Weenie Pooh Posted December 15, 2019 Posted December 15, 2019 On 14.12.2019. at 4:37, porucnik vasic said: 7 hours ago, porucnik vasic said: Jel' te brinu ove optužbe za antisemitizam, a? Ipak nećeš i ti pod Berniebro zastavu?
porucnik vasic Posted December 16, 2019 Posted December 16, 2019 On 15.12.2019. at 4:56, Weenie Pooh said: Jel' te brinu ove optužbe za antisemitizam, a? Ipak nećeš i ti pod Berniebro zastavu? Бернијеве шансе да га Трампара одвали у финалу се мере промилима. Он е напросто испушена муштикла или бушан куртон.
Budja Posted December 16, 2019 Posted December 16, 2019 5 hours ago, porucnik vasic said: Бернијеве шансе да га Трампара одвали у финалу се мере промилима. Он е напросто испушена муштикла или бушан куртон. Znam da si obicno pismen, ali ovo sto si napisao znaci da ce Bernara pobediti.
Weenie Pooh Posted December 16, 2019 Posted December 16, 2019 Pa valjda je hteo da kaže da Barnara neće ni proći do finala Nego odličan thread ima Wendell Potter na temu licimurisanja o "izboru" privatnog zdravstvenog osiguranja: Koga mrzi da klikće redom na 151 tvit: Spoiler Lately I’ve noticed some Democratic politicians defending the current healthcare system by saying it preserves “choice” for Americans. As a former health insurance exec who helped draft this talking point, I need to come clean on its back story, and why it's wrong and a trap 1/11 When I worked in the insurance industry, we were instructed to talk about “choice,” based on focus groups and people like Frank Luntz (who wrote the book on how the GOP should communicate with Americans). I used it all the time as an industry flack. But there was a problem. 2/11 As a health insurance PR guy, we knew one of the huge *vulnerabilities* of the current system was LACK of choice. In the current system, you can’t pick your own doc, specialist, or hospital without huge “out of network” bills. So we set out to muddy the issue of "choice." 3/11 As industry insiders, we also knew most Americans have very little choice of their plan. Your company chooses an insurance provider and you get to pick from a few different plans offered by that one insurer, usually either a high deductible plan or a higher deductible plan 4/11 Another problem insurers like mine had on the “choice” issue: people with employer-based plans have very little choice to keep it. You can lose it if your company changes it, or you change jobs, or turn 26 or many other ways. This is a problem for defenders of the status quo 5/11 Knowing we were losing the "choice" argument, my pals in the insurance industry spent millions on lobbying, ads and spin doctors -- all designed to gaslight Americans into thinking that reforming the status quo would somehow give them “less choice.” 6/11 An industry front group launched a campaign to achieve this very purpose. Its name: “My Care, My Choice.” Its job: Trick Americans into thinking they currently can choose any plan they want, and that their plan allows them to see any doctor. They've spent big in Iowa 7/11 This isn't the only time the industry made “choice” a big talking point in its scheme to fight health reform. Soon after Obamacare was passed, it created a front group called the Choice and Competition Coalition, to scare states away from creating exchanges with better plans 8/11 The difference is, this time *Democrats* are the ones parroting the misleading “choice” talking point. And they're even using it as a weapon against each other. Back in my insurance PR days, this would have stunned me. I bet my old colleagues are thrilled, and celebrating. 9/11 The truth, of course, is you have little "choice" in healthcare now. Most can’t keep their plan as long as they want, or visit any doctor or hospital. Some reforms, like Medicare For All, *would* let you. In other words, M4A actually offers more choice than the status quo. 10/11 So if a politician tells you they oppose reforming the current healthcare system because they want to preserve "choice," either they don't know what they're talking about - or they're willfully ignoring the truth. I assure you, the insurance industry is delighted either way 11/11
Gandalf Posted December 16, 2019 Posted December 16, 2019 (edited) ^ bs. "izbor" u celoj ovoj diskusiji oko M4A se odnosi na to da se ostavlja mogućnost izbora između državnog zdravstvenog osiguranja i privatnog. što je mnogima jako bitna stavka - ako ni zbog čega drugog, onda zato što bi državno osiguranje predviđalo i abortus. Edited December 16, 2019 by Gandalf
porucnik vasic Posted December 17, 2019 Posted December 17, 2019 3 hours ago, Budja said: Znam da si obicno pismen, ali ovo sto si napisao znaci da ce Bernara pobediti. Куцкао сам на брзину чувајући Васића 2.0 па ми се омакло једно не. Драго мије да је макар Вини разумео шта сам ја мојом несувислом неписменом реченицом хтео да кажем.
Gandalf Posted December 17, 2019 Posted December 17, 2019 3 hours ago, Gandalf said: "izbor" u celoj ovoj diskusiji oko M4A se odnosi na to da se ostavlja mogućnost izbora između državnog zdravstvenog osiguranja i privatnog. https://www.cnn.com/2019/12/16/politics/elizabeth-warren-choice-medicare-for-all-transition-iowa/index.html Sen. Elizabeth Warren has been using new, notable language at her town halls to describe the transition into "Medicare for All" -- saying, under her plan, it would be a voter's "choice" to opt in. While the language is already a part of her transition proposal, it's a notable rhetorical shift on Warren's part after her moderate Democratic rivals -- namely South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg -- have criticized her plan that would eventually eliminate private health insurance.
porucnik vasic Posted December 17, 2019 Posted December 17, 2019 5 hours ago, Gandalf said: ^ bs. "izbor" u celoj ovoj diskusiji oko M4A se odnosi na to da se ostavlja mogućnost izbora između državnog zdravstvenog osiguranja i privatnog. što je mnogima jako bitna stavka - ako ni zbog čega drugog, onda zato što bi državno osiguranje predviđalo i abortus. До кад? До деветог месеца? Шестог...каква јебена култура смрти.
hazard Posted December 17, 2019 Posted December 17, 2019 12 hours ago, Gandalf said: , onda zato što bi državno osiguranje predviđalo i abortus. Ne razumem zašto je ovo bitno, abortus se valjda reguliše posebnim zakonima vezano za to, a ne vrstom zdravstvenog osiguranja Then again, a lot of things in America just don't make any sense
3opge Posted December 17, 2019 Posted December 17, 2019 7 hours ago, porucnik vasic said: До кад? До деветог месеца? Шестог...каква јебена култура смрти. do kada bi ti dozvolio? jel bi dozvolio zenama koje su silovane da abortiraju?
ObiW Posted December 17, 2019 Posted December 17, 2019 2 hours ago, hazard said: Ne razumem zašto je ovo bitno, abortus se valjda reguliše posebnim zakonima vezano za to, a ne vrstom zdravstvenog osiguranja Reguliše se tako što tvoj poslodavac kaže “ja sam protiv abortusa, i neću da se od mojih para sponzoriše bebocid”, i onda izabere za svoje zaposlene plan koji nema bebocid kao opciju planiranja porodice.
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