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Treba ti Mozilla Firefox sa instaliranim Greasemonkey. Klikneš na link, odgovoriš pozitivno ako te nešto pita, dodaš http://s1.ikariam.rs/* u Included Pages na način opisan gore... i to je to - videćeš odmah mnogo više informacija u igri.
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Treba ti Mozilla Firefox sa instaliranim Greasemonkey. Klikneš na link, odgovoriš pozitivno ako te nešto pita, dodaš http://s1.ikariam.rs/* u Included Pages na način opisan gore... i to je to - videćeš odmah mnogo više informacija u igri.
tu je i problem kada kliknem na taj link meni FF otvori stranicu punu koda
// @resource woody header.png
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 function listen(on) {
on.addEventListener("mouseover", function(){ show(node); }, false);
on.addEventListener("mouseout",  function(){ hide(node); }, false);
 nodes = nodes || [node];

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Evo zvao sam SBB da im nanu naninu :mad: .Jbg da si malo brže odgovorio pa da pretekneš ova dva dušmana. Krenuli su al' im džaba. Golema su skladišta nabudžena. :P Još dva dana i pravim treću koloniju na vinu, a onda lagano uz vince da filosofiram sa diplomatama.Ikariam je zlo.

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Lepe su ove skripte....Nego, jedan tip je rekao da ako se podignu skrovista (nivo 16 i vise) da se time smanjuje mogucnost da VAM neki drugi spijun gleda po selu.Ima li to smisla?

Edited by eye of the beholder
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Nije potpuno tacnoBitan je i nivo tvog grada

Each spy in its home town automatically defends against any and all espionage against that town. To be exact, each defending spy adds 15% to the risk of infiltrating the town and missions performed in the town.Also, the level of the Hideout in the town adds 2% per level to the risk of espionage in that town. Thus a level 7 hideout provides almost as much risk defense as a single spy, giving a 14% risk increase.Considering the fact that each level of a town reduces the risk by 6%, we can come to the conclusion that having at least the number of spies defending equal to half of your town's level will anull the town level penalty completely, and add an extra 3% to the risk for every two spies defending. The number of spies defending above half of your town's level will add 15% to the risk of enemy espionage, each.The maximum you can increase espionage risk to is 95%. The lowest risk mission is infiltrating a town - 5%. If you have a number of spies defending, equal to half your town's level, and add 6 more spies in defense (providing a 90% risk increase), all missions, including an enemy spy getting into the town, will be at the max risk of 95%.
Primjer, grad nivo 10, spijuna 5+6= 11, grad nivo 16, spijuna 8+6=14 ...Ovdje mozes naci svasta o Ikariamu
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Ovdje mozes naci svasta o Ikariamu
znam za wikiikariam sajt, nego tu dodje samo da vidim koliko ima nivou neka građevina.Kada smo kod nivoa kako stojite na tom poljumoja najjaca kolonija cool.gifpppikariam.jpgedit:ovo sruseno - to je akademija. Edited by eye of the beholder
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stani u red... scorpio opet jaše :mad:
i mene "odrao" scorpioi to par trenutaka pre nego sto cu da se "apgrejdujem" :( Edited by eye of the beholder
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a, đavola više, sad gradim musktere i dižem generale... dani su mu izbrojani... igraću ovu igricu samo dok ga ne zgazim... ne da mi više nije interesantna, već sam predugo u modu odsustva <_<

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Taj Scorpio je u -LS-? I u mom delu mape imamo problema sa jednim likom iz tog saveza. Sad gradimo vojsku i spremamo se da ga čoporativno oderemo. Po mojoj proceni bićemo spremni za 2-3 nedelje. Ako budete organizovali neki grupni napad na Scorpia, mogli bi smo da se sinhronizujemo.

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