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Bila bi dobra fora da studenti posle 15 minuta tisine odu do Konja i zvizde im malo.

7 minutes ago, Shan Jan said:

Bila bi dobra fora da studenti posle 15 minuta tisine odu do Konja i zvizde im malo.

Bila bi dobra fora da svi odemo na studentski trg, a da kod konja bude što manje ljudi, još bolje da nema nikoga.

  • +1 8

Ja ću verovatno da namestim krevet u 22h i da igram igrice do ponoći, po gradu nek rade šta oće.

35 minutes ago, igoraki said:

Bila bi dobra fora da svi odemo na studentski trg, a da kod konja bude što manje ljudi, još bolje da nema nikoga.

To je idealno al ne znam dal ce da se desi. Ima dosta svisuisti™ i sendvicara da dodje na Harisa. I to ce da se salje na sve televizije. U tom smislu bilo bi super da im malo bude neugodno, i onima pored TVa i ovima na koncertu.

Posted (edited)

Haris je podrzao studente... „Ljubav je za studente„, kazao je on, dok je voditeljka zastala, pa rekla: „Da ti kažem, mislim da ljubav ne bira“.





Edited by Milosh76

Ljubav je za studente, ali kinta je za mene :puke:

  • +1 1
  • Hvala 1

jel se ovo neko zajebava?


  • Haha 3

pošta 6



  • +1 1
  • Tužno 5





Zaha Hadid Architects (ZHA) has won an open international contest to transform a disused paper mill into a new Nikola Tesla Museum in Belgrade, Serbia

The London-based practice – working with Bureau Cube Partners of Serbia – won a single-stage competition to transform the former Milan Vapa’s Paper Mill into an educational visitor attraction dedicated to the Serbian-American engineer and inventor Nikola Tesla.

In awarding the €60,000 top prize, the jury praised the winning design for its originality and thoughtful combination of Tesla’s historical legacy with the ‘architecture of old Belgrade, and the modern appearance of the Serbian capital represented by the Belgrade Waterfront’.

A second prize of €40,000 was awarded to Zoran Sobic, Marko Filipovic, and Srdjan Stojanovic while a third prize of €20,000 was awarded to William Poole, Jim Richards, Benjamin Walker, Ivan Jankovic, Sasa Popovic, and Milutin Folic. The competition, organised by the Urban Planning Institute of Belgrade,  received 46 submissions.

The project – backed by the Belgrade Waterfront Company – will preserve and enhance the 8,400m² complex, considered one of Serbia’s ‘best-preserved and most significant buildings of industrial architecture’. Key aims include creating a ‘space for a very rich museum exhibition, dedicated to one of the greatest inventors of the modern era’ on the 7,200m² site.

ZHA’s scheme will provide one of three new museums – alongside a Historical Museum of the Republic of Serbia and Children’s Museum – planned for the Belgrade Waterfront site. Once complete, it will provide a new environment for researchers studying Tesla’s archive and ‘stimulate critical thinking about the role of technology in shaping the future.’

Competition judges included Marko Stojčić, chief urbanist of the City of Belgrade; Ivana Zorić, senior curator, of the Nikola Tesla Museum; Kristina Lukić, graduate economist at the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Serbia; and Aleksandar Ivanović, graduate architectural engineer at the Cultural Heritage Preservation Institute of Belgrade.






sviđa mi se

jako lep zatvorski kompleks

  • +1 5
  • Haha 3

Za @Hele i ostale đilasomrzitelje :D 





  • +1 2

Samo dokazuje poentu.


Cuj, molim te, u vreme Djilasa.


Gradonacelik treba samo da bude prvi medju jednakima u jednom profesionalnom timu koji ce upravljati slozenim sistemom kao sto je grad Beograd.


Samo dokaz da su botovi botovi, neki mozda malo pametniji i plemenitiji od drugih, ali i dalje glupi botovi.


Inace, koji je to tramvaj broj 17?

  • Haha 1

Били су они зелени трамваји из Базела што су нам поклонили својевремено, лично се не сећам да сам видео неки овако обојен.


Ова 17-ица је нека њихова линија, Бг је нема свакако.



  • +1 2

"Srpska Nova godina je prilika da sve to na svečani način ponovimo, uz prisustvo mnogobrojnih gostiju, a za ovaj doček na Trgu republike imaćemo "Big bend" Dejana Petrovića i Acu Pejovića", rekla je gradska sekretarka za kulturu.

  • Haha 1

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