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Kecmanović ispao sa USO koji još nije ni počeo.




Kaće tema i gde je tradicionalni pokretač i nazivač?

39 minutes ago, Ras said:

Kaće tema i gde je tradicionalni pokretač i nazivač

@Ros nemoj da zabusavas, ljudi te opominju :)





Neočekivano i šokantno. Janik Siner je dva puta ove godine bio pozitivan na nedozoljene supstance posle doping testa.


Svetski broj jedan je tokom Indijan Velsa koristio nedozvoljenu supstancu, odnosno steroid koji se koristi za povećanje mišićne mase.


Bio je pozitivan na prvom testiranju, a osam dana kasnije je test pokazao identičan ishod.


Siner je prihvatio krivicu, ali je istakao da nije konzumirao nedozvoljene supstance svesno što je Svetska teniska doping agencija usvojila kao razlog, ali će se Sineru oduzeti bodovi osvojeni na Indijan Velsu gde je igrao polufinale.






Posted (edited)

Isto sto i post iznad.

Edited by Tinman

Kako se svi lako operu, a Simoni su unistili karijeru dok nije dokazala slicnu stvar. 

Sari Erani su poverovali da joj je u torteline slucajno upala mamina pilula, Gaskeu da se ljubio sa droguranom devojkom itd. 

  • +1 8
Posted (edited)





20 August 2024
Independent tribunal rules 'No Fault or Negligence' in case of Jannik Sinner

No period of ineligibility imposed by Sport Resolutions panel

The International Tennis Integrity Agency (ITIA) today confirms that an independent tribunal convened by Sport Resolutions has ruled that Italian tennis player Jannik Sinner bears No Fault or Negligence for two Anti-Doping Rule Violations under the Tennis Anti-Doping Programme (TADP), having twice tested positive for the prohibited substance clostebol in March 2024.

Sinner, currently ranked world number one in men’s singles, provided an in-competition sample at the ATP Masters 1000 event in Indian Wells, USA, on 10 March 2024, which contained the presence of a metabolite of clostebol at low levels. A further sample, conducted out of competition eight days later, also tested positive for the same metabolite - again at low levels.   

Clostebol is an anabolic agent prohibited at all times under Section S1 of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) Prohibited List.  Under the World Anti-Doping Code (WADC), when a player returns an Adverse Analytical Finding for a non-specified substance, like clostebol, a provisional suspension is automatically applied. The player has the right to apply to an independent tribunal chair appointed by Sport Resolutions to have that provisional suspension lifted. 

As such, after each positive test, a provisional suspension was applied. On both occasions, Sinner successfully appealed the provisional suspension and so has been able to continue playing.   

The player explained that the substance had entered their system as a result of contamination from a support team member, who had been applying an over-the-counter spray (available in Italy) containing clostebol to their own skin to treat a small wound. That support team member applied the spray between 5 and 13 March, during which time they also provided daily massages and sports therapy to Sinner, resulting in unknowing transdermal contamination.   

Following consultation with scientific experts, who concluded that the player’s explanation was credible, the ITIA did not oppose the player’s appeals to lift the provisional suspensions.   

A thorough investigation by the ITIA followed, including multiple in-depth interviews with Sinner and their support team, all of whom co-operated fully with the process.  Following that investigation, and in line with the independent scientific advice, the ITIA accepted the player’s explanation as to the source of clostebol found in their sample and that the violation was not intentional.  

The ITIA referred the case to an independent tribunal to consider the specific facts, review any comparable anti-doping decisions, and determine what, if any, fault the player bore and therefore the appropriate outcome. 

A hearing was convened at Sport Resolutions on 15 August 2024, from which the independent tribunal determined a finding of No Fault or Negligence applied in the case, resulting in no period of ineligibility.   

However, in line with the WADC and TADP, Sinner’s results, prize money and ranking points from the ATP Masters 1000 event at Indian Wells, where the player tested positive in competition for clostebol, are disqualified.   

Karen Moorhouse, ITIA CEO, said: “We take any positive test extremely seriously and will always apply the rigorous processes set out by WADA. The ITIA carried out a thorough investigation into the circumstances leading to the positive tests with which Mr Sinner and his representatives fully co-operated.   

“Following that investigation, the ITIA accepted the player’s explanation as to the source of the clostebol and that the presence of the substance was not intentional.  This was also accepted by the tribunal.   

“We thank the independent tribunal for the speed and clarity of its decision in relation to the player’s degree of fault.”  

The full decision is available to read by clicking here.  

This decision is subject to appeal by WADA and the Italian Anti-Doping Agency (NADO Italia).  The ITIA will not be appealing this decision. 

The ITIA is an independent body established by its tennis members to promote, encourage, enhance, and safeguard the integrity of the members’ professional tennis events worldwide.    

Edited by vememah

Nije lud onaj Amer što hoće da pravi olimpijadu za dopingovane, pa ko preživi. Idem prekosutra da kupim reket da ja prebacujem lopticu preko mreže, bar znam na čemu sam

  • +1 1

Setih se onog grafita "Narkomani, drogerasi, jebace vas dizelasi " :fantom:

  • Haha 1
9 minutes ago, Arkadija said:

Stvarno ne mogu da se otmem utisku da se ovo desilo Novaku, da bi bila najudarnija svetska vest i da bi svi zivi i mrtvi trazili da mu se oduzmu sve titule.

Kako lako predjose i preko onih laznih potvrda o vakcinaciji, bese De Minor imao neku spansku. 

12 minutes ago, Arkadija said:

Simonu Halep su razvlacili 18 meseci, upropastili joj karijeru, a on , eto sprej od fizia slucajno. Ma, mrs, bre. 


I to dva puta.



  • +1 2

Dal se Serena oglasila povodom ovog posto je za Simonu imala komentar. 


prosao je sa najblazom kaznom, progledali su mu kroz prste.


a bas se neko vreme pitam sto on i alkaraz svako malo preskoce neki masters ili otkazu turnir u godinama kad bi trebalo da jedu beton i sljaku za dorucak. eno npr Zveki sa injekcijama u torbi igra full atp raspored, Medo isto, itd

  • +1 4

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