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Jedno sasvim novo i drugačije Presidency..

Roger Sanchez

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goperi hoce da lynchuju sopstvenog shefa partije!?!white trash vs white nigger!!!jesusfuckinchrist, what is this world coming 2?steeledog.jpgmihajlo chelik '...pokusavam da budem poslusan white negro, ali mi ne daju...'

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Ne znam gde ovo da pitam, al jel neko gledao Daily Show i ovo sprdanje sa Cramerom, prognazama o berzi i na kraju Cramerovo gostovanje u Dejliju?To gostovanje je sasvim sigurno jedna od najboljih stvari koje sam video na teveu

Edited by Hustler

Pratim celu Stewart vs Cramer sagu jos od pocetka. CNBC i NBC su se grdno zeznuli sto su ne samo dozvolili Krameru da javno odgovara na Stewartovo pristavljanje kafe nego sto su jos regrutovali razne druge likove iz kompanije da ga brane. Kao da nisu znali da sto vise koprcanja od njihove strane, to je vise materijala za Daily Show. A Daily Show producenti :Hail: stvarno umeju da iskopaju sve kompromitujuce dokaze, mnogo bolje nego mainstream mreze i kanali. Kada su shvatili da Stewart moze ladno im pristavlja kafe svaki dan za sledecih fuck knows how many dana/nedelja/meseci/godina a oni ce samo da izgledaju kao budale koje javno polemisu sa jednim "komedijasem" (kako oni sami njega zovu), onda su poslali Cramera mecki na rupu, mirno, tiho, pokorno, sa povijenim repom, da objasni situaciju, i da mu Stewart oprosti sto ga je tukao. I tu ce verovatno biti kraj, ratne sekire ce biti zakopane, NBC/GE i Comedy Central/Viacom-u je skocio rating, i to je to.

Posted (edited)

Pa ne znam bas. Sada kada je ovo receno verovatno je da ce se nesto menjati u svetu medija koji se bave berzom, il se uzalud nadam. Mada sa ovoliko hejta prema Vol Stritu u narodu, tu ima sasvim siroko prostora za po 1 korporativnog hejtera i razotkrivaca prevara u svakoj vecoj stanici.Stewart je inace pre par godina saranio i likove iz Crossfire-a, kojima je to bila poslednja sezona na teveu. Trebao bi Stewart da se ozbiljno pozabavi sa glupostima u medijima i da ih ovako skalpira, 1 na 1. Kasnije mozda da obuce i neki kostim, da si nadimak i krene sa akcijom na ulici!------------In other news... Palinkina cerka je raskinula veridbu sa klincem sa kojim je dobila detehttp://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/03/11/b...p_n_173917.html

Edited by Hustler
Ovo s Hilari je strasno! Da ne posta ovaj link, ne bih ni znao za ovu (najnoviju) imbecilnost naseg Jeremica. Boze, ko nas vodi i predstavlja :frust: !!!
Did you know that if you translate ?the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak? into Russian, it becomes ?the vodka is agreeable but the meat has gone bad?? Literal translations can be tricky that way.It seems that no translators were harmed in the manufacturing of Hillary Clinton?s ?reset? button, which she presented to Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov in Geneva on Friday.?We worked hard to get the right Russian word,? Clinton addressed Lavrov in a deliberately slow voice, as if talking to a special-needs child. ?Do you think we got it???You got it wrong,? Lavrov answered in fluent English. ?This says ?peregruzka,? which means overcharged.?Well, it looks like somebody used a cheap electronic translation program. But it could be worse. I once came across a website that advertised its automated translation service with an example of a label from a jar of pickles, informing Russian consumers that it contained condoms.Talk about food safety! That?s what you get when you translate ?preservatives? without as much as a human touch.Incidentally, Hillary Clinton?s linguistic episode in Geneva also clarified the translation of the Obama administration?s term ?worked hard,? which in plain English means ?did half-assed job.?News reports would make us believe that Hillary?s philological mishaps ended right there. Not so. After the two top diplomats stopped laughing, Clinton quipped: ?We won?t let you do that to us, I promise.?That may have sounded sharp in English, but in Russian it came out even goofier than the wrong label on the red button.Mrs. Clinton?s clever comeback implied that she understood ?overcharge? in terms of charging too much money. We may even credit her with referring to the difference between an observed market price and a price that would have been observed in the absence of collusion, which was what many suspected the oil-producing nations were doing last year. In that sense, and only in that sense, was Hillary?s comment meaningful and amusing.The problem is that the word ?peregruzka? has nothing to do with economics. As students of foreign languages well know, most words have multiple meanings, and their combinations almost never coincide in different languages. Thus, the English word ?overcharge? may mean many things to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, but they are all translated into Russian by completely different words that are not interchangeable. In economic terms, ?overcharge? becomes ?obschitat?? or ?zavysit? tsenu? ? but never ?peregruzka.?Perhaps, the embarrassment could be avoided if Lavrov had translated it literally, as ?overload.? But in the context of a red button, he chose a more specific electrical term ?overcharge,? meaning ?too much amperage in the circuit.?As a result, to the Russian-speaking audience, Hillary?s retort ?We won?t let you do that to us? could only mean one thing: ?Americans won?t let Sergey Lavrov give them too much amperage.?The confusion could also be avoided if, instead of Hillary Clinton, the job of Secretary of State was performed by a professional ? like Condoleezza Rice, who speaks fluent Russian, and who wouldn?t have opted for the lame plastic button because this joke doesn?t work in Russian to begin with.Russian is a rich and flexible language with versatile descriptive means, but it just doesn?t have a short universal word that embraces all the meanings of the allusive English ?reset.? The word ?perezagruzka? (?reload?), which later was claimed to be the right term, comes off just as awkward and uninspiring as any other possible translation. Anyone with a sense of the Russian language could?ve told Clinton that the gag was a dud.Other reports indicate that ?Hillary Clinton raised eyebrows on her first visit to Europe as secretary of state when she mispronounced her EU counterparts? names and claimed U.S. democracy was older than Europe?s.? In one particular case, she kept referring to European Commission External Relations Commissioner Benita Ferrero-Waldner as ?Benito,? invoking the memories of Mussolini.This looks rather ironic, considering that the current leaders in Washington had come to power by accusing their conservative predecessors of being pig-headed and deaf to other cultures and nuances. Turns out, they were merely projecting their own image on their opponents, given that they themselves can?t even distribute party favors to foreigners without a screw-up.But let?s not be too hard on Hillary ? according to her, the button was also a gift of friendship from President Obama and Vice President Biden. All things considered, the gaffe was the result either A or B:A) The Obama administration is made of pig-headed, tone-deaf people, who don?t expect other cultures to have nuances ? and so they don?t bother to consult with experts.B) Experts chosen by the Obama administration are incompetent sycophants who got hired because they were political hacks, or as a result of favoritism, nepotism, or affirmative action ? and they will uncritically ramrod their bosses? ideas even if it?s contrary to reality and common sense.Either way we?re screwed.Why couldn?t have Hillary consulted with someone competent ? like me, for example? Without overcharging, I would?ve advised her to give Lavrov the People?s Cube instead of the button.It requires no tricky translation and is easy to understand in any language or culture. Remember Hillary?s campaign speech about ?invisible Americans?? Well, if you translate ?out of sight, out of mind? into Russian, you will get ?invisible lunatics.?Which accurately describes what competent people in this country have become since the last election.
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Hillary Clinton raised eyebrows on her first visit to Europe as secretary of state when she mispronounced her EU counterparts' names and claimed U.S. democracy was older than Europe's.Clinton has set herself a grueling pace on visits to Egypt, Israel and Brussels soon after touring the Far East, attending dozens of meetings and giving speech after speech, with little time worked into her schedule for sleep.Tiredness appeared to show Friday when she answered questions in front of 500 young Europeans at the European Parliament, where she was the highest-ranking U.S. visitor since the late U.S. President Ronald Reagan in 1985.A veteran politician, Clinton compared the complex European political environment to that of the two-party U.S. system, before adding:"I have never understood multiparty democracy."It is hard enough with two parties to come to any resolution, and I say this very respectfully, because I feel the same way about our own democracy, which has been around a lot longer than European democracy."The remark provoked much headshaking in the parliament of a bloc that likes to trace back its democratic tradition thousands of years to the days of classical Greece.One working lunch later with EU leaders, Clinton raised more eyebrows when she referred to EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana, who stood beside her, as "High Representative Solano."She also dubbed European Commission External Relations Commissioner Benita Ferrero-Waldner as "Benito."Still, Clinton has been well received in Brussels, where the Obama administration has been viewed as a breath of fresh air after the unpopular leadership of George W. Bush. His secretary of state, Condoleezza Rice, often drew protests on her travels.Fellow foreign ministers stood and applauded Clinton's presentation at a meeting with NATO counterparts Thursday and extra space had to be set aside for a spillover audience of 800 at the European Parliament.Parliament President Hans-Gert Poettering was effusive in his praise, saying that with the new administration, the United States and Europe once again "share the same values.""What you said mostly could have been said by a European," he told Clinton after she fielded questions ranging from climate change to energy security and aid to Africa and one on gay rights from a participant wearing an "I love Hillary" t-shirt.
goperi hoce da lynchuju sopstvenog shefa partije!?!white trash vs white nigger!!!jesusfuckinchrist, what is this world coming 2?steeledog.jpgmihajlo chelik '...pokusavam da budem poslusan white negro, ali mi ne daju...'
Tako mu i treba, kad je pizda, i kad nema mooda da stane iza svojih reci, makar se poklao sa celom strankom. Jel pljunuo s razlogom na Rasu? Jeste. Jel polizo to sto je kazao? Jeste. :yucky: Nek se nosi i on i ovaj raspali GOP u tri lepe...
Tako mu i treba, kad je pizda, i kad nema mooda da stane iza svojih reci, makar se poklao sa celom strankom. Jel pljunuo s razlogom na Rasu? Jeste. Jel polizo to sto je kazao? Jeste. :yucky: Nek se nosi i on i ovaj raspali GOP u tri lepe...
Vala bas! Proslo 3 meseca od izbora a u GOP rasulo sve vece i vece. Ne zna se ni ko pije ni ko placa. I ovaj je kao neki vodja partije a ne sme da se konfrontira sa Rasom koji laje okolo jer zna da mu je rating u qrcu. Sta je sledece? Da ga Ann Coulter javno isamara kao da je neki prom date koji nece da se da? cool.gif A sto rece Jay Leno sinoc, Obama je trebalo da postavi Rasu na celo FDA. Covek ima velika iskustva i sa hranom i sa drogom.

ovaj plavokosi cetnik zamalo preshishao Starog Billa u gledanosti

ovde se toliko napatrijotizovao da se rasplakao

Ma Bill-O the Clown je prevazidjen. Pred ovime je 1 svetla buducnost. I on predje na Fox Noise, ostade Loco Lou Dobbs poslednji nacos na CNN-u.

Pratim celu Stewart vs Cramer sagu jos od pocetka. CNBC i NBC su se grdno zeznuli sto su ne samo dozvolili Krameru da javno odgovara na Stewartovo pristavljanje kafe nego sto su jos regrutovali razne druge likove iz kompanije da ga brane. Kao da nisu znali da sto vise koprcanja od njihove strane, to je vise materijala za Daily Show. A Daily Show producenti :Hail: stvarno umeju da iskopaju sve kompromitujuce dokaze, mnogo bolje nego mainstream mreze i kanali. Kada su shvatili da Stewart moze ladno im pristavlja kafe svaki dan za sledecih fuck knows how many dana/nedelja/meseci/godina a oni ce samo da izgledaju kao budale koje javno polemisu sa jednim "komedijasem" (kako oni sami njega zovu), onda su poslali Cramera mecki na rupu, mirno, tiho, pokorno, sa povijenim repom, da objasni situaciju, i da mu Stewart oprosti sto ga je tukao. I tu ce verovatno biti kraj, ratne sekire ce biti zakopane, NBC/GE i Comedy Central/Viacom-u je skocio rating, i to je to.
jel se ovo pristavljanje kafe cnbcu desavalo duzi vremenski period ili je to nesto sto je bilo u poslednjih nekoliko nedelja?

Zadnje 2 nedelje... pocelo je onako nevino kad je Stewart pustio nekoliko klipova Cramera gde ovaj divlja i histerise kako je Bear Stearns 1 jaka i stabilna firma u koju svako treba da investira svoje tesko stecene $ jer ce cena deonica da skoci, etc.. I tu bi se sve zavrsilo da su Cramer i ostali CNBC egomanijaci jednostavno ignorisali ovo, ali tastina im je bila povredjena i onda je neki pametnjakovic resio da ceo NBC mora da stane iza Cramera, pa je pocelo sa odgovorima i tiradama na raznim njihovim programima. Naravno, Stewart je to jedva docekao, jer je imao jos materijala, i tako dalje...


ovako sam ja zamisljao politiku sa 6 godina:

____ko je ovde lud?
ovako sam ja zamisljao politiku sa 6 godina:
____ko je ovde lud?
Evo i "tumačenja", takođe na nivou prvog osnovne...
Comparing the U.S. to Russia and ArgentinaI still recall the shock I felt at a meeting in Russia's dingy Ministry of Finance, where I finally realized how a handful of young oligarchs were bringing Russia's economy to ruin in the pursuit of their own selfish interests, despite the supposed brilliance of Anatoly Chubais, Russia's economic czar at the time.In visits to Asian capitals during the region's financial crisis in the late 1990s, I often heard Asian reformers such as Singapore's Lee Kuan Yew or Japan's Eisuke Sakakibara complain about how the incestuous relationship between governments and large Asian corporate conglomerates stymied real economic change. How fortunate, I thought then, that the United States was not similarly plagued by crony capitalism! However, watching Goldman Sachs's seeming lock on high-level U.S. Treasury jobs as well as the way that Republicans and Democrats alike tiptoed around reforming Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae -- among the largest campaign contributors to Congress -- made me wonder if the differences between the United States and the Asian economies were only a matter of degree...
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