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Jedno sasvim novo i drugačije Presidency..

Roger Sanchez

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da, stvarno jedno sjajno mesto gde brutalno muce teroriste, talibane i POTPUNO NEVINE ljude. nema veze, bitno je biti kul i opljunuti levicare cak i kad rasprava nema veze sa left vs right pricom.
Каква бре левица, Амери нему појма шта је то. На скали од -10 (скроооооз лево) до 10 (румба-самба диктатуре, Франко & Салазар), америчка левица је негде на 7,5 а десница на 8,2... а што они на тих 0,7 уображавају да се као разазнају некакве политичке разлике, управо се и види по томе што коку рачунају у као десничарско пиће, а пепси у левичарско. А разлика је, јелте, драс'ћна.
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ako jedan kršćanski živeći Moralni Čovjek pozna™ ženu koju još nije predveo Bogu, ali bude, svaki čas.....
"Ма уопште је не познајем... не бих је познао ни на слици... а десило ми се једном, радим ја кад оно познам... бокте, па ја то баш са својом женом, реко 'Мери, куд баш ти, замало да те нисам познао'..."То је ваљда то са тим идентитетом. Мутне работе. Треба ту ректинално скенирање да се тачно зна ко је ко, а не после да се ваде на непознавање...
Posted (edited)

Garant se tajno srela sa Sanaderom kad je posetila Bondstil, i onda su oboje u naletu strasti shvatili da su jedno za drugo, i resili da napuste svoje trenutne pozicije, te se posvete snošajima.Gde je ona Sanaderova hot fotka? A Pejlinkina?

Edited by Buck Naked
Posted (edited)

Tina™, Honduras, iRan.... sranje! A niko da se seti da cestita 1 rodjendan angry.gifhappy birthday dear US&A, haaaapy birthday to u!!!!!! :Hail::wub:

Edited by WTF
Posted (edited)

Jes' vala! Trebalo mi je malo vise vremena da se nakanim da prebacim fotke s kamere na komp, ali vredelo je (valjda).Srecan nam Dan Borca! :)

dsc03885.jpgdsc03916v.jpgNa ovu gore sliku, cak sam i ja morao da skinem pogled s POLITICO-a :D dsc03912e.jpgMoja bolja tri frtalja i ja ispred Kapitol Brdadsc03964y.jpgI malo vatre za krajdsc03992s.jpg

Edited by Valkyrie

bro, du bist eine liberal, brah :D


Sara je predivno luda. Posle ostavke je u Washington Postu napala vladu zbog novog zakona o kontroli klimatskih promena, ubrzo je i vidjeno da Sarah verovatno radi za neku od velikih naftnih kompanija (Exxon) i da ce pokusati da dobije nominaciju republikanaca, sto je svakako losa stvar u smislu konkurencije za predsednicku funkciju

  • 2 weeks later...

Biden, iz Bog zna kog razloga, stavlja do znanja da je politika njegovog boss-a prema Moskvi samo levo-liberalno zamajavanje.Gaf ili poruka?

MOSCOW — Just weeks after a summit meeting intended to show a thawing in relations between the United States and Russia, Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. made blistering references to Russia’s failing economy, loss of face and a leadership that is “clinging to something in the past” in an interview published on Saturday.Speaking on the heels of his trip to Georgia and Ukraine, Mr. Biden said flatly that the Obama administration would make no deals and accept no compromises with the Kremlin in exchange for better relations. Russia itself, he said, should find it in its own interest to repair relations.The Kremlin immediately responded to the comments, made in an interview with The Wall Street Journal, with a demand for a clarification of the administration’s intentions toward Russia, saying essentially that it was receiving a mixed message so soon after President Obama had visited Moscow for the summit meeting.Calling the criticism “perplexing” in light of the diplomatic overtures initiated by the United States and described as “pressing the reset button,” the chief foreign policy adviser to President Dmitri A. Medvedev told the Interfax news agency, “The question is: who is shaping the U.S. foreign policy, the president or respectable members of his team?”The adviser, Sergei Prikhodko, said the atmosphere between the countries had improved since Mr. Obama’s visit early this month. “If some members of Obama’s team and government do not like this atmosphere, why don’t they say so?” Interfax reported him as saying. “If they disagree with the course of their president, we just need to know this.”In the interview, Mr. Biden set aside diplomatic finesse and offered an unflinching analysis of the current state of affairs in Russia. Troubled by falling oil prices, with a corruption-ridden banking system and failing courts, Russia has seen the steepest swing from growth into recession of any major economy during the financial crisis.Mr. Biden has a reputation for speaking volubly, and sometimes going beyond official policy. It was not immediately clear if he was sending an officially sanctioned message.Mr. Biden spoke after visits to Ukraine and Georgia intended to reassure those countries that American resolve to support their independence would not be weakened by the administration’s efforts to improve ties with Russia. The visits came a year after the Russian Army invaded Georgia and occupied two separatist regions.“The reality is the Russians are where they are,” Mr. Biden told The Wall Street Journal, according to excerpts posted on the newspaper’s Web site. “They have a shrinking population base, they have a withering economy, they have a banking sector and structure that is not likely to be able to withstand the next 15 years, they’re in a situation where the world is changing before them and they’re clinging to something in the past that is not sustainable.”Mr. Biden rejected recent Russian assertions of a restored sphere of privileged interests in the former Soviet Union, made after the war in Georgia. He said he understood that the Russians would not embrace the American stance, but added, “I do expect them to understand we don’t accept” the Russian claims.“It’s a very difficult thing to deal with, loss of empire,” he said at another point.In the most frank discussion yet on Russian expectations of the new diplomatic exchanges, Mr. Biden said the Russians anticipated that the United States would enter into diplomatic bargaining.Mr. Biden said: “They think we’ll be duplicitous and say, ‘Yeah, O.K., we got it. We’ll make a deal with you on something else we need in return.’ ”He referred to the absence of strong American criticism of Russian military operations against separatists in the republic of Chechnya. “Some argued the last administration made a deal on Chechnya in return for no response on Iraq,” he said. “We’re not going to do that. It’s not necessary to do that.”The Russian retort had its own reference to the previous administration, albeit an oblique one.After noting the ambiguity of who was shaping policy for the administration, the president or his deputy, Mr. Prikhodko said, “We have been there already.”



Debilcina... dobice packe expresno.


Pročitala sam tekst. Sumnjam da će Biden dobiti ikakve packe. Ne mislim da je rekao nešto što suštinski odstupa od većinskog stava Obamine administracije i gomile njegovih spoljno-političkih savetnika (setite se Brzezinskog). Možda je samo postupio malo nediplomatski – javno izrazio osudu iz misli. Nije valjda iko ozbiljan pomislio da će stvarno doći do nekog suštinskog resetovanja odnosa? Spoljna politika SAD je suviše ozbiljna stvar da bi se menjala sa svakom novom administracijom, o tome se govorilo XY puta. Promene su retoričke, i formalne, a nikako promene u vitalnim interesima. Amerika želi da održi globalno liderstvo (Rusija da dalje jača svoj uticaj), a sa Obamom će, generalno, biti nešto više multilateralizma, prvenstveno zato da bi se smanjilo antiameričko raspoloženje koje je u svetu generisao Buš. I tu je, dakle, njihov cilj jasan – jačanje američke meke moći / soft power. Sa druge strane, i Rusu se prave naivnima, navodno su poverovali u neko suštinsko resetovanje odnosa i sad su, kao, nešto uvređeni tim „zbunjujućim porukama“. Da, kako da ne. Sve u svemu, business as usual u odnosima SAD i Rusije.

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