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Ja sam majci instalirao Win7 na kraju....



Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk


Meni skajp poslao mejl da moram da apdejtuem skajp ako hoću da ga koristim.

Imam Win 7 a skajp nisam apdejtovao od 2010/2011-te...


Mojoj kevi takodje, odradio upgrade i sve radi normalno


Sent from my Asus Memo Pad HD7


Zadnjih nedelju dve mi se desava da Win nece da se podigne. Tj zaglupi kad krene crna pozadina i oni kruzici tu blokira u stane a posle par restarta proradi.Jel to znak da mi polako riknjava win pa da polako radim bekap sa c particije i da posle udarim reinstal?

Posted (edited)

Hdd sentinel. Sasvim moguce da nije nista ali me tvoji simptomi asociraju na hard.

Edited by katamaran

Sad cu da istestiram samo mi jos to fali :/


Guaranamene, otvori u Event Vieweru sekciju Windows Log -> System i proveri da li imaš neki error (crveni uzvičnik) ili warning (žuti) za taj neki put kada nije hteo da ti se podigne (no pun intended). Sortirani su events po vremenu, pa scrolluj malo. Regularne ignoriši. Event Viewer otvaraš tako što mu ukucaš ime u Start Search.

Posted (edited)

Posle duzeg vremena proverio moj event viewer i vidim da mi bonjour service pravi gomilu gresaka. Znam da je to od apple-a al pojma nemam cemu sluzi.



Cini mi se da ce uskoro morati biti ubiven




Nadam se da nije. Sasvim pristojne sanse da nije.


edit: verovatno mi se uvalilo kad sam jedan dan koristio itunes da prebacim nesto u iphone. Cini mi se da mi se ovo zlo uporno pojavljuje od masine do masine iako se sa apple-om slabo druzim.

Edited by katamaran

Ovo su greske koje mi je pokazao Event Viewer(hronoloski od novih ka starijim na dole) jel ozbiljno nesto?


The driver \Driver\WUDFRd failed to load for the device USB\VID_1EBF&PID_702C&MI_00\6&177c4aa2&0&0000.

The Peer Networking Grouping service depends on the Peer Name Resolution Protocol service which failed to start because of the following error: %%-2140993535

The Peer Name Resolution Protocol service terminated with the following error: %%-2140993535

The Peer Networking Grouping service depends on the Peer Name Resolution Protocol service which failed to start because of the following error: %%-2140993535

The Peer Name Resolution Protocol service terminated with the following error: %%-2140993535

The Peer Name Resolution Protocol cloud did not start because the creation of the default identity failed with error code: 0x80630801.

The Peer Name Resolution Protocol cloud did not start because the creation of the default identity failed with error code: 0x80630801.

The Peer Networking Grouping service depends on the Peer Name Resolution Protocol service which failed to start because of the following error: %%-2140993535

The Peer Name Resolution Protocol service terminated with the following error: %%-2140993535

The Peer Name Resolution Protocol cloud did not start because the creation of the default identity failed with error code: 0x80630801.


Ostavicu ovo strucnijima ali mi na prvi pogled ne mirise na hardver.


jel ozbiljno nesto?


The Error code 0x80630801 is due to the corrupted idstore.sst file. Follow these steps, to solve the problem.

Click “Start”.

Type “cmd” in the search box.

Right - Click on the “Command Prompt” and select “Run as Administrator”.

If asked for Administrator Password, give and confirm it.

Navigate to \Windows\ServiceProfiles\LocalService\AppData\Roam ing\PeerNetworking folder on your System Drive (Usually C).

Find and delete “idstore.sst” file.

Restart the Computer and your problem is solved.

Posted (edited)

To što ti kaže čovek, obriši:



... a za to prvo nemam pojma ovako s moba šta je, deinstalliraj, restartuj, pa automatski installiraj drivers za stvari poput card readera, senzora za unlock-prstić i tome slično, kapiram da ćeš ubosti uzrok.

Edited by Töölönlahti

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