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On 23. 9. 2023. at 22:55, jms_uk said:

Dvanaest japanskih filmova - moze da se gleda online za dz





Znas kako sam ovo fino iskoristio. Od drugova cerka diplomirala japanski, kreiram qr kod za ovaj url i zalijepim u cestitku :)

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Za sve poštovaoce, Sigourney Weaver u žutoj haljini govori o ulozi u Aliens:



  • Wub 1

Znam to na sopstvenom primeru, kad je covek zgodan sve mu dobro stoji, pa i zuto

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1 minute ago, MocaVukotic said:

Znam to na sopstvenom primeru, kad je covek zgodan sve mu dobro stoji, pa i zuto

Jbg Strelac.

Just now, MocaVukotic said:

A, jesam. Bas se vidi jel? 



Sigurno ti je neka od Bukovskog ili Hemingveja omiljena knjiga, eventualno Lolita. Pola muških Strelaca koje znam kažu neku od ovih.


Bukovski i hemingvej jok, lolitu volim. Generalno volim americku knjizevnost, a recimo ruse i domace (i ex yu) ne bas, mada ima izuzetaka. Ne znam koliko je relevantno, jer nisam bas neki nacitan tip. Smara me fikcija, a i igrani film, tako da sad gledam i citam skoro iskljucivo dokumentarce i (auto) biografije. Kad bejah mladji, sve bilo je potpuno drugacije... 

  • +1 1



Sir Michael Caine has confirmed he has retired from acting, following the release of his latest film.

The 90-year-old screen legend stars in The Great Escaper opposite Glenda Jackson, who completed the film months before her death in June.

Sir Michael has previously indicated his intention to retire but has often been tempted back.

"I keep saying I'm going to retire. Well I am now."

He added: "I've figured, I've had a picture where I've played the lead and had incredible reviews... What am I going to do that will beat this?"

"The only parts I'm liable to get now are 90-year-old men. Or maybe 85," he joked.

"They're not going to be the lead. You don't have leading men at 90, you're going to have young handsome boys and girls. So I thought, I might as well leave with all this."




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Vala ako je neko zasluzio penziju

  • +1 2
4 hours ago, Jimmy Kowalski said:



Sir Michael Caine has confirmed he has retired from acting, following the release of his latest film.

The 90-year-old screen legend stars in The Great Escaper opposite Glenda Jackson, who completed the film months before her death in June.

Sir Michael has previously indicated his intention to retire but has often been tempted back.

"I keep saying I'm going to retire. Well I am now."

He added: "I've figured, I've had a picture where I've played the lead and had incredible reviews... What am I going to do that will beat this?"

"The only parts I'm liable to get now are 90-year-old men. Or maybe 85," he joked.

"They're not going to be the lead. You don't have leading men at 90, you're going to have young handsome boys and girls. So I thought, I might as well leave with all this."




Bilo je vreme stvarno, naradio se čovek


Kraljina, jedini Torijevac za kojim cu zaliti. Nek uziva jos koliko god on smatra da treba. 


Podseti me na ceo folder s njegovim filmovima koje treba ponovo odgledati...

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