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Amerika, zemlja velika

Кристофер Лумумбо

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On 10.10.2019. at 11:48, Venom said:

Pre neki dan je pandurka u Dalasu osudjena na 10 godina zbog ubistva crnoputog sugradjanina u pokusaju pljacke stana. Ako se pitate kako je moguce da policajci u Americi odgovaraju, stan je bio u stvari njegov, a ona je pogresila ulazna vrata.


Takođe u Teksasu, ovo je stvarno nadrealno:


- Dve žene na skuteru, voze jal po trotoaru jal pogrešnom stranom ulice, sve u svemu rade nešto pogrešno. Jedna od njih je veterankatm.

- Patrolna kola im niotkuda preprečuju put, tako brzo da se skuter zabija u njih. Patrola hapsi ženu koja vozi, ova veteranka odlazi svojim putem bez da je iko pita za zdravlje

- Posle par minuta patrola kreće u potragu za njom i pronalazi je kako opušteno sedi na nekoj verandi

- Pandurka izlazi i momentalno je tejzuje, ova nekako (kako??) ustaje i kreće da beži

- Pandurka joj smešta 3-4 metka u leđa, nekim čudom je preživela

- Klupko kreće da se odmotava i ispostavlja se da je ista pandurka pre dve godine tejzovala nekog lika u supermarketu dok je pokušavao nešto da ukrade ili pravio neki sličan problem u tom rangu. Dvoje zaposlenih (??) su ga tako tejzovanog držali na zemlji a ova je onda prišla i ispraznila ceo šaržer u njega. Odlikovana za hrabrost od strane šerifa.

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"Serbian President Vucic promised me three years ago that his government would bring the murderers to justice.  But this hasn’t happened.  In fact, there isn’t even a serious criminal investigation underway. This is appalling. And sadly, it’s part of a pattern we see with Serbian war criminals responsible for crimes against the people of Kosovo."

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Americki Kongres usvojio rezoluciju kojim se osudjuje Turska za genocid nad hriscanima od 1915 do 1923.

Demokrate predlozile, Republikanci podrzali.



Affirming the United States record on the Armenian Genocide.

Whereas the United States has a proud history of recognizing and condemning the Armenian Genocide, the killing of 1.5 million Armenians by the Ottoman Empire from 1915 to 1923, and providing relief to the survivors of the campaign of genocide against Armenians, Greeks, Assyrians, Chaldeans, Syriacs, Arameans, Maronites, and other Christians;

Whereas the Honorable Henry Morgenthau, United States Ambassador to the Ottoman Empire from 1913 to 1916, organized and led protests by officials of many countries against what he described as the empire’s “campaign of race extermination”, and was instructed on July 16, 1915, by United States Secretary of State Robert Lansing that the “Department approves your procedure … to stop Armenian persecution”;

Whereas President Woodrow Wilson encouraged the formation of the Near East Relief, chartered by an Act of Congress, which raised $116,000,000 (over $2,500,000,000 in 2019 dollars) between 1915 and 1930, and the Senate adopted resolutions condemning these massacres;



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kad dodje 24. april, zatvore neke velike ulice po los andjelesu. verovatno najvise armenijaca van matice zivi bas ovde, to su kolone ljude u crnom sa zastavama i u tisini. ceo grad je tih daj dan. mlado, staro, svi idu u setnju. 



Edited by mustang
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u pravu ste. po srpski je jermen

po engleski armenian


zato sto 100% koristim armenian, prekrstih u armenijac. nije lepi to sto radim, u brzini i kad sam umorna ne razmisljam o pravopisu...

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