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Ode jos jedna legenda! :(RIP I RIP Sonja! :(

Posted (edited)

Sad sam malo prelistao Vikipediju. Njumen je imao veoma uzbudljiv život, ne samo glumački. Učestvovao je dvadesetak godina profesionalno u automobilističkim trkama, čak je zauzeo drugo mesto na "24 časa Le Mana". Dva puta se ženio i sa obe žene imao troje dece, od kojih mu je sin iz prvog braka umro od drogiranja. Uz sve to, bio je veoma angažovan u politici i uspešan biznismen koji je imao lanac prodavnica u kojima su prodavane salate, paste, sosovi, limunade, kokice, vina. Dao je 10 miliona dolara u humanitarne svrhe, bio suosnivač Hole in the Wall kampova za ozbiljno bolesnu decu (AIDS, rak, itd) u Americi, Francuskoj, Italiji, Irskoj, Izraelu, u kojima je do sada besplatno letovalo oko 130.000 dece iz četrdesetak zemalja.Legenda :Hail:

Edited by Quizmaster
Posted (edited)

Newman je neverovatan lik. Ne lozim se nesto preterano na glumce, ali ovog tesko da sam mogao da ne volim. Eddie Felson, Ben Quick, Cool Hand Luke, mali buntovnici, pametne drkadzije, zivahni likovi, u svojim pricama, lutaju Amerikom...

Edited by Hustler

Nacin na koji je ovekovecen u Emmanuelli, najbolje govori o tome kako su ga zene videle. :)izbz36.jpgRIP.


Legendary actor Paul Newman dies at age 83Saturday September 27 9:16 AM ETPaul Newman, the Academy-Award winning superstar who personified cool as an activist, race car driver, popcorn impresario and the anti-hero of such films as "Hud," "Cool Hand Luke" and "The Color of Money," has died. He was 83. Newman died Friday after a long battle with cancer at his farmhouse near Westport, publicist Jeff Sanderson said. He was surrounded by his family and close friends. In May, Newman he had dropped plans to direct a fall production of "Of Mice and Men," citing unspecified health issues. RIPZaista redak primer COVEKA medju glumcima holivuda...



... anti-hero of such films as "Hud," "Cool Hand Luke" and "The Color of Money," ...
dodao bih i moj omiljeni...


Nacin na koji je ovekovecen u Emmanuelli, najbolje govori o tome kako su ga zene videle. :)RIP.
alal vera.nedavno sam ubedjivala neke mladje narastaje da emanuela triptih treba gledati bez obzira sto im je "missim, smor", a ovo mi je bio jedan od argumenata.gledam sad stavili wits & wisdoms of paul newman. svaku da potpisem: Newman on death: "I picture my epitaph: "Here lies Paul Newman, who died a failurebecause his eyes turned brown." Newman on marriage (1): "People stay married because they want to, not because the doors arelocked." Newman on marriage (2): "I never ask my wife about my flaws. Instead I try to get her to ignorethem and concentrate on my sense of humor. You don't want any woman tolook under the carpet, guys, because there's lots of flaws underneath." Newman on adultery: "Why fool around with hamburger when you have steak at home?" Newman on gambling: "If you're playing a poker game and you look around the table and can'ttell who the sucker is, it's you." Newman on politics: "Being on President Nixon's enemies list was the highest single honorI've ever received. Who knows who's listening to me now and whatgovernment list I'm on? Newman on gay rights: "From the time I was a kid, I have never been able to understandattacks upon the gay community. There are so many qualities that makeup a human being ... by the time I get through with all the things thatI really admire about people, what they do with their private parts isprobably so low on the list that it is irrelevant." Newman on winning Oscar: "It's like chasing a beautiful woman for 80 years. Finally, she relentsand you say, 'I'm terribly sorry. I'm tired."' Newman on retiring: "You start to lose your memory, you start to lose your confidence, youstart to lose your invention. So I think that's pretty much a closedbook for me."
dodao bih i moj omiljeni...


da, da, uzasno simpatican film
gledam sad stavili wits & wisdoms of paul newman. svaku da potpisem: Newman on death: "I picture my epitaph: "Here lies Paul Newman, who died a failurebecause his eyes turned brown." Newman on marriage (1): "People stay married because they want to, not because the doors arelocked." Newman on marriage (2): "I never ask my wife about my flaws. Instead I try to get her to ignorethem and concentrate on my sense of humor. You don't want any woman tolook under the carpet, guys, because there's lots of flaws underneath." Newman on adultery: "Why fool around with hamburger when you have steak at home?" Newman on gambling: "If you're playing a poker game and you look around the table and can'ttell who the sucker is, it's you." Newman on politics: "Being on President Nixon's enemies list was the highest single honorI've ever received. Who knows who's listening to me now and whatgovernment list I'm on? Newman on gay rights: "From the time I was a kid, I have never been able to understandattacks upon the gay community. There are so many qualities that makeup a human being ... by the time I get through with all the things thatI really admire about people, what they do with their private parts isprobably so low on the list that it is irrelevant." Newman on winning Oscar: "It's like chasing a beautiful woman for 80 years. Finally, she relentsand you say, 'I'm terribly sorry. I'm tired."' Newman on retiring: "You start to lose your memory, you start to lose your confidence, youstart to lose your invention. So I think that's pretty much a closedbook for me."
:Hail:Hvala ti za ovo! Legenda!
Posted (edited)

Večeras u 22:00, na RTS1, "Buč Kasidi i Sandens Kid" u znak sećanja na Pola Njumena.

Edited by Quizmaster

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