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Ma kreten. Beograd jednostavno ima tu karmu da sebe svodi na lokalno, i to bas iz silne zelje da bude svet.Ponekad pomislim da nam nema spasa.
probala bih da izbegnem generalizaciju ali da, kakav narod takvi reprezenti, a verujem da spasa ima - uvek! nego da se vratimo na naukuCopenhagen Adopts a Mandatory Green Roof Policya ovamoCisco wires 'city in a box' for fast-growing AsiaThe project calls for wired everything - an urban center where networking technology is embedded into buildings from the ground up and every home, school and government agency is equipped with sophisticated Telepresence video technology - what in Cisco mantra is called Smart+Connected Communities.i josMOON CAPITAL Competition 2010 :lol:
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  • 2 months later...
Okončana restauracija hrama Atine NikeATINA, 7. septembra 2010. (Beta-AP) - Posle skoro deset godina radova, dovršena je restauracija hrama Atine Nike na Akropolju, što je bila druga obnova tog spomenika od 1935.Vodja projekta Dionizija Mihalopulu kazala je da je svaka kamena ploča vraćena na poziciju koju su pre 2.400 godina odabrale arhitekte zadužene za igradnju hrama. Uklonjen 2001. sa Akropolja kako bi bio restauriran, mali hram izgradjen u jonskom stilu koji je 427. pre nove ere izgradio Kalikrates, nalazi se desno od ulaza u Propileje.Hram Atine Nike, koji se nalazi na jugoistočnom delu Akropolja, bio je sveto mesto u još u doba mikenske civilizacije, 1400. godine pre nove ere. Oko 565. godine pre nove ere Atinjani su na tom mestu izgradili svetilište posvećeno boginji pobednici Atini Nike koje je uništeno tokom persijske invazije 480. godine pre nove ere. Hram koji se danas može videti najverovatnije je izgradjen u Periklovo doba. Na frizu od mermera, koji se nalazi na gornjem delu hrama, predstavljena je grčka pobeda nad Persijancima u bici na Plateji, 479. godine pre nove ere.hram%20atine%20nike.jpg
Edited by Jolly Roger
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  • 4 months later...

"China is planning to create the world's biggest mega city by merging nine cities to create a metropolis twice the size of Wales with a population of 42 million."dxxz6u.jpgNo name had been chosen for the area. "It will not be like Greater London or Greater Tokyo because there is no one city at the heart of this megalopolis. We cannot just name it after one of the existing cities."

City planners in south China have laid out an ambitious plan to merge together the nine cities that lie around the Pearl River Delta.The "Turn The Pearl River Delta Into One" scheme will create a 16,000 sq mile urban area that is 26 times larger geographically than Greater London, or twice the size of Wales.The new mega-city will cover a large part of China's manufacturing heartland, stretching from Guangzhou to Shenzhen and including Foshan, Dongguan, Zhongshan, Zhuhai, Jiangmen, Huizhou and Zhaoqing. Together, they account for nearly a tenth of the Chinese economy.Over the next six years, around 150 major infrastructure projects will mesh the transport, energy, water and telecommunications networks of the nine cities together, at a cost of some 2 trillion yuan (£190 billion). An express rail line will also connect the hub with nearby Hong Kong."The idea is that when the cities are integrated, the residents can travel around freely and use the health care and other facilities in the different areas," said Ma Xiangming, the chief planner at the Guangdong Rural and Urban Planning Institute and a senior consultant on the project.Related Articles * China's mega city: the country's existing mega cities 24 Jan 2011 * China's mega city: the world's largest cities 24 Jan 2011However, he said no name had been chosen for the area. "It will not be like Greater London or Greater Tokyo because there is no one city at the heart of this megalopolis," he said. "We cannot just name it after one of the existing cities.""It will help spread industry and jobs more evenly across the region and public services will also be distributed more fairly," he added.Mr Ma said that residents would be able to use universal rail cards and buy annual tickets to allow them to commute around the mega-city.Twenty-nine rail lines, totalling 3,100 miles, will be added, cutting rail journeys around the urban area to a maximum of one hour between different city centres. According to planners, phone bills could also fall by 85 per cent and hospitals and schools will be improved."Residents will be able to choose where to get their services and will use the internet to find out which hospital, for example, is less busy," said Mr Ma.Pollution, a key problem in the Pearl River Delta because of its industrialisation, will also be addressed with a united policy, and the price of petrol and electricity could also be unified.The southern conglomeration is intended to wrestle back a competitive advantage from the growing urban areas around Beijing and Shanghai.By the end of the decade, China plans to move ever greater numbers into its cities, creating some city zones with 50 million to 100 million people and "small" city clusters of 10 million to 25 million.In the north, the area around Beijing and Tianjin, two of China's most important cities, is being ringed with a network of high-speed railways that will create a super-urban area known as the Bohai Economic Rim. Its population could be as high as 260 million.The process of merging the Bohai region has already begun with the connection of Beijing to Tianjing by a high speed railway that completes the 75 mile journey in less than half an hour, providing an axis around which to create a network of feeder cities.As the process gathers pace, total investment in urban infrastructure over the next five years is expected to hit £685 billion, according to an estimate by the British Chamber of Commerce, with an additional £300 billion spend on high speed rail and £70 billion on urban transport.

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Kako stoje stvari sa privatizacijom toga (levo krilo je valjda na prodaju)? Ima li vajde da se opravi 360 restoraunt?Mada, kapiram da bi ga neko redizajnirao ukoliko bi ga kupio, a to bi bilo ravno rušenju ako mene pitate.

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"China is planning to create the world's biggest mega city by merging nine cities to create a metropolis twice the size of Wales with a population of 42 million."dxxz6u.jpgNo name had been chosen for the area. "It will not be like Greater London or Greater Tokyo because there is no one city at the heart of this megalopolis. We cannot just name it after one of the existing cities."

City planners in south China have laid out an ambitious plan to merge together the nine cities that lie around the Pearl River Delta.The "Turn The Pearl River Delta Into One" scheme will create a 16,000 sq mile urban area that is 26 times larger geographically than Greater London, or twice the size of Wales.The new mega-city will cover a large part of China's manufacturing heartland, stretching from Guangzhou to Shenzhen and including Foshan, Dongguan, Zhongshan, Zhuhai, Jiangmen, Huizhou and Zhaoqing. Together, they account for nearly a tenth of the Chinese economy.Over the next six years, around 150 major infrastructure projects will mesh the transport, energy, water and telecommunications networks of the nine cities together, at a cost of some 2 trillion yuan (£190 billion). An express rail line will also connect the hub with nearby Hong Kong."The idea is that when the cities are integrated, the residents can travel around freely and use the health care and other facilities in the different areas," said Ma Xiangming, the chief planner at the Guangdong Rural and Urban Planning Institute and a senior consultant on the project.Related Articles * China's mega city: the country's existing mega cities 24 Jan 2011 * China's mega city: the world's largest cities 24 Jan 2011However, he said no name had been chosen for the area. "It will not be like Greater London or Greater Tokyo because there is no one city at the heart of this megalopolis," he said. "We cannot just name it after one of the existing cities.""It will help spread industry and jobs more evenly across the region and public services will also be distributed more fairly," he added.Mr Ma said that residents would be able to use universal rail cards and buy annual tickets to allow them to commute around the mega-city.Twenty-nine rail lines, totalling 3,100 miles, will be added, cutting rail journeys around the urban area to a maximum of one hour between different city centres. According to planners, phone bills could also fall by 85 per cent and hospitals and schools will be improved."Residents will be able to choose where to get their services and will use the internet to find out which hospital, for example, is less busy," said Mr Ma.Pollution, a key problem in the Pearl River Delta because of its industrialisation, will also be addressed with a united policy, and the price of petrol and electricity could also be unified.The southern conglomeration is intended to wrestle back a competitive advantage from the growing urban areas around Beijing and Shanghai.By the end of the decade, China plans to move ever greater numbers into its cities, creating some city zones with 50 million to 100 million people and "small" city clusters of 10 million to 25 million.In the north, the area around Beijing and Tianjin, two of China's most important cities, is being ringed with a network of high-speed railways that will create a super-urban area known as the Bohai Economic Rim. Its population could be as high as 260 million.The process of merging the Bohai region has already begun with the connection of Beijing to Tianjing by a high speed railway that completes the 75 mile journey in less than half an hour, providing an axis around which to create a network of feeder cities.As the process gathers pace, total investment in urban infrastructure over the next five years is expected to hit £685 billion, according to an estimate by the British Chamber of Commerce, with an additional £300 billion spend on high speed rail and £70 billion on urban transport.


Fali im samo još Judge system.
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  • 1 month later...

Ово ме подсетило на стару жваку која је кружила у време кад су почели да се користе рачунари за пројектовање. По њој ће то да доведе до ћошкасте и праволинијске архитектуре, све нешто у правоугаоницима и равним површинама, јер је, јелте, таква природа рачунара.Испало је супротно - тек уз помоћ рачунара су архитекте успеле да се размахну и створе овакве кривуље, које дотле, напросто, нису могли да нацртају. Да ли нису умели, или њихови цртачи нису, или није било алата, времена... А она стара, ћошкаста и праволинијска архитектура у ствари потиче од лењира.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Ne znam da li je ovo bas za ovaj topic, ali je blizu :DRob Sheridan je postavio ovaj link na twitteru, zanimljive fotke jugoslovenskih spomenika posvecenih Drugom svetsklom ratu.Ovde ima malo vise teksta o ovim fotkama.

Edited by Sludge Factory
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  • 3 months later...

petnaest godina nedovrseni "ryugyong hotel" u pjongjangu, koji je po svojoj sudbini zapocete mega gradjevine, pa napustene na pola... bio simbol politickog sistema u severnoj koreji, od prosle godine je adaptiran. egipatska firma orascom je preuzela sredjivanje, u zamenu za postavljanje raznih predajnika mobilne telefonije na vrh. i ako je uradjen samo spoljni deo, izgleda spektakularno (narocito u odnosu na okolinu)2473718484_8d88d3a9c9_b.jpg?t=12112731535538552678_d64a57656d_b.jpg

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