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Automobili na elektricni pogon

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On 1/7/2018 at 8:58 AM, hazard said:

Yoyogi je kao lik Bate Stojkovića u Ko to tamo peva, samo što umesto ,,die beste" ponavlja 最高の, saikō no, japanska medecina je najbolja na svetu


Ovaj se usrkuje što je uhvaćen u izgooglanim bezvezotinama o stvarima koje u životu nije video. Postuje googlotine o električnim kolima meni koji ih imam i vozim svaki dan.

7-11, japanska firma, od 59,000 radnji po svetu ima 18,785 u Japanu. Svaka od njih ima bar po jedno električno vozilo, malo, za dostavu. Neke radnje imaju i po 10.




Pravi ih "Toyota Auto Body".  Pored 7-11 ima još 4 firme convenience stores. Sve ih imaju. Robne kuće, supermarketi, parkovi. Verovatno milion takvih malih vozila na struju u zemlji.




Ford to invest $11bn and have 40 hybrid and fully electric vehicles by 2022
The planned investment is significantly higher than the previously announced target of $4.5bn by 2020


Ford Motor Co will significantly increase its planned investments in electric vehicles to $11bn by 2022 and have 40 hybrid and fully electric vehicles in its model line-up, the company’s chairman, Bill Ford, said on Sunday at the Detroit auto show.

The investment figure is sharply higher than a previously announced target of $4.5bn by 2020, Ford executives said, and includes the costs of developing dedicated electric vehicle architectures.

Ford’s engineering, research and development expenses for 2016, the last full year available, were $7.3bn, up from $6.7bn in 2015.

Ford chief Jim Hackett told investors in October the carmaker would slash $14bn in costs over the next five years and shift capital investment away from sedans and internal combustion engines to develop more trucks and electric and hybrid cars.

Of the 40 electrified vehicles Ford plans for its global line-up by 2022, 16 will be fully electric and the rest will be plug-in hybrids, executives said.

General Motors Co, Toyota Motor Corp and Volkswagen AG have already outlined aggressive plans to expand their electric vehicle offerings and target consumers who want luxury, performance and an SUV body style – or all three attributes in the same vehicle.

Mainstream carmakers are reacting in part to pressure from regulators in China, Europe and California to slash carbon emissions from fossil fuels. They also are under pressure from Tesla Inc’s success in creating electric sedans and SUVs that inspire would-be owners to line up outside showrooms and flood the company with orders.

GM said last year it would add 20 new battery electric and fuel cell vehicles to its global line-up by 2023, financed by robust profits from traditional internal combustion engine vehicles in the US and China.

GM’s chief, Mary Barra, has promised investors the Detroit automaker will make money selling electric cars by 2021. 

Volkswagen said in November it would spend $40bn on electric cars, autonomous driving and new mobility services by the end of 2022.

Toyota is racing to commercialize a breakthrough battery technology during the first half of the 2020s with the potential to cut the cost of making electric cars.

Ford’s additional investments in electric vehicles contrasted with many of the vehicle launches at the Detroit show, which featured trucks and SUVs.

Daimler AG unveiled its new G-class SUV, a bulky off-roader.

The Daimler CEO, Dieter Zetsche, hinted to Former California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger during an exchange on stage next to the G-class that Daimler would some day have an electric version of the vehicle.

SUVs figured in Ford’s electric vehicle presentation. The automaker’s president of global markets, Jim Farley, said Ford would bring a high-performance electric utility vehicle to market by 2020. 

Ford’s shift to the electric vehicle strategy has been more than six months in the making after Hackett replaced former CEO Mark Fields in May.

The plan was finalized in recent months after an extensive review, a person familiar with the process said. In October, Ford disclosed it had formed a team to accelerate global development of electric vehicles, whose mission is to “think big” and “make quicker decisions”.

Some of the electric vehicles will be produced with Ford’s JV in China aimed at the Chinese market.

China, India, France and the UK have all announced plans to phase out vehicles powered by combustion engines and fossil fuels between 2030 and 2040.



  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Sta ovo Mate Rimac prica da u Srbiju dolazi BMW da otvori pogon za proizvodnju delova za elektricne automobile, navodno zbog velikih rezervi litijuma kod Loznice?

Ne nadjoh nigde da pominje Loznicu/litijum.



Jucer sam bio na skupu Uprave jedne velike Njemacke automobilske firme (ima prihode gotovo na razini Hrvatskog BDP-a). Trazili su lokaciju za gradnju proizvodnog pogona za elektricne pogonske sustave u Istocnoj Europi. 15 drzava se natjecalo. U finalu su ostali Makedonija i Srbija. Hrvatska nije bila niti medju ovih 15. Na kraju su odabrali Srbiju. Tamo ce proizvoditi stotine tisuca pogonskih sustava za elektricne automobile - sustavi koji ce pogoniti mnoge Europske premium automobile. Uz to su zbog proaktivnosti Srpske Vlade dogovorili jos jedan veliki projekt, no nije na meni da objavljujem o cemu se radi. Zao mi je sto nisam znao ranije za to - jer bi pogurao da se Hrvatska uzme u obzir. No mozda i bolje tako - vjerojatno bi bio totalni waste of time - jer nebi bio prvi put da sam to radio.


Ne pominje ni BMW, ali lako se zakljuci da je bas BMW.


E da, i ovo rece:


Neki grad gdje su se prije radili avioni (?) Tako su mi bar Nijemci rekli - zaboravio sam kako se zove.


Utva? Zmaj?


Our country, which potentially has the biggest deposits of this mineral in Europe and probably one of the biggest in the world, is planning to launch its production in 2023. Germans will start their production two years earlier, as will the Czechs. The biggest Lithium deposits in Serbia are in Jadar near the town of Loznica.





Samo da ne dodju Ameri da oslobode Loznicu.

Edited by katamaran

On 2/27/2018 at 9:04 PM, Bir Adim Öte said:

Ne nadjoh nigde da pominje Loznicu/litijum.



Ne pominje ni BMW, ali lako se zakljuci da je bas BMW.


E da, i ovo rece:


Utva? Zmaj?

Bila je DFA, Državna Fabrika Aviona u Kraljevu a Ikarus je počeo u Novom Sadu. 

  • 1 month later...

Prati li neko scenu elektro bicikala? Ja bih ovo kupio:





Mada može i na Ubice na drumu:



11 hours ago, aram said:

jedno pet-sest puta je proso na crveno...

plus preticanja kolona po punoj liniji. degenerik.

  • 2 months later...

samo da pitam. videh punionicu strujom kod bivše naplatne rampe u bubanj potoku. koliko košta punjenje? 

Edited by djordje geprat

7 minutes ago, djordje geprat said:

samo da pitam. videh punionicu strujom kod bivše naplatne rampe u bubanj potoku. koliko košta punjenje? 


kolikogod, samo malo dalje ikea puni za dž

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