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Odgledao The Breathe, doc o free diving-u, i o čoveku koji se sprema da obori svetski rekord roneći na dah u Deans Blue Hole (jedno zaista magično mesto).Sam doc ništa specijalno, ali nije dug, 52m pa vredi. Uostalom, ima trailer ovde:http://www.viewster.com/movie/1207-15989-000/breathe

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Cinema_Komunisto.jpgromanticno, sentimentalno, nostalgicnojednom recju, JADNO!
Ja sam po svim najavama očekivao propagandni film, a ispalo je da se par filmskih radnika sa nostalgijom sjeća vremena kada je budžet za film bio neograničen. Osim što crni talas nije pomenut, ako iz toga može da se izvuče neki zaključak (ipak je film cinema komunisto), propustio sam momenat da vidim autorski stav o cijelom pitanju.A moglo je to i bolje, slažem se, sa materijalom koji je bio na raspolaganju.
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  • 4 weeks later...

nisam gledo, ali upravo hocu: http://documentaryst...ids-behind-bars

Hidden away in the very darkest corners of countries that would rather not acknowledge their existence, there is an army of children whose voices are never heard. They can be raped, tortured, beaten and murdered by adults who supposedly represent the law, yet enjoy almost total immunity from it.Children are tortured in police custody. They are held in prisons in inhuman and degrading conditions. They are denied the due process which should guarantee them fair trials. They are held for years without charge. They are forgotten by the world that walks past the bars of their existence.With unprecedented and unique access to juvenile prisons around the world, this film looks at the experience of incarceration for juvenile offenders in countries as diverse as the U.S.A. and India, the UK and Brazil.Released in 2001. 99 min. Directors: Brian Woods & Kate Blewett. Documentary film.
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Išao neko na belldocs sinoć, utisci? Prvi dokumentarac o kolektivnom duhu u ex-yu onako, solidan. Drugi nisam gledao.

Edited by bad_lieutenant
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