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ocekivao sam mnogo vise, jer sam cuo samo hvalospeve. na kraju onako, nije lose ali ni nista spektakularno.


Hvala..ja ne znam nikog drugog da je citao, sam me je crtez zainteresovao pa sam razmisljala da ga mozda pazarim u nekom trenu.

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Hvala..ja ne znam nikog drugog da je citao, sam me je crtez zainteresovao pa sam razmisljala da ga mozda pazarim u nekom trenu.

cena je sasvim pristojna. ako se ne varam 1100 dindzi, za takvo izdanje nije mnogo, kad se zna kolike su cene stripova.

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Warren je otprilike moje visine. Mislila sam da je puno veći.


Stajala sam čukicu u redu sa onom decom. Na kraju došla, usrala se, tiho se javila i napisala moje ime na papiru. Pita me kako to da imam J u imenu. I ja kažem da sam Serbian, a on kao: right. True!


I pitam da mi na Transmetu napiše Channon, jer se tako zovem na tviteru, a on: Oh, it's you! Finally we meet! I ja se do kraja izgubim i zaboravim sve što sam htela da mu kažem, da ga pitam. Katastrofa! I na kraju mi je rekao: It was good to see you! A ja ko debil mu rekla da ne može da zamisli koji je to privilege za mene i poželela mu da uživa u Parizu i rekla mu See you! :isuse:


Narednih dva minuta se ne sećam.

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Cool story bro.


(Još samo da čujemo opravdanje zašto si nas sinoć ostavila da se smaramo sa onim GOT streamovima bez ženske ruke/moralne podrške? <_< )


Odakle ti uopšte tolika fascinacija Ellisom, ne sećam se da si ranije pisala o tome?

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Zajebo me Cera. Nisam mogla da prekinem Cerin strim da ne propustim nešto dok palim drugi, a pretih je bio video koji nije imao dugme za pojačavanje. Kad sam gurnula kabl od hi-fi i šuštanje je bilo glasnije. Pa sam bila upregnuta da dobro slušam i nisam imala snage posle da se javljam.

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Niiiistaa ga nisam pitala. Oduzela se. Pitacu ga na tviteru. On mi uvek odgovara.









Hajmo sada da tumacimo zasto je na jednom crtica posle imena, a na drugom znak pitanja. :D

Edited by MayDay
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Perhaps no modern comic has been more anxiously awaited than Grant Morrison's "Multiversity," a series announced so long ago that many fans have placed it into the "never gonna happen" file of their psyche. In the years since it was first announced, details and artwork have been revealed here and there, but the launch date for the expansive, multi-reality spanning series, originally announced as a 2010 release, has continued to shift further and further into the future.
Today, CBR has the exclusive first word that the limited series will debut in August 2014. Each issue will be 40 pages in length, featuring art by Chris Sprouse and Karl Story, Ben Oliver, Frank Quitely, Cameron Stewart and more. Here, along with a first look at a two-page spread from "The Multiversity" #1, illustrated by Ivan Reis and Joe Prado with color by Nei Ruffino, Morrison himself provides a look at what readers can expect from the title as its storyline plays out from the second half of 2014 on into 2015.
"'The Multiversity' has been a labor of love almost eight years in the making, and brings together an unstoppable supergroup of artists -- Reis, Sprouse, Oliver, Quitely, Stewart and more -- with a cast of unforgettable characters from the 52 alternative Earths of the known DC Multiverse!
"Prepare to meet the Vampire Justice League of Earth-43, the Justice Riders of Earth-18, Superdemon, Doc Fate, the super-sons of Superman and Batman, the rampaging Retaliators of Earth-8, the Atomic Knights of Justice, Dino-Cop, Sister Miracle, Lady Quark, the legion of Sivanas, the Nazi New Reichsmen of Earth-10 and the LATEST, greatest superhero of Earth-Prime -- YOU!
Comprising seven complete adventures -- each set in a different parallel universe -- a two part framing story, and comprehensive guidebook to the many worlds of the Multiverse, 'The Multiversity' is more than just a multi-part comic book series, it's a cosmos-spanning, soul-shaking experience that puts YOU on the front line in the Battle For All Creation against the demonic destroyers known as the Gentry!
But beware! Power has a cost, and at the heart of this epic tale waits the cursed and malignant comic book called 'Ultra Comics'...
How safe is YOUR head?
Join us, if you dare, for 'The Multiversity!'" -- Grant Morrison
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