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Dame Margaret Natalie Smith (28 December 1934 − 27 September 2024) :heart:


Nikada nisam pogledala ovu seriju iako je nekoliko osoba koje me dobro poznaju reklo da obavezno moram. Sad definitivno hoću.

Moja prva asocijacija na njenu glumu je, kao i gsb, uloga Šarlot Bartlet u Džejms Ajvorijevoj Sobi s pogledom. Jedan od filmova u kojem sve njene replike znam napamet... i kad kažem znam, mislim na to da znam kako zvuče dok ih izgovara...



Lucy Honeychurch: Why need mother hear of it?

Charlotte Bartlett: Well, you tell her everything, don't you?

Lucy Honeychurch: I suppose I do, generally.

Charlotte Bartlett: There's such a beautiful confidence between you. One would hate to break it. And as I have said before, I am to blame.

Lucy Honeychurch: I wouldn't want mother to think so.

Charlotte Bartlett: She will think so, if you tell her.

Lucy Honeychurch: I shall never speak of it, either to mother or to anyone.

Charlotte Bartlett: We will both be as silent as the grave.



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Posted (edited)

Pogledati ovo obavezno, ko nije


Dame Maggie Smith, Dame Judi Dench, Dame Eileen Atkins, and Dame Joan Plowright



Nije link :D



Edited by Moonwalker
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Prvi put sam je zapamtio kao Old Wendy



Ne znajuci koliko je tada imala godina (56) dugo se cudio kako je uopste ziva kad je jos pocetkom 90-ih imala "preko 70". Dok nisam pogledao na wiki konacno.

  • Wub 1

Meni je ona, isto, uvek bila sredovečna gospoja, dok jednom nisam nabasala na neki film iz 60-ih, sa Bartonom i Tejlorovom,The V.I.P.s . Tada sam pomislila, vidi kako je bila slatka  za ono doba.

Apsolutno prva asocijacija na nju mi je Soba sa pogledom, pa onda Dame u boji lavande i Čaj sa Musolinijem.

  • +1 1

Harry Potter fans have picked up on a connection between Maggie Smith and Michael Gambon that goes past their beloved film roles.

The two actors died on the exact same date — Sept. 27 — exactly one year apart, with Smith this year at age 89 and Gambon in 2023, at age 82.

Smith played the no-nonsense Professor Minerva McGonagall in the blockbuster fantasy franchise. Her character was the formidable Hogwarts transfiguration teacher, head of Gryffindor house and, later, headmistress, taking over the latter position from Professor Albus Dumbledore.


ja sam oduvek imao neki trip da je ona neka sestra od tetke majkla kejna

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  • Haha 4
32 minutes ago, ultra plasticni said:

ja sam oduvek imao neki trip da je ona neka sestra od tetke majkla kejna

Mladji sin (Tobi Stivens) liči na Majkla Kejna iz ove faze ko na filmu iznad, možda zato.

Moram da iskopam njene dve ekranizacije Agate Kristi i pogledam ponovo, a bogami i ovaj California Suite i Putovanja sa tetkom. 


Za Agatu sam vec pisala da ta dva filma gledam svako leto, obozavam, a gledacu izgleda i sad

  • +1 1

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