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Nevladina organizacija "Inicijativa za ljudska prava" zahteva od Republičke radio-difuzne agencije da zabrani emisiju "Ćirilica" na TV Hepi.

Kako navodi Radiotelevizija Vojvodine članovi "Inicijative" traže zabranu emisije koju vodi novinar Milomir Marić, jer je u intervjuu emitovanom 21. aprila, predsednik desničarske organizacije SNP NAŠI Ivan Ivanović rekao za pokojnog publicistu i verskog analitičara Mirka Đorđevića da je "išao u komunističku školu gde su ga učili da napada SPC i jaše sveštenike".


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Dobro je što se u naprednjačkoj Srbiji radi na tome da se fašisti što više marginalizuj. Takođe je dobra ta Happy TV poznata po svom vrhunskom istraživačkom novinarstvu.


In the meantime:



Početak je smor, morao sam da premotavam, ali negde od tridesetog minuta počinje šou.

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jooj, hvala ti puno za ovo ! napravicu neku klopu uvece pa cu da se uredno posvetim ovom klipu ! :D

zasad samo sam isao na preskok i strasno fejspalmovao kad naziva koncerte EKV-a "misticnim ritualnima" i "elektricnim liturgijama" :ajde:

Edited by DarkAttraktor
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Ja sad gledam nadalje. Prejako. Pogledaj obavezno deo gde pominje Frojda, pa se onda pravda - kao, ne marim ja za Frojda, nego eto i on ponešto ubode...(od 48 minuta, otprilike).

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au kakvo lupetanje. 'hipi revolucija koristila iskustva oktobarske revolucije i pocela raditi perfidnije'.

tupadzija nabedjeni beogradski. mnogo je glup lik. banjalucki darker je za ovoga dr za rokenrol sa legitimacijom overenom od BMFBP-a.

najbolji momenat je na q&a-u kad na arsneijevu konstataciju kako 'ce neko reci pa eto, al stonsima nije nista; pa naravno da im nije nista al kolko puta godisnje dzeger i ricards promene krv' dobaci neki crnogorcina: yu grupa ne mijenja krv nikad ! :D

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In the meantime:



Početak je smor, morao sam da premotavam, ali negde od tridesetog minuta počinje šou.


Satanizam u muzici postoji, samo što ti to Turnbulle ne znaš. 


Veliki mag Stanley Kubrick je to znao, kao i svi veliki kompozitori od srednjeg veka, poslušaj muzičku podlogu filma Eyes Wide Shut, scena ritualne orgije




Mi contra fa est diabolus in musica



The tritone is a restless interval, classed as a dissonance in Western music from the early Middle Ages through to the end of the common practice period. This interval was frequently avoided in medieval ecclesiastical singing because of its dissonant quality. The first explicit prohibition of it seems to occur with the development of Guido of Arezzo's hexachordal system, which made B♭ a diatonic note, namely as the fourth degree of the hexachord on F. From then until the end of the Renaissance the tritone was regarded as an unstable interval and rejected as a consonance by most theorists.[19]

The name diabolus in musica ("the Devil in music") has been applied to the interval from at least the early 18th century. Johann Joseph Fux cites the phrase in his seminal 1725 work Gradus ad Parnassum, Georg Philipp Telemann in 1733 describes, "mi against fa", which the ancients called "Satan in music", and Johann Mattheson in 1739 writes that the "older singers with solmization called this pleasant interval 'mi contra fa' or 'the devil in music'".[20] Although the latter two of these authors cite the association with the devil as from the past, there are no known citations of this term from the Middle Ages, as is commonly asserted.[21] However Denis Arnold, in the New Oxford Companion to Music, suggests that the nickname was already applied early in the medieval music itself:

It seems first to have been designated as a "dangerous" interval when Guido of Arezzo developed his system of hexachords and with the introduction of B flat as a diatonic note, at much the same time acquiring its nickname of "Diabolus in Musica" ("the devil in music")





Pook was hired after choreographer Yolande Snaith rehearsed the masked ball orgy scene using Pook's composition "Backwards Priests" – which features a Romanian Orthodox Divine Liturgy recorded in a church in Baia Mare, played backwards – as a reference track. Kubrick then called the composer and asked if she had anything else "weird" like that song, which ended was reworked for the final cut of the scene with the title "Masked Ball". Pook ended up composing and recording four pieces of music, many times based on her previous work, totaling 24 minutes. The composer's work ended up having mostly string instruments – including a viola played by Pook herself – with no brass or woodwinds as Pook "just couldn’t justify these other textures", particularly as she wanted the tracks played on dialogue-heavy scenes to be "subliminal" and felt such instruments would be intrusive
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To što nešto zvuči "uznemirujuće" ne znači da ima versku agendu.



If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck.

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Ti ozbiljno misliš da upotreba ovih nota znači, šta? Satanizam onog ko ih koristi? 


Naravno da ne .Malo je velikih kompozitora koji nisu bili religiozni. Muzika je intimno vezana za najviše duhovne sfere, pa nije ni čudno da se takav termin (diabolus) upotrebljava. Disonanca se legitimno koristi u modernoj klasičnoj kompoziciji, ali je ona tu samo da prizove harmoniju. Ako je svrha sama po sebi i ako se cela kompozicija vrti oko nje onda celo delo ima mračno usmerenje.

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