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Jedno sasvim novo i drugačije Presidency..

Roger Sanchez

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Čini mi se da je neko spominjao da ima elektronski pristup Foreign Affarsu pa bih, ako ne grešim, zamolila da mi ovde prenese ovaj tekst: Zbigniew Brzezinski, An Agenda for NATO. Ja imam pristup preko EbscoHosta, ali još nisu postavili ovaj novi broj FA.
Ово је доступно... мада је мало старије: http://emperors-clothes.com/interviews/brz.htmТо је Збигов интервју Фигароу, где је практично објаснио како нису они ишли да, како се и данас верује, помажу талибанима да се ослободе од Совјета кад су ови напали, него су превентивно ишли да их пумпају (парама и оружјем) не би ли надркали СССР да реагује у одбрану социјалистичке владе (што им је и успело), те би тако и они имали свој Вијетнам.
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Тај Збигњев је једна грозоморна креатура. Надам се да га нико не чита са потајним дивљењем.

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Тај Збигњев је једна грозоморна креатура. Надам се да га нико не чита са потајним дивљењем.
Pa mozemo i otvoreno da mu se divimo, valjda je ovo slobodna zemlja ;)
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Pa mozemo i otvoreno da mu se divimo, valjda je ovo slobodna zemlja ;)
Слобода на уши излази. Не може да се дише од ње. Да не знам, помислио бих да је боље и од Јапана.
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Слобода на уши излази. Не може да се дише од ње. Да не знам, помислио бих да је боље и од Јапана.
Ne vidim razliku izmedju Bzezinskog i CNN kulture, s jedne strane, i Itar Tass-a,Russia Today-a i staljinisticke gamadi s druge strane...I jedni i drugi polaze od fasistickih postavki primata svoje nacije nad drugim. <_<
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Ne vidim razliku izmedju Bzezinskog i CNN kulture, s jedne strane, i Itar Tass-a,Russia Today-a i staljinisticke gamadi s druge strane...I jedni i drugi polaze od fasistickih postavki primata svoje nacije nad drugim. <_<
Svi polaze od primata svoje nacije/naroda/države nad drugim i svi su spremni da naprave 3000 sranja drugima samo da unutar njihove ograde benzin ne poskupi za 17% nego 14% i tako to...ne vidim šta je tu fašističko.
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Svi polaze od primata svoje nacije/naroda/države nad drugim i svi su spremni da naprave 3000 sranja drugima samo da unutar njihove ograde benzin ne poskupi za 17% nego 14% i tako to...ne vidim šta je tu fašističko.
Karla Jaspersa & Umberta Eka u ruke.;)
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Napustio nas je (i US Senat) Teddy K.kennedyline.jpg
I to je (bio) Ted (Zitije Tedijevo prema liberalnom NYDN):The Massachusetts Democrat never fully escaped the taint of Mary Jo Kopechne and Chappaquiddick. He struggled with alcohol, and suffered through the untimely deaths of nephews David by drug overdose, Michael in a skiing accident and JFK Jr. in a plane crash. He never reached the White House, absorbing a stinging defeat in his 1980 challenge to incumbent Jimmy Carter. Critics said he lacked his brother John's intellect and his brother Bobby's passion. His personal demons, which rendered Kennedy equally alluring to gossip columnists and political pundits, receded after his 1992 marriage to second wife Victoria Reggie. The aging senator embraced life in the slow lane - along with two new stepchildren.Kennedy's first public embarrassment, another recurring theme, came at Harvard. He followed brothers John and Bobby to the Ivy League - but was booted in a freshman year cheating scandal. Kennedy did a two-year Army stint during the Korean War, spending his time - perhaps through paternal influence - in Paris. He returned to graduate from Harvard in 1956; two years later, he was working on brother John's 1958 Senate campaign and marrying Joan Bennett, a college classmate of his sister Jean. He helped again in JFK's run for the White House in 1960. Two years later, he virtually inherited his brother's Senate seat, kept warm by JFK's college roommate until Kennedy turned 30 - the required age for a senator. His opponent for the Democratic nomination, Massachusetts Attorney General Edward McCormick, delivered a riposte that lingered long after the election: "If your name was simply Edward Moore instead of Edward Moore Kennedy, your candidacy would be a joke." Mary Jo Kopechne, 28, had come to Chappaquiddick on July 18, 1969. Kennedy claimed he was driving her to catch the ferry back to Martha's Vineyard when his car went off a bridge. He swam to safety and fled the scene, leaving Kopechne to die and taking nine hours to notify authorities. Kennedy eventually pleaded to leaving the scene of an accident, and received a two-month suspended sentence. The tragedy, with its murky circumstances, submarined Kennedy's presidential for a decade. In 1979, the reluctant heir to Camelot finally mounted his own White House quest against incumbent Carter. But a decade after Chappaquiddick, while campaigning in Louisville, Ky., Kennedy was greeted by the effigy of a female corpse and a sign reading "KILLER." Kennedy acknowledged his behavior that summer night remained "irrational and indefensible and inexcusable and inexplicable." Kennedy's involvement with scandal stretched into the '90s, when he roused nephew William Kennedy Smith to grab a drink on Good Friday 1991. Smith was subsequently arrested in the rape of a woman he had picked up while drinking with Kennedy. Smith was acquitted, but the senator was once again tarred.Spavaj, lave...Ceo text u NYDailyNews-u
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