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J. J. Abrams has admitted that he is "horrified" by the news that his show Fringe is being moved to Friday nights.The drama's network Fox announced in November that the series will be pushed back to make way for American Idol."Oh, I'm horrified beyond belief," Abrams told Collider. "But as a fan of the genre and the show, I'm hoping that fans will tune in."He continued: "I certainly can promise that it will be worth their while. The episodes that are coming up are spectacular. I guess you can just be hopeful and say that if the work is good enough, it will find the audience. I think they're doing better work now, even in the second half of season three, than they've ever done in the series. I'm just crossing my fingers that fans of the show show up."Abrams admitted that he doesn't see an upside to the move because "the audience on Friday nights is harder to find", but insisted that he is still on good terms with Fox."Certainly, I would be lying to you if I said I'm thrilled about the move," he said. "But what I am thrilled about is that the network has been incredibly supportive and, despite its move to Friday, they've been nothing but encouraging of the show. It's still on the air in its third season and it's not easy to do that. It's not easy to get to season three of anything. They've allowed the show to become truly great, I think. The question is, will audiences find a great show on Friday nights? I pray that they do."
Dakle, u subotu izjutra na kioscima™:Inače, Anni lipstick baš ne stoji najbolje:

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Odlična epizoda. Mada, nešto mi miriše da je ovo poslednja sezona, a možda bi bilo i bolje da tako bude, nego da dobijemo veštačko produžavanje na 4. sezonu epizodama koje nemaju nikakvog smisla. Uostalom, prebačena je na petak :)

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kickass epizoda. mozda maaalo usiljen preokret, ali svejedno

peter presao na dark sajd. love it :)chimp-walter :D

sto se prosle tice, jel iko onaj komentar obzrvera na kraju epizode [ono 'it must be hard to be a father' ili kako vec] shvatio kao hint da ce peter postati otac? tj, da je fauxlivia trudna? vidim na nekim forumima da se spekulise sa tim, a meni to uopste nije bilo palo na pamet kad sam gledao. i nisam siguran da mi se svidja, tj da bi me uopste zanimao takav razvoj dogadjaja.

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sto se prosle tice, jel iko onaj komentar obzrvera na kraju epizode [ono 'it must be hard to be a father' ili kako vec] shvatio kao hint da ce peter postati otac? tj, da je fauxlivia trudna? vidim na nekim forumima da se spekulise sa tim, a meni to uopste nije bilo palo na pamet kad sam gledao. i nisam siguran da mi se svidja, tj da bi me uopste zanimao takav razvoj dogadjaja.
Jao, ja još nisam stigla da odgledam i sad si me uplašio sa ovim zlosutnim predviđanjem neke tamo trudnoće. Bar do sada ovo nije bila takva serija, tj. onakva gde kad ne znaju šta dalje, neko ostane trudan.
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nista se u ovoj novoj nije pominjalo o tome, to je bilo na kraju prosle, sa obzrverima. ja sumnjam, jer nesto ne vidim koliko ce prostora biti uopste za tako neke zaplete.inace, procitah negdje da ce se josh pojavljivati andre royo aka bubbles [olivijin omiljeni paralelni taksista]

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i ja mislim, ali postoji zebnja da ima nesto u tim teorijama. i u ovoj epizodi su fauxliviju prikazivali kao obicnu zenu iz naroda, koja ima 1 osecanja i te gluposti, pa me strah da tako ne pripremaju teren za da je prihvatimo or something.

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