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Kakav trejler!!!Sad se pojavljuju i neki azijati, i busistički hramovi i ...A do pre 5 dana ABC je striktno odbijao da pusti scene iz nove sezone, jer bismo mogli da naslutimo sadržaj.Pa, ako je neko naslutio, molim da stavi u spojler, ja čitam sve.

Edited by Arkadija
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Ova nulta epizoda je sasvim OK. Lepa rekapitulacija svega sto se izdesavalo, uz par povezivanja koja mozda nismo/te sami zakljucili. Sve u svemu umesto V sezone, moze i ova nulta da prodje :)

1. What is the significance of the numbers?We first saw the digits (4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42) back in Season 1—on Hurley's winning lottery ticket, then on the hatch door, then in the input sequence to reset the timer in the Swan Station, and finally in our nightmares. I can't even wear my Michael Jordan jersey anymore for fear a plane will crash on my head.2. Why were they chosen to crash on the island, and what is their connection?I could have wussed out and made these two separate questions, but they're really the same thing phrased two different ways. We know Jack, Kate, Sawyer, Hurley, Sun, Jin, and whoever else were selected by some higher being or cosmic force, and I'm guessing their connection has to do with more than just the fact they're all hot. Yes, Hurley gets some love too.3. Why do some people appear as "ghosts"?For lack of a better word, we'll call the people who have died and talk to people who are alive "ghosts." We've seen Charlie, Christian, Alex, Ana Lucia, and more come back and do their Casper impressions, but I'm at a loss for the rules of the whole phenomenon. Rule number one, you have to be dead... that's as far as I've gotten.4. What is the Black Smoke?Another question from the early days that producers have somehow managed to keep secret. We've heard it's some sort of security system, and it also judges people. Then it maybe takes the form of loved ones and bosses people around. It's kind of like Simon Cowell.5. How is Egyptology related to all this mumbo-jumbo?We've seen the croc-faced statue of Tawaret and we've seen hieroglyphs scattered all over the place like some Cairo tagger gone nuts. But what do ancient Egyptians have to do with the island? Is the island an inverted spaceship pyramid that's ready to blast off into outer space and head back to the mothership? (No, because that would be stupid.)6. What's up with Walt? And Aaron?Remember that dude? The kid? Michael's kid? Michael spent all of Season 2 screaming his name in that annoying moan. He was special. Then he disappeared. Ummm, what? Same thing re: Aaron.7. Who is Jacob/Who is "The Man in Black"?Methinks these two have a lot to do with the island and its mysteries (thanks, Captain Obvious). We know Jacob can get off the island and travel through time, and we know he made Richard Alpert how he is. We know the Man in Black wants to kill Jacob, and he may just be able to incarnate himself as the recently deceased. We also know Jacob likes to touch people. Seriously Jacob, use some Purell.8. What's the deal with the Temple?The Temple is the single-most mysterious location on the island. We know you can go there to be judged, like Ben did. We know that the Smoke Monster may call it home. It's part sanctuary, part examination room, and part hideout. It's like the island's YMCA.9. Why do Widmore and Ben want the island?No Ben, "the island is special" is not a good enough explanation. These two are willing to kill each other's daughters for the floating rock. I'm sure the producers have a different answer to this question, but I would accept that both Widmore and Ben have a raging case of Objectum Sexuality.10. What is the deal with Richard Alpert? And Desmond?Walt and Aaron have their own question, so the adults can have one too. Alpert doesn't age, Desmond can time travel. I'm not sure about you guys, but that kind of stuff doesn't happen to me or anyone else I know. Although I do know a few people who look good for their age and another who keeps waking up in strange places days after his last memory. But I don't think that counts.What's on your must-answer list? Ask away in the comments, and I'll be back tomorrow with five questions Lost DOESN'T need to answer. http://www.tv.com/10-questions-lost-needs-to-answer/story/21019.html?tag=hotspot;gumball;1

Edited by Milosh76
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Ova nulta epizoda je sasvim OK. Lepa rekapitulacija svega sto se izdesavalo, uz par povezivanja koja mozda nismo/te sami zakljucili. Sve u svemu umesto V sezone, moze i ova nulta da prodje :)[spoiler
It's kind of like Simon Cowell.Seriously Jacob, use some Purell. It's like the island's YMCA.
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sitno :)vrijeme je za kladionicu na temu sta ce da bude na kraju valjda ne useru previse sa raspletom i valjda ja dobijem opkladu
Ja se nadam da osim zavrsetka price, nece biti previse detaljnog objasnjvanja, i da ce dosta stvari ostati otvoreno za licna tumacenja. Otprilike, saznacemo sta se dogodilo sa likovima, eventualno sa ostrvom... a borba Dobra i Zla/kosmickih sila se nastavlja.Ovaj poslednji trejler je nadrazujuci maksimalno. ^_^
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Ja se nadam da osim zavrsetka price, nece biti previse detaljnog objasnjvanja, i da ce dosta stvari ostati otvoreno za licna tumacenja. Otprilike, saznacemo sta se dogodilo sa likovima, eventualno sa ostrvom... a borba Dobra i Zla/kosmickih sila se nastavlja.
darlton reche da ce tako i biti. ofkors, nisu ishli u detalje sta ce ostati otvoreno za tumacenja :)
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darlton reche da ce tako i biti. ofkors, nisu ishli u detalje sta ce ostati otvoreno za tumacenja :)
Odlicno. A i poslednji trejler obecava, vec sam im oprostio denbraunovski zavrsetak prethodne sezone.Onaj spanski trejler se izgleda svideo autorima, pa su ga preradili sa Lokovim glasom:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZuISMUoJNw8 Edited by Takeshi
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Nema vise vremena za bilo sta ... 45:37 ... Vujovic, i evo sada sansa ... gooooooooooool! Radanovic, Radanovic, Ra ... Radanovic.Odakle da skinem sutra epizodu? Ne koristim torrente nego US downloader. Hvala!

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i i iiii i ii i ???? amerikanci™, brzo da cujem prve utiskeedit : lik okacio vec na private tracker, skinuto ! moram prvo episode zero da odgledam

Edited by 8-walker
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