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3 hours ago, duma said:

Kinezima u miru sasvim lepo ide. Njihova konkurencije u miru nije Tajvan. Zašto bi se upuštali u rat koji im ništa dobro ne može doneti? Imperija Zla? 


Naravno. Na čelu im je ludak koji je oduvek hteo da bude general ali nije išlo, pa se sad sprema da krene u realizaciju svog dečačkog sna o vojnom pokoravanju sveta, Riziko stilom. Kažu Politico i The Atlantic.

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51 minutes ago, Redoran said:


Naravno. Na čelu im je ludak koji je oduvek hteo da bude general ali nije išlo, pa se sad sprema da krene u realizaciju svog dečačkog sna o vojnom pokoravanju sveta, Riziko stilom. Kažu Politico i The Atlantic.

Ma naravno. Ne bi oni, no im svi drugi smeštaju. Nisu svi mediji kao kod pajaca u Turskoj. Ili u Kini. Eno pitaj teniserku ili onog Vijetnamca iz Zrenjanina.


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Brodovi kineske obalske straze, koji su se inace namnozili u zadnje vreme u spornim vodama Spratley ostrva, u utorak su vodenim topovima sprecili 2 filipinska broda da dostave snabdevanje snagama filipinske obalske straze i malom odredu mornaricke pesadije smestenom na:


Brodu LT 57 Sierra Madre usidrenom ili bolje receno nasukanom na Second Thomas plićini....


U izjavama zvanicnika obe strane naglasava se resenost da se spreci neovlasceno prisustvo stranih brodova u svojim teritorijalnim vodama, s tim sto je kineski zvanicnik naglasio da se to ne moze nocu i ugasenih svetala...

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On 17.11.2021. at 21:21, dragance said:

Naravno da bi bila katastrofa. Može im uspeti jedino ako je Xi dovoljno budala, a daje naznake da nije daleko od toga, i da bi ostatak sveta samo nemo posmatrao ako bi uspeli da odrade blic kampanju. Nešto kao Rusi sa Krimom..


Dok Imperijama Zla komanduju pomahnitale budale, slobodan i demokratski svet vode uravnoteženi i vispreni likovi poput Trampa, Bajdena, Džonsona, pa i Makrona. Ubedljivo najnormalniji od njih je Makron. Čovek je edipovac, ali  ne može se reći da je nesposoban da vodi državu. 

Ako me sećanje dobro služi, ovde se komentarisalo da se Xi smorio na vojnoj paradi. To se baš i ne dešava onim koji planiraju da svojom armadom osvoje svet, ili barem okolinu.

Meni je verovanje da su oni zle budale koje će uništiti i sebe da bi uništili nas posledica rasizma. Ne vidim realno utemeljenje za to.


Poređenje Tajvana s Krimom ti je stvarno presmešno. Na Krimu je broj spremnih da se bore protiv Rusa bio 0. Broj stranih trupa je bio 0. Sve isto ko na Tajvanu. 



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ko se ne bi smorio da svake godine gleda istu gvožđuriju kako defiluje :happy:

- možda brat si želi da iskoristi ekonomski porast kine da obezbedi sebi ulazak u istorijske udžbenike kao čovek pod čijom doživotnom vlašću je vaspostavljen suverenitet i teritorijalni integritet kine :happy:

- lepo je ekonomski podizati državu i kinezi žive najbolje u svojoj istoriji ali će on za sto godina izbledeti i biti samo još jedan od gen sek-ova, o kojima će kineski učenici nevoljno učiti, kao mi o kongresima i odlukama koje je donosila kpj tridesetih godina prošlog veka, takve stvari se zaboravljaju nedelju dana posle kontrolnog :happy:

- osvajanjem tajvana bi postao legenda među kinezima

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@dumaKakvi god da su na “zapadu”, ako ih kritikuješ neće te pojesti mrak. Primer teniserke pre nepunih 7 dana koja je na Weibo objavila da je bila maltretirana i silovana od bivšeg zamenika gen seka - nestade. Pa je čak i “ona” napisala pismo WTA (a objavila ga zvanično i kineski teniski savez) kako ništa nije istina i da je sve sjajno. Još se ne zna gde je.

Pre dve godine vlasnik izavačke kuće u HK i vlasnik knjižare koji su izdali i prodavali kritički nastrojene knjige o korupciji na kopnu nestali bez traga skoro 6 meseci, dok pritisak MZ nije nekako naterao da objave kako su u zatvoru u nekoj nedodjiji na kopnu, bez sudjenja ili bilo čega. Ima još, mrzi me da kucam preko telefona.

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1 hour ago, dragance said:

@dumaKakvi god da su na “zapadu”, ako ih kritikuješ neće te pojesti mrak.

Nisam rekao da su Rusija i Kina demokratske države, niti da su im lideri demokrate. Rekao sam da se ne može reći da su lideri na zapadu uravnotežiniji i vispreniji od onih na istoku. 

Potencirati da je Xi budala koja je spremna da izloži Kinu izglednoj vojnoj i sigurnoj finansijskoj propasti nema nikakvo utemeljenje. Isto se odnosi na to da je Putin ludi diktator koji samo što se nije sjurio do Atlantika.   

To što je neko diktator ne znači da je lud/budala. To što je neko demokratski izabran ne znači da nije lud/budala/senilan.  Dok je Tramp bio na vlasti ko je bio najveća budala i najmanje uračunjiv? Putin, Xi, ili možda Tramp?

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Tramp, naravno. 
Xi ima sindrom megalomana koji bi da bude u čitankama. To je opasno. Kineski nacionalizam je otrov kao i svaki drugi nacionalizam. Zapadni takodje. 

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18 minutes ago, dragance said:

Tramp, naravno. 

Upravo se na to i odnosilo:

16 hours ago, duma said:

Dok Imperijama Zla komanduju pomahnitale budale, slobodan i demokratski svet vode uravnoteženi i vispreni likovi poput Trampa ...

Što se tiče ovog:

18 minutes ago, dragance said:

Xi ima sindrom megalomana koji bi da bude u čitankama. To je opasno. Kineski nacionalizam je otrov kao i svaki drugi nacionalizam. Zapadni takodje. 

Na osnovu čega misliš da mu je manje bitno da u čitankama bud neko ko je od Kine napravio ekonomskog diva, nego neko ko je osvojio Tajvan i urušio kinesku ekonomiju?

Srbi se takođe lože na razne stvari, ali dovoljno je da im pomeneš da će to doneti manju platu i uvođenje viza, pa odmah popusti entuzijazam. Odmah zaborave Kosovo, a ne smeta im ni parada ponosa. Na osnovu čega misliš da su Kinezi radi da osvoje Tajvan, po cenu da im padne standard?

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Niko ne zapocinje rat da bi sjebao svoju ekonomiju. Plan im je da to urade na brzinu, dok se u svetu ne saberu sta se desava, pa da posle ostane status quo.

Ne kazem da hoce, vec ne iskljucuju mogucnost i prave vojne vezbe da to ostvare.

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On 17.11.2021. at 19:25, Tsai said:



Na Redditu se pojavio navodni ful prevod tog posta koji je obrisan nakon pola sata. Nema šanse da mu proverim autentičnost, pošto kupio poto prodao ali možda nekome bude interesantno.


Inače, zvaničnik o kojem se radi je bivši vicepremijer državnog saveta i član politbiroa.



I know I cannot explain this clearly, and even if I say it, it won't matter, but I still want to let it out. I am a hypocrite. I admit I am not a good woman, and am in fact, a very very bad woman. About three years ago, Zhang Gaoli vice president, you retired. You asked Dr. Liu at the Tianjin Tennis Centre to contact me, and asked me with play tennis with you at Kang Ming Hotel in Beijing. After we finished playing tennis, you and your wife Kang Jie brought me to your home. Then you took me into your room. Like what happened ten years ago in Tianjin, you wanted to have sex with me.

That afternoon I was very afraid. I did not expect this to happen - someone helped guard outside (translator note: not very clear what she's trying to say here), because nobody would believe that a wife would allow this. About seven years ago, we had sex. Then later on after you got promoted to be a member of the Politburo Standing Committee in Beijing, you never contacted me again. I used to bury everything inside me. After all, if you didn't want to take any responsibility, why did you come back for me, and brought me to your home to have sex? It is true that I don't have evidence. It is also not possible to leave evidence. Later on you kept denying, but it is true that you were attracted to me first, otherwise I couldn't have been able to come into contact with you.

That afternoon I didn't agree, and I kept crying. I had dinner with you and auntie Kang Jie together. You said the universe is very very big. The earth is merely a speck of sand in the universe , and us human beings are smaller than even a speck of sand. You said a lot more than that, and the purpose was basically to persuade me to drop my guard. After dinner, I was still not willing to have sex. You said you hated me. You said in those seven years, you never forgot about me, and you will treat me well etc... I was terrified and anxious. Taking into consideration the affection I had for you seven years ago, I agreed... yes, we had sex.

Romantic attraction is such a complicated thing that explain it clearly. From that day on, I renewed my love for you. Throughout my time with you after that, purely based on our interactions, you were a very good person, and you treated me well. We talking about recent history, as well as ancient eras. You educated me on so many topics, and we had discussions about economics, politics. We never ran out of things to talk about. We played chess, sang, played table tennis, played pool and also played tennis together. We always had endless fun. It was as if our personalities fit perfectly together.

I left home early (translator note: professional athletes in China frequently leave their families at a very early age to train full-time). On the inside, I am extremely deprived of love. In the middle of all of this, I never thought I was a good woman. I hated myself, I hated why I came to this world. You told me you loved me, very very much, and you said you hope in the next life, we can meet each other around the age of twenty, or eighteen. You said you were lonely. You pitied yourself for being alone. We had endless things to talk about, never ran out of topics. You said in your position, it is impossible to divorce. If we met in Shandong (translator note: a province of China, of less political significance than Beijing), you would have been able to divorce, but not now. I thought I would just accompany you quietly, not making any noise.

At the beginning, everything was fine. But as time goes on, things started to change gradually. There was so much unfairness and humiliation. Every time you asked me to go to you home, behind your back your wife said so many ugly and hurtful things to me. All kinds of jeer and mockery. I said I like to eat duck tongue. Auntie Kang Jie would go, "ew so disgusting". In the winter when Beijing had poor air quality due to smog, auntie Kang Jie would say, "it is because you live in the countryside. We don't feel that at all here". Things like that, she said so much of them. When you were with me, she never said those things. It is similar to when we were together. When we were together alone, you acted one way, but when there were other people near by, you would act another way.

I have told you this before, hearing those things made me feel very hurt and humiliated deep down. Since the first day when I knew you, I have never used a cent of your money, neither have I ever used you to obtain any benefits for myself, but this thing called reputation, is so important. Everything that has happened, I deserve it. I have brought everything upon myself.

From the beginning to the end, you told me to keep our relationship a secret, and most importantly of all, I was to never tell your mom we were having sexual relationships. Because it was her who drives me to the Church of the Saviour (translator note: a church in Beijing) every time, and then I would have to change to your car to be able to get into the gated apartment complex. She thought I was always just at your place to play Mahjong or poker. We were always just transparent individuals in each others lives. Your wife was like the queen in The Legend of Zhen Huan (translator note: a very popular show about power struggle within an ancient Chinese royal family), while words couldn't describe how embarrassed I felt.

There were so many times where I thought, am I still a human? I thought I was a soulless creature, faking, faking everyday, which one is the real me? I shouldn't have come to this world, but I don't have the courage to die.

I really want to just live simply, but things turned out different than what I wanted. On the 30th, we argued very badly. You said on the afternoon on the 2nd, we would go to your home to slowly talk it out. Today at noon, you called to say you are busy, denied everything, made excuse to say we would talk another day... and just like this, you disappeared again, just like seven years ago.

You played with me, and dumped me when you are done with me. You said there were no transactions between us. Yes, that is true, our affection towards each other had nothing to do with money or power. But I have a hard time finding closure for, and coming to terms with our three year long relationship. You were always scared I would secretly bring a recording device, and leave evidence. That's right, other than me, I do not have any evidence to prove what happened, no audio recording, no video taping. The only thing I have is memory from my own messed up self.

For someone as prominent as yourself, I know you said you are not afraid. But it doesn't matter if I'm hitting a rock with an egg, or being a moth that flies towards the flame, I am telling the truth about what happened between us. With your intelligence and wits I am sure you will either deny it, or blame it on me, or you could simply play it cool. You always say you hope your mother in heaven could bless you. I am a bad woman who doesn't deserve to be a mother, but you are a father with both boy and girl. I have asked you this before, would you have done the same even to your adopted daughter? Do you still have the courage to face your mother after what you have done in your lifetime? We sure all like to pretend we are virtuous...


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Pa pominjao sam pre nekoliko dana. Skandal i dalje traje, a propala u zemlju sa par nemuštih trikova “javila se” (preko zvanicne tv stanice, “poslala email” (da ništa nije tačno. Divan režim. 

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On 18.11.2021. at 19:11, namenski said:



Brod LT 57 Sierra Madre usidren ili bolje receno nasukan na Second Thomas plićini....


Filipinsko ministarstvo odbrane je u nedelju najavilo da ce ponovo da pokusa snabdevanje odeljenja svoje mornaricke pesadije smestenom na brodu LT57 Sierra Madre nasukanom na Second Thomas pličini, s tim sto se u medjuvremeno dosetilo da se pomenuta pličina odvajkada lokalno u stvari zove Ayungin...

Izrazena je nada da Kina ovog puta nece ometati taj poduhvat.

Kina je u medjuvremenu iz podrucja o kome je rec povukla 2 od 3 broda svoje obalske straze umesana u proslonedeljni incident, tako da su na licu mesta ostali samo brodovi kineske pomorske narodne milicije...

Predstavnik americkog DoD je kinesku akciju nazvao dangerous, provocative, and unjustified i naglasio da bi eventualno otvaranje vatre sa kineskih brodova primoralo SAD da razmotre svoje obaveze prema sporazumima sa Filipinima koji obuhvataju zajednicki odgovor na agresivne postupke trecih strana...

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