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Imu tu raznog tresha no ponekad nam i treba tako nesto da odmorimo mozak
Dobri ste, a i drogirate se u paru, što je opasnije. Ja, doduše, nisam brojao letnje serije i neke stare koje "nadoknađujem" i poneku novu koju zakačim. :(
Revolution izgleda kao serija koja ce imati najvise 15-tak epizoda.
Nažalost, da. Ali, deluje 100 puta bolje od Alcatraza i Rivera.Da, jebote, sad sam se setio da je onaj usrani Touch dobio drugu sezonu. :isuse:
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Ako ti moras na lecenje mene i zenu treba zatvoriti za stalno i baciti kljuc, prebrojao sam nekih 27 serija koje manje vise pratimo (neke redovno, neke tokom letnje pauze)Imu tu raznog tresha no ponekad nam i treba tako nesto da odmorimo mozak
Ja nisam brojala serije koje povremeno gledam na raznim tv kanalima, kao što su Psych, Grey s anatomy, Criminal minds, CSI Las Vegas, sve inkarnacije Star Trek-a....i tako......
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Ovako nekako. A još počela sezona boksa, uskoro i NBA i NHL.Leb ti jebem. :blink: Moram na lečenje.
:Hail:ti si ludji od mandinga!ja imam big bang theory, justified, i krecu NFL i NBA... sherlocka ne racunam, to ce ionako 3 filmica da budu... da nadjem jos jednu seriju mesto Housea, i to ce biti taman :)
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cheers, po ko zna koji put
sad nastavi s beckerom i fraiserom... :D
Ja Frasiera reprizirao već tri puta, a spremam se ponovo. Pregenijalno. Prijatelje naravno gledam kad god repriziraju, pa evo i sad. Ipak Gilmore Girls je najbolja serija ikad! Mothers and daughters, they speak so fast, but they speak so true!
Uzgred, nauka objasnila:
Why watching TV repeats is good for youDig out your Friends box set – entering familiar fictional worlds can boost your happiness levels and make you feel more in controlFriends-009.jpg'Social surrogacy' – TV characters can become your virtual friends and family. Photograph: APFor those of us who have cancelled a social engagement in order to rewatch the entire series of The Comeback, or whose party trick is to do a move-for-move replay of the Ross-Monica "routine" in Friends, there is hope. A new study finds that watching repeats of our favourite TV shows can actually help us feel more in control and happier.Research from the University of Buffalo builds on the theory that, after periods of self-discipline, a person is more likely to give in to temptation later on. The thinking goes: "I had a salad for lunch, therefore I'm going to have a pizza lightly sprinkled with a large bag of chips for dinner." In order to avoid this and to replenish our sense of self-control we need to boost our happiness levels, which is where rewatching much-loved TV shows comes in. Psychologist Dr Jaye Derrick calls this effect "social surrogacy", likening our old TV pals to a virtual friends and family. In experiments involving essay writing and word association, people found it easier to maintain their self-control and concentration if they had also been asked to describe a favourite television show. Others kept diaries to find out how entering "familiar fictional worlds" improved their mood. "[TV] can have unexpected psychological benefits," writes Derrick, "[and] fulfil needs that people are reluctant to fulfil through other means."Which is fine, unless you happen to be reacquainting yourself with the devastating final episodes of Six Feet Under, M*A*S*H or The Wonder Years. In that case, you may want to add "large tub of ice cream" and "family size box of tissues" to your pizza'n'chips shopping list.
Edited by Syme
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Znaci, ima ljudi koji ne samo da su pogledali prijatelje jednom, nego i nekoliko puta?
Kada su išli prvi put kod nas, internet nije ni postojao, kablovska takođe. Znači, ružičasta tv je tada nudila seriju koju premijerno prikazuju, i to sve sezone, pa zašto da je ne odgledamm, kada alernative nije ni bilo.Frasier je, po mom mišljenju, jedna od najboljih serija tog tipa koje sam ikada odgledala. I imala je savršen kasting.
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