," he said.


The rest of the country will go into level two restrictions as a precautionary measure.




kako je ovo moguce? mislim, ako im niko nije dolazio sa strane. otkud virus posle 100 dana ?

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1 hour ago, Tsai said:


kako je ovo moguce? mislim, ako im niko nije dolazio sa strane. otkud virus posle 100 dana ?


Zabranjen je ulazak strancima, nije zabranjen povratak Novozelandjanima koji su bili napolju. Navodno je neko od njih prekrsio obavezni karantin i eto sranja.

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U Svedskoj umrlo oko 1500 matorih preko 90 godina, ja se kladim da u Srbiji nema ukupno 1500 staraca koji imaju preko 90 godina. Nije ni cudo zasto nemamo toliki broj umrlih kao u Svedskoj...kod nas nema ko da umre.

Edited by svajcika
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15 minutes ago, svajcika said:

U Svedskoj umrlo oko 1500 matorih preko 90 godina, ja se kladim da u Srbiji nema ukupno 1500 staraca koji imaju preko 90 godina. Nije ni cudo zasto nemamo toliki broj umrlih kao u Svedskoj...kod nas nema ko da umre.

Kako si ti duhovit i pronicljiv, provalio si stvar iz mesta....:fantom:



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12 hours ago, Tsai said:


kako je ovo moguce? mislim, ako im niko nije dolazio sa strane. otkud virus posle 100 dana ?


11 hours ago, Radoye said:


Zabranjen je ulazak strancima, nije zabranjen povratak Novozelandjanima koji su bili napolju. Navodno je neko od njih prekrsio obavezni karantin i eto sranja.

Trenutno pretpostavljaju da je moguće da se otac zarazio od smrznutog mesa iz uvoza jer otac radi u nekoj takvoj firmi, i kažu da je bilo takvih slučejeva u Kini. Ima više ovde;




Investigations were zeroing in on the potential the virus was imported by freight. Bloomfield said surface testing was underway in an Auckland cool store where a man from the infected family worked.


"We are very confident we didn't have any community transmission for a very long period," Bloomfield said during a televised media conference. "We know the virus can survive within refrigerated environments for quite some time."


China has reported instances of the coronavirus being detected on the packaging of imported frozen seafood.


On Tuesday, the city government of Yantai, a port city in eastern Shandong province, said it had found the virus on the packaging of frozen seafood that had arrived from the port city of Dalian, which recently battled a surge of cases. Officials said the seafood was from an imported shipment that landed at Dalian, but did not say where it originated.


The World Health Organisation website states there is currently no confirmed case of COVID-19 transmitted through food or food packaging. However, it also notes that studies have shown that the virus can survive for up to 72 hours on plastic.




The resumption of lockdown measures was reinforced by confirmation on Wednesday that two members of the infected family had visited tourist sites in the town of Rotorua while symptomatic, while a third had gone to work at a finance company in Auckland, also while symptomatic.


Bloomfield said three people at the finance company were showing symptoms of the virus. The business has been closed, with testing underway on other workers.


Health officials were prepared to test tens of thousands of people in the coming days, Bloomfield said.





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1 hour ago, namenski said:

Serem se u svet u kome NZ uvozi smrznuto meso, Ukrajina uvozi psenicu, Amerika automobile... :fantom:

Pretpostavljam da uvoze svinjetinu, pa to onda nije Selling ice to the Eskimos,ili u Ozi varijanti, Hauling coal to Newcastle :inn:. Ima toga dosta, ovde su prošle godine razmatrali uvoz gasa iako je Australija blizu toga da postane najveći svetski izvoznik gasa (ceo tekst ovde);


Australia would not be the first country to adopt such a conflicting idea. Other countries including the United States, Malaysia, the United Arab Emirates and Egypt already export and import LNG.



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1 hour ago, namenski said:

Serem se u svet u kome NZ uvozi smrznuto meso, Ukrajina uvozi psenicu, Amerika automobile... :fantom:

Do nedavno smo ziveli u globalizmu™ tako da i nije neko cudo... A sta ce biti sledece, videcemo.

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47 minutes ago, Gojko & Stojko said:

Pretpostavljam da uvoze svinjetinu, pa to onda nije Selling ice to the Eskimos,ili u Ozi varijanti, Hauling coal to Newcastle :inn:. Ima toga dosta, ovde su prošle godine razmatrali uvoz gasa iako je Australija blizu toga da postane najveći svetski izvoznik gasa (ceo tekst ovde);


Australia would not be the first country to adopt such a conflicting idea. Other countries including the United States, Malaysia, the United Arab Emirates and Egypt already export and import LNG.




31 minutes ago, Indy said:

Do nedavno smo ziveli u globalizmu™ tako da i nije neko cudo... A sta ce biti sledece, videcemo.

Ma naravno da ste u pravu i jedan i drugi, odnosno svi mi koliko nas ima, bili u pravu pre korone... :)

Ja sam, jednostavno, jauknuotm, nad cinjenicom da nesto definitivno nije u redu sa svetom u kome dvadesetogodisnjaka koji zna da dobro шутне фусбал placamo 100 miliona u tvrdoj valuti, u kome se dogadjaju ekonomski :isuse: logicni paradoksi koje je pomenuo G&S, u kome lakse mozes da nadjes programera nego vodoinstalatera (bez ironije i uz duzno i zasluzeno postovanje prema obe pomenute profesije), u kome Bomba jednog malog debelog degenerika moze da odigra ulogu Principovog pistolja, u kome se uz svu otvorenost i premrezenost, avione i kamione, hiljade dave u koritima kojima pokusavaju da se krecu u tom otvorenom svetu, u kome i takozvane najrazvijenije zemlje vode dubokoumne diskusije jesu li im svi gradjani dostojni osnovne, besplatne i svima dostupne zdravstvene zastite, u kome smo docekali da baratamo i to za ozbiljno pojmovima poput imuniteta krda...

Sposobni smo da presretnemo asteroid ilikakosetoveczove tezak xyz tona i unistimo ga na sigurnom rastojanju od Majke Zemlje, ali nam ne ide sa borbom protiv maleckog, maleckog virusa i pritom nije najgore sto nam on zadaje probleme - resicemo ih, uostalom, pokazali smo da smo kao vrsta poprilicno zajebani igraci - nego je najgore sto je tokom haranja tog maleckog na povrsinu isplivavaju egoizam, nacionalizam, licemerje, politikantstvo, nemoralnost, mediokritetstvo i nesposobnost u kolicini koja bi do koliko juce obalila svaku vladu u roku od 24 sata.

Ko bi ga znao, uostalom...


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Dobro, sad, i taj asteroid... u stanju smo da ga uništimo samo holivuckom metodom


(ja ovo čisto da kažem nešto, ne minenja bitno ono što je bila tvoja poenta)

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