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Nije mi jasan taj tvrdoglavi antireferendumski stav. Britanci su lepo pokazali kako se to radi (ranije i Kanađani, dvaput). Ako ti zemlja nije u potpunom raspadu (a Španija, uprkos svemu, nije, a tek u Kataloniji nije), daleko veću šansu ima ,,ne" opcija, jer je ta kao ,,neodlučna sredina" koja nema čvrst stav ipak skoro uvek konzervativnija i sklonija tome da ne ljulja previše ako baš ne mora. A kada jedanput propadne referendum, onda zapušiš separatistima usta na jedno 15 godina bar.


Mozda znaju nesto sto mi ne znamo, a mozda ima i toga da ce i druge pokrajine uspeh referenduma u Kataloniji samo ohrabriti (Baskija, Galicija)? 

PSOE ima sad tezak zadatak da odabere manje losu opciju izmedju paktiranja sa arhineprijateljima i koalicije sa radikalnim levicarima. Njima bi mozda i najvise odgovaralo da na sledecim izborima vecinu dobije PP + C's opcija. 

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Mozda znaju nesto sto mi ne znamo, a mozda ima i toga da ce i druge pokrajine uspeh referenduma u Kataloniji samo ohrabriti (Baskija, Galicija)? 

PSOE ima sad tezak zadatak da odabere manje losu opciju izmedju paktiranja sa arhineprijateljima i koalicije sa radikalnim levicarima. Njima bi mozda i najvise odgovaralo da na sledecim izborima vecinu dobije PP + C's opcija. 


A zasto mislis da ce referendum uspeti, tj. da ce nezavisnost pobediti?

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Household spending je ok informacija kao kuriozitet, ali tu ima baš mnogo kontekstualnih faktora. 


Amerikanci troše najviše na zdravlje. Jedan razlog može biti da su vanredno zainteresovani za zdravlje. Drugi može da bude da je zdravlje vanredno skupo.


Rusi troše najviše na hranu. Možda zato što jedu mnogo, možda zato što je hrana skupa.


Komunikacija - ne možemo znati da li su u Indiji manje zainteresovani za komunikacije, ili su jednostavno cene značajno niže.


Dalje, grafikon ne hvata javnu potrošnju. Ako se iz javnih fondova nešto obezbeđuje građanima, normalno je da će u toj oblasti domaćinstva manje trošiti.

Edited by pacey defender
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A zasto mislis da ce referendum uspeti, tj. da ce nezavisnost pobediti?


Trebalo je da stoji eventualni uspeh referenduma, ali je valjda i ovako jasno na sta se misli?


Felipe Gonzales iz PSOE predlozio da se napravi pakt sa PP u vezi reforme izbornog sistema (trazi dvokruzni sistem), tako da bi Podemos bio istisnut iz parlamenta, slicno kao FN u Francuskoj. 

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Trebalo je da stoji eventualni uspeh referenduma, ali je valjda i ovako jasno na sta se misli?


Felipe Gonzales iz PSOE predlozio da se napravi pakt sa PP u vezi reforme izbornog sistema (trazi dvokruzni sistem), tako da bi Podemos bio istisnut iz parlamenta, slicno kao FN u Francuskoj. 


Odlicna ideja.

Taman da se Katalonija otcepi i sistem bude jos nestabilniji.


No, dobro, treba sacuvati tu partitokratiju koju je Gonzales svojerucno  inicirao.

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Maduro opoziciji za Novu godinu poklonio gubitak dvotrećinske većine u skupštini i parlamentarnog kanala:

Venezuela's Supreme Court has suspended the inauguration of three opposition MPs who were due to take office next week.
The move follows legal challenges by the governing socialist party of President Nicolas Maduro.
The suspension removes the opposition coalition's super-majority which gave it extensive powers to challenge President Maduro.
The opposition had called the challenge a "judicial coup".
The court approved injunctions against the election victories of three opposition MPs and one from the governing Socialist Party while it hears a legal challenge against them.
The court also agreed to hear legal challenges to the election of another six opposition deputies but dismissed requests for similar injunctions.
The court's website did not detail the arguments underlying the legal challenges by the governing Socialist Party.
As a result, four MPs are blocked from taking office when the new Congress opens on 5 January, while the other five will be allowed to take office while the court hears the legal challenge against them.
A two-thirds majority gives the opposition key powers it would not have with fewer seats.
Among them is the power to remove Supreme Court judges, appoint key officials such as an independent attorney general, and passing constitutional amendments subject to ratification by referendum.


Skupštinski kanal poklonjen zaposlenima, preimenovan i sada reemituje državnu TV.


Looks like ANTV will be no more, at least in its current form: Along with the recent TSJ-led offensive targeted against the 2/3 MUD majority, it seems like the upcoming National Assembly will have to do somehow without its own TV channel.

MUD’s Secretary-General Jesus “Chúo” Torrealba denounced that the master control used by ANTV in the Federal Legislature Palace was “dismantled” and that all equipment has been taken away on New Year’s Eve. Chúo wrote on Twitter that measures are already under way for the January 5th’s opening session of the new AN. “The country and the world will see the inauguration of the new AN…”

The outgoing AN’s leadership has kept its pledge to hand full control of the station to its “workers”. PSUV A.N. member Dario Vivas and  ANTV Chairman confirmed this in a press conference on December 30th. The dubious legal manuver is seen by some as a clear violation of Article 73 of the Telecommunications Law. But broadcasting authority CONATEL didn’t say anything, of course.

For the time being, ANTV has dropped its name and logo on-air. It currently simulcasts State’s main station, VTV. Not just that, the channel changed its formal name to “Audiovisual National Foundation”. Even if Vivas promised that the channel will continue its parliamentary coverage, these actions assume that the channel will focus more on Chavismo’s alternatives to the National Assembly (like the recently installed Comunal Parliament and the grandiloquently-named Presidential Councils of Popular Government, which have their very own legislation thanks to the Enabling Law)

But it isn’t hard to see the true motivation behind this action: making difficult, if not downright impossible the work of the new National Assembly and the information that comes from it.

How far they’re willing to go? Well, by applying the same tactic they used with Avila TV in 2008. After Chavismo lost control of the Caracas Metropolitan Government: Taking away the channel and simply incorporating it into the Communication and Information Ministry. The hegemony is entirely predictable and unabashedly ruthless.


Edited by vememah
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