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Ja čitam još uvek ali uglavnom nekako na silu. Dosadnjikavo mi je, imam utisak da mogu da ga tegle ovako u nedogled, prelivanje iz šupljeg u prazno, svako malo se dohvate nekog nebitnog lika pa nam po tri-četiri broja pokazuju šta se s njim dešava :isuse:Uzeo sam slučajno pre neki dan prve brojeve da pregledam, nebo i zemlja. Priča konciznija, duhovitiji dijalozi, likovi još nisu triput prežvakani... Trebalo je da završe najkasnije posle Đepetovog poraza.

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al_nat2011.jpgSolidan Almanah fantastike 2011. U Celicnim ocnjacima pratimo dve paralelne price, dve sudbine, potpuno nepovezane, koje se slucajno srecu i sukobljavaju u sneznim planinama Dir Horna. Odlicno se Rigamonti ovde poigrao sa ljudskom psihom, te je na kraju on, a i Natan, a i mi citaoci, izasao kao pobednik iz ovog duela.rom_05.jpgVolite li Dilana? Da? E pa, onda cete voleti i Djidjijevu Vesticu, jer je ona bolja i od najboljeg Dilana. Tacno, nema onih sklavijevski metafiizickih i onirickih ludorija, ali ima horora, krimica, avanture, ludila... Sve je to lepo Simeoni upakovao u 320 strana price koje se citaju u dahu, bez da ijednom se zastane i pocese po glavi sa pitanjem sta li je pisac hteo da kaze (vidi gore: Sklavi), ali do samog kraja, do 319te strane se zapravo ne otkriva sama priroda problema (gde je nastao Alfredo - btw ne znam da li je ovaj mali debeli Alfredo omaz nasem Kasteliju ili Rekanju, mali Alfredo nosi Star Trek kapu, a zna se ko je ST matto u SBE, a obojica su, jelte, bucmasti :P ). Ali, sam svrsetak price je toliko sjajan, da sam se sav bio najezio. Alal vera Djiji! Eto sta se dobije kad za glavnu protagonistkinju imamo 40godisnju nedojebanu histericnu tetkicu Kijaru. Remek-delo! :wub:dylcf07.jpgNekoc dok sam studirao na Matematickom, bilo je dovoljno uraditi tacno 2 od 4 zadatka na pismenom da bi dobio minimalnih 50 poena i 6icu (i sansu da na usmenom delu ispita gegnes, pa opet Jovo nanovo). Elem, ovaj Dilan je upravo za 6icu, s obzirom da su tacne 2 i 3 prica, dok 1 i 4 ne vrede ni po lule duvana. Ajmo redom. 1. Put za pakao. Vau! Kakav naslov. Covek bi pomislio da je u pitanju ko zna kakva prica, kad ono tamo medjutim. Ide Dilan svojom bubom magistralama Kenta, kad neka baraba posula cavle po putu te on izbusi obe prednje gume. Ustopira prvu ribu, koja je histericna i luda te ga pokusa da ga ubije, on joj pobegne dok se ona histericno smeje. Par dana kasnije novi auto i novi cavlici i opet ona kupi novog stopera. Jebem ti horora... :isuse: U Zalagaonickoj banci, serija cudnih smrtnih slucajeva potresa londonsku prosjacku zajednicu. Dilan prihvata slucaj za dz i spusta se neko vreme da zivi medju njima, te uspeva da resi slucaj. Sasvim fino ispricana prica, ukoliko zanemarimo levicarske floskule kojih ima u tragovima, jelte. Alesandrini na nivou. Svetlosti pozornice je verovatno i ponajbolja prica, iako je vec delimicno odata na samom pocetku, opet fino je ispricana. Rec je o zameni indentiteta i uloga kako u zivotu tako i na teveu. Osvezenje za ovaj Kolorfest. A onda... Zar nam nije bilo dovolno gluposti o manekenima ubicama u supermarketu (Mora letnje noci, DD 36), sad jos imamo i nastavak Ponocni koljac? Bivsi radnik Dastana Robert Lensberi se pretvara da je meneken ubica (a zapravo je suludi manijakalni ubica koj ide okolo i kolje svakoga na koga naidje) da bi ga Dilan ubio jednim jedinim metkom posred cela. Ah, prica ne bi bila prica ako ne bi ostala otvorena pa se na kraju nas Robert zapravo ne pretvori u pravog manekena ubicu i prikolje forenzicara. Aaaahhh, zavrsava se prica. Aaaahh, i ja rekoh... :isuse:
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  • 2 weeks later...
DC Plans Prequels to Watchmen SeriesBy DAVE ITZKOFFPublished: February 1, 2012 No hero’s tale ever really ends, whether it is Odysseus’ journey home from the Trojan War or Sherlock Holmes’s exploits after his tumble over the Reichenbach Falls. And now Watchmen, one of the most influential comic-book works of the last 25 years, is about to yield additional chapters, a plan that has already drawn the outrage of its original author.Enlarge This Image On Wednesday DC Entertainment is expected to announce that its DC Comics imprint intends to publish seven comic-book mini-series that will continue the stories of the adventurers introduced in Watchmen, which was written by Alan Moore and illustrated by Dave Gibbons.Serialized from 1986 to 1987 and since collected as a graphic novel, Watchmen chronicles a group of crime fighters who, amid the real history of the cold war, find they are as powerless to solve their personal problems as they are to prevent the seeming inevitability of nuclear holocaust.The new mini-series, collectively called Before Watchmen and scheduled to start in the summer, will not be direct sequels to the original, which has been widely praised for its sophisticated storytelling and for its emphatic (if deliberately ambiguous) ending. Instead a new group of writers and illustrators will expand on the back stories of the costumed vigilantes like Rorschach and Nite Owl.DC Comics seemed to understand how this announcement would most likely be received by Watchmen devotees; in a news release the publisher said the Before Watchmen installments were “as highly anticipated as they are controversial.”Mr. Moore, who has disassociated himself from DC Comics and the industry at large, called the new venture “completely shameless.”Speaking by telephone from his home in Northampton, England, Mr. Moore said, “I tend to take this latest development as a kind of eager confirmation that they are still apparently dependent on ideas that I had 25 years ago.”For DC Comics, the lure of revisiting Watchmen, even without Mr. Moore’s involvement, is understandably irresistible. The graphic novel has been a perpetual best seller, with more than two million copies sold, and its critical success has brought renewed attention to comics, particularly in Hollywood, where it has helped to spawned countless blockbuster superhero movies. (That includes a 2009 adaptation of the graphic novel “Watchmen,” directed by Zack Snyder, that was both praised and panned for its faithfulness to the source material; costing an estimated $130 million, it brought in a disappointing $185 million at the global box office.)DC has become an increasingly crucial part of Time Warner, whose film studio, Warner Brothers, is preparing new big-budget Batman and Superman movies. And the publisher has enjoyed increased sales from a recent initiative that restarted its superhero comics at issue No. 1.“It’s our responsibility as publishers to find new ways to keep all of our characters relevant,” Dan DiDio and Jim Lee, the co-publishers of DC Entertainment, said in a statement. “After 25 years the Watchmen are classic characters whose time has come for new stories to be told.”Brian Azzarello, a comics author who is writing the mini-series for the Watchmen characters Rorschach and the Comedian, said he expected an initial wave of resistance because “a lot of comic readers don’t like new things.”“I think the gut reaction is going to be, ‘Why?’ ” Mr. Azzarello said in a telephone interview. “But then when the actual books come out, the answer will be, ‘Oh, that’s why.’ ”Some admirers suggested that more nuanced reactions were possible. The novelist Jonathan Lethem admitted in a telephone interview to “an instinctive, protective scorn” of any effort to revisit Watchmen.“That story was absolutely consummate and an enunciation as complete as any artwork in any realm,” he said. “And it’s just inviting a disgrace, basically, to try to extend any aspect of it.”Yet, Mr. Lethem added, the referential nature of the original Watchmen — which was inspired by earlier superhero characters and drew upon a grab bag of influences, including the Bible, the sonnets of Shelley and “The Threepenny Opera” to tell its story — begged for the graphic novel to be reinterpreted.“In the greater scheme of things,” he said, “there’s an ecological law, almost, that it ought to be.”Not to Mr. Moore, however. To him Watchmen is not a proud reminder of the role he has played in legitimizing comics as a serious storytelling vehicle. Instead it evokes memories of what he says were “draconian contracts” he signed with DC in the 1980s that give him little control over the work he created, and his gradual falling-out with the publisher over the film versions of “Watchmen” and another of his graphic novels, “V For Vendetta.”While he was unaware of DC’s specific plans for Before Watchmen, Mr. Moore said he has over the years resisted overtures from the publisher to approve sequel or prequel projects.Still, Mr. Moore said he was unlikely to stand in the way of Before Watchmen or to fight the project in court, where he said DC Comics would meet him with an “infinite battery of lawyers.”“I don’t want money,” he said. “What I want is for this not to happen.”Mr. Gibbons does not share those feelings. Though he is not participating in Before Watchmen, he said in a statement: “The original series of Watchmen is the complete story that Alan Moore and I wanted to tell. However, I appreciate DC’s reasons for this initiative and the wish of the artists and writers involved to pay tribute to our work. May these new additions have the success they desire.”But Mr. Moore was unconvinced, saying that the endeavor only weakened the argument that comics were an authentic form of literature.“As far as I know,” he said, “there weren’t that many prequels or sequels to ‘Moby-Dick.’ ”
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jebesga deluje kao totalno sranje,ali me zivo interesuje sta ce azarelo uraditi. rosarh i komedijas su ubedljivo najbolji likovi, a baja definitivno zna da pise

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  • 2 weeks later...

Novi Marti Misterija broj 18 je izasao. Iako mu je danas dan izlska, da l' zbog praznika ili cega vec, tek juce je vec bio na kioscima i ja ga pazarih i procitah sinoc. Zbogom, Java pise: Morales, crtaju: De Cubellis i Morales. MM_VEC_18.jpgSuper epizoda, mozda i ponajbolja od svih dosadasnjih. Jedino mi se crtez nije dojmio skroz, tj. sve sem Martija je nacrtano ok. Dvodelna je prica, tako da nasatavak sledi za tri meseca :(

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  • 3 weeks later...

mislila da od jebenih mangi nista necu uspeti da nadjem, ali na srecu jos uvek ima istomisljenika. tip za posetioce atine, njihov mamut, ili kako god se sad zove, public, na trgu slobode, tj sintagmi, ima apsolutno fantastican deo sa stripovima, cene dolar jednako euro, ali fantasticno pokriveni svi korporacijski segmenti, a ima i malih autora. nazalost ne nadjoh glavno sto trazim, ali se napakovalo dovoljno da ispuni kufer. a srce mi na mestu, nadjoh jos jedan biser celavca bradonje. vidim fanovi ga ispljuvase, a meni super, ko i uvek.Two%20Step.jpgtwostep1fartblood1.jpgima ceo ovde, bar mislim.

Edited by luba
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