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1 hour ago, djekson said:

omogućiti građanstvu neki izvestan život gde bi recimo mogli brisati guzicu wc papirom a da ne idu po te potrepštine u Kolumbiju i Brazil



Vidjenja danasnjeg sveta iz perspektive mladjahnog  :isuse: koji sve probleme resava idenjem po potrepstine i ciji dometi ne dobacuju dalje od брисигуза...

Horizonti takoreci...

Pravda za Treci svet kome nedostaje samo брисигуз, pa da bude srecan, zadovoljan i svi da se grle, ljube i 365 dana zive 1 lep zivot…





U potrazi za sirovinama potrebnim za pametne telefone, razne tesle, itd, itd, a sve da bi se doslo do tako bolno nedostajuceg брисигузa, bez da po njega mora da se ide u... 


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Aaaaa, evo i teske artiljerije, Рогер пл. Санчез se ukljucuje… :kecman:

Sistem zvani invertni a sta ste vi radili crncima...

Ne uzbudjujte se previse, granicni prelazi su u nasimtm rukama, pitanje je trenutka kada ce prvi transporti sa humanitarnim toalet papirom da se probiju...


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Amerikanci predlažu rezoluciju u Savetu bezbednosti čija je sutšina da se traže novi predsednički izbori.


The draft resolution calls for the “immediate start of a political process leading to free, fair, and credible presidential elections,” according to a copy of the document seen by Bloomberg. It also expresses “deep concern about the human rights and humanitarian situation in the Republic of Venezuela, including recent attempts to block the delivery of humanitarian aid.”

Though a UN Security Council resolution would likely face vetoes by Russia and China, which have both backed the Maduro government, the U.S. may press forward regardless, calculating that the debate over the measure would help keep global attention focused on Venezuela, according to two diplomats aware of the resolution who asked not to be identified.



Rusi odmah istrolovali sa kontra-nacrtom


"[UN Security Council] calls for settling the situation in Venezuela by peaceful means," the Russian draft resolution said adding that the UNSC "supports all initiatives aimed at achieving political settlement, including the mechanism developed in Montevideo."

The US draft resolution proposes to annul the results of the 2018 presidential election in Venezuela and hold new elections in the Latin American country.

A diplomatic source told TASS that both draft resolutions are currently being considered by experts and have not yet been submitted to UN SC. "Expert consultations on this will be held at the start of next week," the source said. "It is worth noting that the US have not yet recalled their chairperson's draft statement after the last UN Security Council session on Venezuela. The Russian delegation then suggested several amendments that the US did not agree with, but they also did not withdraw the draft," the source added.



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Zanimljiv je i ovaj intervju sa ambasadorkom Venecuele u EU, koji je vodio Tim Sebastijan. On je intervjuisao i Brnabićku (ono kada je rekla da nije bilo genocida u Srebrenici), ali mi se čini da je sa Kalderom bio još oštriji. Imajući u vidu sve okolnosti držala se daleko bolje.



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2 hours ago, Gandalf said:

Aaaaa, pa to je dakle metod kojim crpes znanja iz svih oblasti?

A kam gu twiter, gardijan, nista? 



@Bojan Jeste bio sa Venecuelankom ostriji, na Madura je, za razliku od vucica/brnabicke, otvorena sezona lova...

Inace, intervju jeste OK i bio bi jos vise OK da nije onog uciteljskogtm stava, dizanja cvikera, 1 negovanog liberalnog имагеа, onako pomalo razbarusenog, valjda se i to kao predmet uci na nekim tamo skolama...

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Gledam CNN.


Odredjen je datum 5. oktobra: 23 februar.


Ideja je da sa kolumbijske i venecuelanske strane masa prati kamione humanitarne pomoci koji ulaze u Venecuelu.

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^Druga bitka kod Kukute? Bez krvi ovaj put, nadajmo se. 


edit: promašili godišnjicu.


The Battle of Cúcuta was a military conflict in the Spanish American wars of independence fought on February 28, 1813 between the pro-independence forces led by Simón Bolívar and Spanish royalist troops under General Ramón Correa at the town of Cúcuta, in present-day Colombia, close to the border with Venezuela. Bolivar was victorious. The battle gained him much support and immediately preceded his march into Venezuela, later dubbed the Admirable Campaign.

Edited by Gandalf
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Da dodam koju na raspravu od prije par stranica. Na međunarodno pravo se pozivaju oni koji nemaju dovoljno veliku batinu. Pogledajte velike SAD širenje demokratije, otkidanje zvanično dijela Ukrajine i pravljenje zamrznutih konfikata kod svih komšija by Rusija, Južno Kinesko more za sada kada je riječ o Kini...

Dakle, ako su ti najveći bicepsi maltretiraš u kafani one koji se pozivaju na međunarodno pravo, jer nemaju na što drugo...

To je slučaj i Venecuele, mada stoji upozorenje Namenskog da vojnom intervencijom postoji rizik da ogromno govno zvekne u ventilator.

Ono što je moguće jeste da je i vojska u Venecueli samo malo manja bijeda od običnog građanina, pa da nemaju baš neku privilegiju da čuvaju.

Sa druge strane, generator građanskog rata mogu možda biti Madurovi aktivisti koji imaju već jedan period da maltretiraju i nekažnjeno pljačkaju druge i izrasli su u neku vrstu milicije.

Takvi će se sigurno krpiti, jer su mnogima dužni svašta, nekome i krv, a promjenom vlasti najbolja perspektiva im je da budu neka vrsta parija, a sad sebe vide kao careve favela, a cijela zemlja je favela. 

Edited by milfisland
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Zanimljivo je baciti pogled na profil Eliota Abramsa, sadašnjeg američkog izaslanika za Venecuelu.


Abrams is a former US diplomat who served as assistant secretary of state during the administration of Ronald Reagan in the 1980s. A neoconservative, Abrams has long advocated an activist US role in the world. He also served in the government of George W Bush, first as a Middle East expert on the National Security Council and later as a global democracy strategy adviser.

In his previous government roles, Abrams was known as a hawk on Latin America, with his critics pointing to his involvement in controversial US decisions in Central America, as well as his reported links to the 2002 failed coup attempt against the late Venezuelan leader, Hugo Chavez.

In 1991, he pleaded guilty to two counts of misleading Congress about the Reagan administration's efforts to help the Nicaraguan guerrillas (known as the Contras) during a period when Congress had banned such aid. He was later pardoned by George HW Bush.

A decade earlier, he sought to discredit witness accounts of a massacre in the indigenous El Salvador community of El Mozote and surrounding villages, in which Salvadoran troops rounded up men, women and children, gunned them down and set their homes on fire. Some 1,000 people were killed by soldiers of the Atlacatl Battalion, who had recently been trained by the US. During the country's 12-year civil war, the US also sent billions of dollars to the Salvadoran government.

According to Human Rights Watch, Abrams "artfully distorted several issues in order to discredit the public accounts of the massacre" during a Senate hearing on the massacre.

The rights organisation said this included his insistence that the casualty figures couldn't have been as high because only 300 people were living in El Mozote at the time. His comments came despite witness accounts that said about 500 people were living in El Mozote and reports that the massacre occurred in the community and surrounding villages.

Abrams also defended Guatemalan dictator Efrain Rios Montt, who oversaw a campaign in which  thousands of people, mainly from the country's indigenous communities, were either massacred or disappeared. He at one time suggested that Rios Montt "brought considerable progress" for human rights in the country.

"We think that kind of progress needs to be rewarded and encouraged," Abrams told US public television in 1983 as he defended the sale of millions of dollars in technology and helicopter and aeroplane parts to the Guatemalan government.

Rios Montt was later convicted of genocide. That conviction was overturned, but the former dictator died before a partial retrial concluded when a Guatemalan tribunal for a second time determined the state had committed genocide under Rios Montt's rule.

During his time in the George W Bush White House, Abrams also reportedly played a role in the 2002 failed coup attempt against Chavez in Venezuela.



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