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Amy Winehouse


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upravo zato sto ima samo zvuk.. ali ne i muziku.
Sto je to zvuk? Ako mislim da mislis to sto mislim, vjerojatno zelis reci - produkcija. Ili mozda muzicari koji ju prate? Jer, cak i ako ne cujes muziku (emociju, ono nesto sto te pogadja, ton) cujes izuzetno kvalitetan zvuk. Ali ja trenutno imam kod sebe Billie i Any i posve objektivno, nema bitne razlike. Osim sto je prva umrla, a druga jos nije pa ce, pretpostavljam, njena prava tezina biti procijenjena tek nakon smrti. A nakon 50 godina ce biti evergreen - ako hoces kladit cu se s tobom u 7 dana prisilnog boravka u pwipizdini gdje ces jesti only organic food - ali imas dobar foto aparat sto mi je utjeha, a za tvoje dusevne boli koje ce uslijediti nakon zvuka krave i magarca me nije briga. :rolleyes:
ne znam sta je bio cilj navodjenja gremija...
Nista posebno tebi, nego da se publika upozna. Malo sam se zeznula u procjeni poznavanja Amy kao pjevacice uopce. Gremija? Pa zena je pokupila sve moguce nagrade (ukljucujuci americke koje ovdje nisu navedene) sto, ok posto si ti u pitanju da skratim, znaci samo da ljudi imaju dobar ukus i znaju kad me treba slijediti. Edited by Ziza
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slažem se sa ovim što je kobac rekao. mislim, svi kvaliteti koje Ziza pominje u prilog Amy nisu sporni, ima ona i glas i friknoću i dosta dobre iskrene ispovedne tekstove... ali nešto tu ne štima. kao da joj nedostaje autorska težina, jer svi ti njeni kvalieti upućuju na ličnost koja bi mogla da se meri sa veličinama reda Pi Džej Harvi ili Tori Amos. ali muzičko retro 60ies/ soul pakovanje meni deluje suviše lako i konfekcijski u odnosu na težinu njenog glasa, tekstova i gorkog životnog iskustva koje proživljava. šta znam, možda je to namerno tako spakovano, ali po meni je tu veliki raskorak.a opet, možda su moja očekivanja preterana jer ona je klinka od tek 24 godine jebote. a, ovako kad je čovek pogleda i posluša taj glas reko bi da ima 34.

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Sto je to zvuk? Ako mislim da mislis to sto mislim, vjerojatno zelis reci - produkcija.
heh... ne.evo ovako... sedi za klavir.. pa pritisni dirku. to sto cujes to je zvuk :)ima klavira koji zvuce dobro.. ima koji zvuce odlicno...ali to nema nikakve veze sa kvalitetom izvodjenja (a i kompozicije) muzike koja se na tom klaviru svira.analogno tome, moguce je imati dobar glas a biti los pevac...a da ne govorimo pevati lose pesmeejmi ima sjajan glas.. tu nema sta da se diskutuje.ali ja kazem da nije bas tako dobra pevacica kao sto vi koji se topite na njen glas tvrdite da jeste.
Ali ja trenutno imam kod sebe Billie i Any i posve objektivno, nema bitne razlike.
na ovo necu nista da kazem.. jer ne vredi.samo to da mislim propustas mnogo toga sto bili holidej daje.
njena prava tezina biti procijenjena tek nakon smrti. A nakon 50 godina ce biti evergreen - ako hoces kladit cu se s tobom u 7 dana prisilnog boravka u pwipizdini gdje ces jesti only organic food - ali imas dobar foto aparat sto mi je utjeha, a za tvoje dusevne boli koje ce uslijediti nakon zvuka krave i magarca me nije briga. :rolleyes:
ma otiso bih sad odmah na 7 dana medju krave i magarce..samo da ne moram vise da slusam hvalospeve za ejmi :lol:
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evo ovako... sedi za klavir.. pa pritisni dirku. to sto cujes to je zvuk
Profesore, ja sam sa 15 godina ucila klavir. Vrlo dobro znam sto je tipka i ton i zvuk. :)
analogno tome, moguce je imati dobar glas a biti los pevac...
U tome se slazemo, ako izuzmemo da je Amy losa.
a da ne govorimo pevati lose pesme
Pjesme sa albuma Back To Black su fenomenalne, a sto bi strucnjaci protumacili da netko od nas dvoje ima los ukus sto za sobom opet poteze odredjene insinuacije u koje sad ne bih zalazila.
samo to da mislim propustas mnogo toga sto bili holidej daje.
Bila sam jos u pelenama kad su mi na gramofonu (Trubadur) svirali Billie. A sad si se ti nasao da mi solis pamet. <_<
ma otiso bih sad odmah na 7 dana medju krave i magarce..
Ok, znaci uzimas godisnji?
samo da ne moram vise da slusam hvalospeve za ejmi
Jedino sto ti ovdje slusas je zvuk tvoje vlastite tastature koja lupka pod tezinom tvojih prstiju. :) A ja, posto je kod mene sad proslo 02h, idem slusati pospan zvuk svog kreveta koji sapuce pod Zizom. Laku noc.edit - pisalo je da sam 15 godina ucila klavir jer mi se omaknuo tipfeler. Sad je onako kako treba. :) Edited by Ziza
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Bila sam jos u pelenama kad su mi na gramofonu (Trubadur) svirali Billie. A sad si se ti nasao da mi solis pamet. <_<
pa ipak sam morao da sacekam da izadjes iz pelena ^_^ aj laku noc..
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Evo ja da se slozim sa Kopcem. Ne kapiram sav taj hype oko Amy, zaista. Ima dobar glas, ima i nekoliko vrlo dobrih pesama(narocito na Frank albumu), ali se i meni cini da joj nesto nedostaje. Poredjenje sa soul i jazz divama, stvarno mi nije jasno.

Edited by Joe D
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ni ja ne kapiram zasto mi se svidjaju njene pesme, ali mi se svidjaju. ne analiziram to previse. ako nesto znaci, da dodam da sam se navukao na njenu mjuzu pre nego sto je postala kraljica tabloida, ili barem pre nego sto sam ja saznao da propada. stavise, mislim da sam u vecini sto se toga tice, tj da kopcheva tvrdnja o tome da je popularna zato sto je raspadachica ne stoji. jednostavno, riba je razbila kad se pojavila, a tek kasnije je pocela da razbija sebe.

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Ne kapiram sav taj hype oko Amy, zaista. Ima dobar glas, ima i nekoliko vrlo dobrih pesama(narocito na Frank albumu), ali se i meni cini da joj nesto nedostaje. Poredjenje sa soul i jazz divama, stvarno mi nije jasno.
Amy Winehouse: Got Soul? Hell Yeah, Sister!by Alexander Billet / August 9th, 2007(Alexander Billet is a music journalist and activist living in Washington, DC. He is a contributor to Socialist Worker, Dissident Voice and Znet. He is currently working on his first book, The Sound of Liberation: Music and Social Change in the 21st Century.)Amy Winehouse is at the top of her game. In the past several months, the gritty and outspoken young woman from north London with a voice somewhere between Sarah Vaughan and Billie Holliday has become the musical success story of 2007. Her second album Back to Black has sold five million copies worldwide, soared up the charts on both sides of the pond, and produced three hit singles (with a fourth on the way). And just this past summer, she has graced the cover of the two biggest music magazines in the US; Rolling Stone, and Spin, which had the guts to call her ?the dangerous new queen of soul.?Mere hype? Absolutely not. Because plainly stated, Amy Winehouse is one of the best thing to happen to women in pop music in a decade.This itself is a bold statement. And normally there is something about the hyping of a white woman as the queen of a black music-genre that puts this writer?s quills on end. But there is no denying that Ms. Winehouse stands out from the typical female pop singer, white or black. For those of us frustrated with the reign of the pre-packaged plastic doll in music, it?s a relief to see a female artist who allows herself that most verboten of indulgences: being human.Part of it is her choice in sound. Jazz, soul, Motown, a bit of reggae and ska, all find their way into her songs. This isn?t the music of the sterile studio that crawls underneath stale lyrics like a plastic ivy plant. These are the songs of the sweaty dance halls and gin soaked R&B joints that should have never been pushed to the margins the way they have.Her image and voice might be part of it too. Ms. Winehouse is hardly the vapid sex object with the frail nightingale-ish voice we?ve become used to. She?s tattooed. She wears whatever she feels like (including the bee-hive). And she is a powerhouse! Her voice has an unusual depth and an undeniable strength. She sings from her gut, from her heart, and from someplace very,very real.But these are only part of a bigger picture. Ms. Winehouse?s voice, her image, her catalog and performances, are all part of the most genuine, heart-on-the-sleeve material to come from any woman in the pop-music mainstream in a long time. Perhaps that?s because Ms. Winehouse (gasp!) writes her own songs.Not only that, but she?s amazingly skilled at it, especially for someone of only 23 years. Heartbreak, lust, and even addiction are all things that she can sing about with a rare believability. ?Tears Dry on Their Own,? set to be released on August 13th, is a perfect showcase. Its sound pulls heavily from ?Ain?t No Mountain High Enough,? and Ms. Winehouse not only recaptures that song?s classic strut-and-sway, she makes it her own with a cocky swagger that has become trademark. Her lyrics, however, seem to pull a reversal on the song, as she speaks of being trapped in an endless cycle of bad lovers. That she can juxtapose one?s own destructive cycle with such defiantly strong music conjures up images of suviving despite all odds, a feeling that seems to be forgotten in most ?neo-soul.?Her prior single, ?Back to Black? features a piano and string backing reminiscent of Solid Gold at its best. Ms. Winehouse?s smoky voice is just enough to hold the listener?s heart in painful limbo as her lover returns to his old flame. The poetically blunt lyrics hit the listener in the gut: ?He left no time to regret / kept his dick wet with his same old safe bet.? But if this almost vulgar honesty shocks then the chorus ? which soldiers through the pain of heartbreak with noble grace ? gives you no choice but to be drawn into her world of simultaneous anger and sadness:?We only said good-bye with wordsI?ve died a hundred timesYou go back to herAnd I go back to black.?If you?re not moved by this beautiful song, check your damn pulse.There is a dark side to all this. It seems impossible that anyone could write such nuanced and vivid songs without demons, and Ms. Winehouse has her fair share. Thanks to the spinelessness of the British tabloids, we know that her struggle with the drink has been more than just a minor nuisance.After her first record, even her label tried to intervene. But rather thanhide that from the world, she turned it into her biggest hit yet; the Motowninfused, attitude filled ?Rehab. The message was clear, to the execs, theagents, and the tabloids: ?screw you, and by the way, screw you again.?It?s impressive that Ms. Winehouse has no problem speaking her mind in both her music and otherwise. While she may share the petite, skinny build of the pop-istas, she knows that it comes at a heavy price. She has admitted that she used to suffer from eating disorders, the big taboo that most divas dare not speak of. After describing her past disorder as ?a little bit of anorexia, a little bit of bulimia,? she elaborated ?I?m not totally OK now, but I don?t think ANY woman is.? And in a society where we are expected to deal with the shit of life with a grin on our face, she has also admitted to a history of bipolar disorder.Mark Ronson, legendary DJ and producer of half of Back to Black said that ?Amy is bringing a rebellious rock n? roll spirit back to popular music? Those groups from the Sixties like the Shangri-Las had that kind of attitude: young girls from Queens in motorcycle jackets. Amy looks fucking cool, and she?s brutally honest in her songs. It?s been so long since anybody in the pop world has come out and admitted their flaws, because everyone?s trying so hard to project perfection. But Amy will say, like, ?Yeah, I got drunk and fell down. So what???What her recent success tells us is that most people are sick of ?perfection.? They want artists they can identify with. Ms. Winehouse is a deep, complex, often flawed person. As we all are. Not only does she admit it, she puts every inch of it in her songs. How brave, how personal, and how rare that is. Perhaps the reason she?s being called the new queen of soul is because she actually HAS soul.Here?s to you Ms. Winehouse. May your reign be long and prosperous. Edited by Ziza
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O my, pa hajde da budem gruba (ocito je bitno). Ne volim ju zato sto je ocigledno i ogromno ( :huh: koja rijec) nesigurna, pijandura, narkomanka, bode se u nogu, posrce po pozornici, pljuje po publici, zavrsava u hitnoj, tuce se s muzem i te de svi ostali tracevi koje ste culi zahvaljujuci zutoj stampi, nego ju volim zato jer je izniman vokal, jer je napravila album koji je daleko nadmasio silne konfekcijske (s razlogom) hopsalice, tupsalice, Britnice i slicne govnalice.Ako nisam bila dovoljno jasna; nisam pokrenula topic zato da bismo pokrenuli svekoliku zastitu sisavaca, nego je pocetna misao bila Amy - Back to Black - kvaliteta - stvarno bi bila steta da takav talenat ode u nepovrat. Ali ok, ispricavam se sto sam precijenila ukus publike. Vratimo se cupkalicama, nemojte da vas vise zbunjuje ovaj topic. <_<
Sta bre hoces onda, da pokreces topik podrske zato sto je uspesna?Upravo sam se slozila s tobom za sve ostalo i dodala zapazanje. U cemu je problem?
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Sta bre hoces onda, da pokreces topik podrske zato sto je uspesna?
Cilj je bio samo pokretanje topica, a podrska je vise figurativno receno da eventualno pokrenem i diskusiju.
U cemu je problem?
Nema problema, samo sam pojasnila da je topic postavljen zbog njene kvalitete. :)
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