October 14, 200816 yr bem ti lepca! pazario sam originalni cd alice, i imao sam sta da cujem. naime, nekoliko pesama je u skroz drugacijim aranzmanima nego na piratskom cd-u koji sam pre 6 godina, odmah po izlasku albuma, kupio na berzi ispred skc-a.radi se o pesmama everything you can think, no one knows i'm gone, table top joe i reeperbahn. na laznjaku su ove pesme u eksperimentalnim, svedenim aranzmanima, dok su originalne (valjda su originalne, majku mu) vise u fazonu blood money albuma. zbunjen sam - 6 godina sam ziveo u lazi ali nije ispalo lose - dobio sam, ni kriv ni duzan, cetiri nove waitsove pesme
October 16, 200816 yr ...sta mi naprica?I ja imam priratski, koji sam kupio odmah kad se pojavio. Sad cu da skinem sa neta pa da vidim razliku...
November 16, 200915 yr Author Briljantni zivi Tom Traubert's Blues.I 1 dragulj (poslat vec na fragments...) Nisam znao da ovo postoji (a kamoli da je na YouTube), do malocas....a i ovo je unique...and I just love this
December 7, 200915 yr i, kakvi su utisci o glitter and doom?Nastavak "nove energije" u liniji Orphansa. Iako sam mislio da Waits nikako nije za neke velike dvorane i koncerte, on me demantovao sa Glitterom. Utisak uglavnom pozitivan, s time da nisam slušao drugi CD na kome je 30 minuta priče.Ovo su pesme sa prvog CD-a, uživo snimane sa raličitih koncerata iz Evrope i USA:01. Lucinda / Ain’ Goin’ Down To The Well No Mo’ 02. Singapore 03. Get Behind The Mule 04. Fannin Street 05. Dirt In The Ground 06. Such A Scream 07. Live Circus 08. Goin' Out West 09. Falling Down 10. The Part You Throw Away 11. Trampled Rose 12. Metropolitan Glide 13. I'll Shoot The Moon 14. Green Grass 15. Make It Rain 16. Story 17. Lucky Day
December 8, 200915 yr Nastavak "nove energije" u liniji Orphansanakon prvih par slušanja, meni ovo mnogo bolje od orphansa...poprilično "mladalačka" svirka, prijatno sam iznenađen.
December 9, 200915 yr nakon prvih par slušanja, meni ovo mnogo bolje od orphansa...poprilično "mladalačka" svirka, prijatno sam iznenađen.I bend mu je bio prilicno mladalacki tako da to ne cudi. Obicno je na toj turneji svirao po dva koncerta u svakom gradu i to skoro pa potpuno razlicita. Ja sam se zadesio u Pragu i beshe jebeno dobro iako sam zabo po mom ukusu playlistu za slabiji koncert.
December 9, 200915 yr nakon prvih par slušanja, meni ovo mnogo bolje od orphansa...poprilično "mladalačka" svirka, prijatno sam iznenađen.jeste, kudikamo bolje
December 9, 200915 yr meni isto bio super u prvo vreme, al posle par nedelja splasnulo mi odusevljenje.ne secam se kad sam ga poslednji put pustio, dok recimo kisne pse pustim 1 nedeljno najmanje.domene moguce. videcu kolko ce me ovaj drzati.
December 28, 200915 yr poslednjih dana uglavnom slušam trotomno izdanje iz 2004, nisam siguran da li je oficijalno posto ga nema po diskografijama, ali ima pravih bisera, kao ovaj a1 gde bard napeva uz skitnicu kojeg se svojevremeno snimio kompozitor gavin bryars: zove se tom waits superstar: the music of tom waits. lako se nadje. evo pesama:Tom Waits - Spare Parts 101 - Jesus' Blood Never Failed Me Yet [Gavin Bryars Ensemble With Tom Waits]02 - It's Allright With Me03 - I'll Tell You Why That Is [Dan Hicks & His Hot Licks With Tom Waits]04 - Annie's Back In Town05 - The Piano Has Been Drinking [Live In Dublin]06 - Adios Lounge [Thelonius Monster With Tom Waits]07 - It Rains On Me [Chuck E Weiss With Tom Waits]08 - Buzz Fledderjohn09 - Little Man [Teddy Edwards With Tom Waits]10 - Filipino Box-Spring Hog11 - It's Over12 - Jersey Girl [Alternate Take]13 - I'm Crazy 'Bout My Baby14 - River Of Men15 - Louise [Ramblin' Jack Elliott With Tom Waits]16 - Tommy The Cat [Primus With Tom Waits]17 - Goin' Out West [Live On Arsenio]18 - The Fall Of Troy19 - What Keeps Mankind Alive20 - Hang On St. Christopher [Remix]21 - Untitled [Ramblin' Jack Elliott With Tom Waits]Tom Waits - Spare Parts 201 - Helium [Tin Hat Trio With Tom Waits]02 - Books Of Moses03 - Whistlin' Past The Graveyard [Alternate Take]04 - (Meet Me In) Paradise Alley05 - A Thousand Bing Bangs [Ken Nordine With Tom Waits]06 - Heigh-Ho07 - Puttin' On The Dog08 - It Rains On Me09 - Men Of Adventure10 - Highway Cafe11 - I'm Not Your Fool Anymore [Teddy Edwards With Tom Waits]12 - Little Drop Of Poison13 - Mr. Henry14 - The World Keeps Turning15 - On The Road [Tom Waits With Primus]16 - Sea Of Love17 - The Fall Of Troy [Live On KCRW]18 - Brother, Can You Spare A Dime19 - Walk Away20 - Chocolate Jesus [Live On Letterman]21 - I'll Never Let Go Of Your HandTom Waits - Spare Parts 301 - Babbachichuija02 - Little Drop Of Poison03 - Coattails Of A Dead Man [Primus With Tom Waits]04 - Dog Door05 - Empty Pockets [Live]06 - Broken Bicycles [Live]07 - Everything Goes To Hell [Live]08 - Take Care Of All My Children09 - Long Way Home10 - Jayne's Blue Wish11 - Return Of Jackie & Judy12 - The Pontiac13 - Candy Apple Red14 - Once Upon A Town-Empty Pockets15 - Wages Of Love [uptempo]16 - Picking Up After You [Demo]17 - I Beg Your Pardon [Take 1]18 - Candy Apple Red [bass Solo]19 - Cold Chisel [in Progress]Hteo sam da stavim i rotoskopski spot za stvar "to the one that got away", zapravo mali film koji se zove šeretski, tom waits for no one, ali nažalost skinuli su ga sa jubuta zbog kopirajta. jedna od lepsih stvari koje sam video, u spotu se pored toma pojavljuje glumica koja igra jednu od striptizeta iz kasavetesovog "killing of the chinese bookie". i tu igra striptizetu. naravno, oboje su rotoskopirani. ako nadjete, obavezno pogledajte, narocito ko voli hart etek end vajn.
January 16, 201015 yr Author Majstor ga je srocio po mom ukusu (fanboy and proud of it), srecnik koji je TW gledao 1975...http://www.amazon.co...63627851&sr=8-1I would like to correct a couple of possible misconceptions about this album. A previous reviewer alluded to "manufactured atmosphere". Don't construe this comment in any kind of negative way. I saw Tom Waits perform LIVE in the fall of 1975 at Alex Cooley's Electric Ballroom in Atlanta, GA. Leon Redbone opened for him. I have been to hundreds of live music concerts since, of all types, and this one remains the most memorable. Notice that the album was released in October, 1975. What you hear on this disc is EXACTLY what I saw & heard Tom perform that night. He had some props on stage, including old-fashioned gas pumps during "Burma Shave". The lighting effects were the best I've ever seen, and emphasized his expert use of cigarettes as props - his head & face were often shrouded in a cloud of blue smoke. What I'm getting at is the fact that this recording conveys almost perfectly the sense of being there, regardless of how it was done. Indeed, it is obvious that Tom strove for this live nightclub effect, and achieved it beautifully. The second misconception is the impression given by some reviewers that this is not one of his better ones. I disagree, and would nominate this recording as being the best example of the "essence" of Tom Waits. Others have correctly pointed out that he has inhabited 3 or 4 different personas during his career, with consequently different musical styles. However, I think there is a thread of essential Waits that is present on all the recordings, from the early ones like "Heart of Saturday Night" to "Bone Machine" and "Mule Variations", and I believe that we find that Essential TomWaitsness most perfectly captured on this recording. If you like this, you should like almost any of his old stuff, you would definitely like the "trilogy" "Swordfishtrombones", "Rain Dogs", and "Frank's Wild Years", and you probably would also like the newer Tom, "Bone Machine", "Mule Variations", etc. One of the 2 or 3 best in American Music.
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