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ponovo se pojavljuje Pemblton

:Hail: :Hail: :Hail:
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Ovako je trebalo od pocetka ove sezone, umesto one prve epizode! :Hail:


Lepo bi bilo da postane stalni chlan postave.

Misim na Pembletona


uh, da ne duzim, pomislice neko da sam najobicniji hejter, ali house je definitivno josh jedan korak blize da postane:Meredith+Grey.jpg

uh, da ne duzim, pomislice neko da sam najobicniji hejter, ali house je definitivno josh jedan korak blize da postane:Meredith+Grey.jpg
Pu pu daleko bilo... :isuse: :isuse: :isuse: Ja svojoj lepsoj polovini stalno govorim da su GA ekipa seka-perse za House ekipu :isuse: :isuse: :isuse:
Posted (edited)

Tek sam sad odgledao epizodu i utisak je da je jedna od boljih u sezoni. Potpuno drugaciji koncept koji cak daje odgovore na neka od pitanja koja muce Hausa vec 6 sezona :DSteta sto ima jos samo jedna epizoda u kojoj ce verovatno biti neka shok terapija za gledaoce.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PSGVQb7T448

Edited by Milosh76

UPOZORENJE U PITANJU JE SPOILERCINA NA KUBPa ako ste bas radoznali da saznate poslednju scenu, poslednje epizode u VI sezoni, vi otvorite. Sladzu, ti ces sigurtno otvoriti u to ne sumnjam :D

neka frka panika, Kadi ga otera u 3 lepe, to je na pola epizode. Poslednja scena, Haus razbija zid, uzima vikodin i sprema se da ga popije. Dolazi Kadi, nesto pricaju i ona mu kaze da ga voli, pa se onda lepo izljube ko pravi. Eto, ko vam je kriv kad ste nestrpljivi :D

Samo sam hteo da vidim kakav je snimak :D

Posted (edited)

super epizoda do poslednjih 5 minuta.cela epizoda snimljena canonom 5d mkII.

Edited by najgori


housemd6x21helpme01.jpghousemd6x21helpme02.jpgKao sto rekoh ova sezona je bila posvecena ovome u celini i celosti. A ono sto nas ceka u sedmoj sezoni je:

'House' exclusive: Huddy fans -- your time has come!by Michael AusielloFi. Na. Lly. House went there. When last night’s season finale ended in a Huddy liplock — a real one this time, it bears mentioning! — it seemed as though Dr. Crankypants and Cuddy at last were going to give a relationship the ol’ college try. But looks, as we’ve learned the hard way, can be deceiving. Is the Fox hit just messing with our emotions again? To find out, I rang up exec producer Katie Jacobs, who wasn’t just forthcoming with the scoop, she was pretty free with the kinda scoop that’s all but guaranteed to blow your mind. That was one hell of a final scene. What should we take away from it?KATIE JACOBS: This is real and something that they are going to try. It’s something they stayed away from for a long period of time because it’s dangerous and the consequences could be severe. But now they’re going to give it a try.They’re going to make a go of a relationship?JACOBS: Absolutely. Yes.What are we led to believe happened after the screen faded to black?JACOBS: That’s exactly the conversation we had. Does the audience want us to pick up two or three months later? Or is the audience interested in us [picking up right where we left off]? And it’s really dependent on the narrative. Last year when House checked himself into the psychiatric hospital, I felt like it wouldn’t be good enough for the audience just to see him come out the other end and [return] to Princeton Plainsboro. Even though they knew he would [eventually] return there, I wanted everybody to see the moment after.So which scenario will you choose this time around?JACOBS: Put it this way… I’m certainly in the camp of not wanting to miss much after the fade to black. Because the truth is the challenges that are ahead for them are the things that kept them apart to begin with. It’s not chemistry or the spark. It’s “How are we going to deal with this? We’re going to be together. What does that look like?” Cuddy is his superior at the hospital. And she’s a mother. Those are the kind of things we’re going to have fun with.I could be wrong but I think Huddy fans want to see a real, non-hallucinatory sex scene.JACOBS: I get it. We’re in the process of figuring all that out right now, so I don’t have an answer. But this isn’t just about the [season premiere]. This isn’t something that will work or fail in just one episode. We’re going to attempt to make a true exploration of this relationship.
Aj' da vidimo i to. Bice tesko ko sinje more. :D BTW, sedma sezona vrlo lako moze biti i poslednja.

Ova kamera izuva! I want one! :cry:

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! Vristim ko curica! :wub:Ova kamera izuva! I want one! :cry:
Za par somica je tvoja....
Za par somica je tvoja....
Eh, gde mogu da se nadju ti somici?
Ova kamera izuva! I want one! :cry:

Mislišhttp://www.hdmom.com/forum/attachments/canon-eos-5d-mk-ii-hd/11290d1237137171-my-new-mattebox-rig-genus2low.jpgda ne stavljam veliku sliku. Još nisam gledao epizodu :(

Eh, gde mogu da se nadju ti somici?
Imas ih u Dunavu, imas i u Skupstini, poneki na televiziji... somici su svuda oko nas... :DTROLL OFFnisam ni ja gledao epizodu, hocu na miru da je odgledam, tamo negde u petak verovatno :D Kad cujem sve love i hate komentare :D

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