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NBA 2018/19


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haha sad vidim da je denver morao da igra i bez herisa, morisa i bartona da slucajno ne pobede. :laugh:kakve jajare!


ljudi ladno bacaju prednosti domaceg terena, za sta se inace igra 80 utakmica, jer ne bi da igraju protiv dobrog tima u drugoj rundi. i na kraju naravno nece izbeci hjuston a izgubice prednost domaceg terena. naj-cetnickiji tim u istoriji nba.



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Utah is losing on purpose.

They don't necessarily want the No.4 seed, they just want to play Portland in first round, homecourt advantage or not, it doesn't matter. They need one more win to lock an at least No.5 seed, which is unfavorable for them given there is still a small chance that the Rockets will fall to the No.4 seed. So they lost to the Lakers purposely to maintain the flexibility to choose No.5 or No. 6 seed depending on the result of the Rockets-Thunder game. If Rockets lose to Thunder, they will lose the next two games and go to No. 6 seed, this is actually their best scenario because they can avoid the two best teams in the NBA before WCF(Thunder will need to win the game against the Bucks, because otherwise they will go to No.8 seed. And since Bucks already locked No.1 seed in the NBA, there is a good chance they rest their main guys in that game). Since their next game against the Nugget starts earlier than the Rockets-Thunder game, I believe they are going to lose on purpose to the Nuggets. If the Rockets win, they'll need to beat the Clippers.

When Denver decided to rest their main players and lose to Portland on purpose, I didn't realize that they already knew that if they do that, Jazz would start losing on purpose as well. So Denver isn't really taking any risks at all. I must say this is a smart move.


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nisam gledo utakmicu al vidim da su i gober i micel igrali po 37 minuta i igrali su do samog kraja. meni samo izgleda da navijaci denvera projektuju cetnicki mentalitet svog kluba na druge timova.

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preterujete sa tankovanjem denvera, jednu utakmicu su prodali, ako dobiju dve preostale nece izgubiti prednost domaceg terena ni u kom slucaju, a sacuvali su mogucnost da im OKC otvori put do finala konferencije

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ma bre, nedeljama se pise kako su preoptereceni, jokic pre svega i sad drvlje i kamenje sto su pre po izabrali jednu utakmicu da odmore

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