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Trump - hoće li biti impeachment ili 8 godina drugačijeg predsednikovanja?


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Pita neko u komentarima "Ja sam studirao u Hrvatskoj, ne razumem baš najbolje taj Vaš stav o ratu na Balkanu tokom devedesetih." Valjda nije prepoznao kosovsku referencu.

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Russian President Vladimir Putin’s favorability among Americans is at its highest point since 2003, with Republicans behind his gains, according to a new Gallup poll released Tuesday.


na kraju ce morati dobrovoljci u rat protiv medveda  :(

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US senator calls 2017 year of 'kicking Russia in the ass'

A top US official has called for sanctions against Russia and Iran at the Munich Security Conference. His comments come amid heightened fears over the Trump administration's stance toward Moscow.




Promising to investigate Russian meddling just as several European countries gear up for their own elections this year, Graham urged Trump to take a tougher stance on Moscow and vowed to introduce a bipartisan motion to slap the Russian government with more sanctions.


"My goal is to put it on Trump's desk and I hope he'll embrace the idea that as the leader of the free world he should be working with us to punish Russia," Graham said.





Je l se njih dvojica ikad razdvajaju?

(McCain i Graham)


Postaje komicno.

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BREAKING: US Attorney General Jeff Sessions has reversed Obama Administration's plan that attempted to end private prison use


Odlicno. Hvala bogu pa smo izbegli Hilari.

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Stvarno živa šteta što Obama nije vladao 80 godina pa da je imao vremena da ukine privatne zatvore. Ovako je taman hvatao zalet jesenas kad ono bum, isteče drugi mandat :cry:

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Stvarno živa šteta što Obama nije vladao 80 godina pa da je imao vremena da ukine privatne zatvore. Ovako je taman hvatao zalet jesenas kad ono bum, isteče drugi mandat :cry:

Imao je dve plus 6 u sabotazi ali bih se slozio da je mogao vise. Medjutim, sad imate Trampa da siri ljubav po svetu. Uzivajte.

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BREAKING: US Attorney General Jeff Sessions has reversed Obama Administration's plan that attempted to end private prison use


Odlicno. Hvala bogu pa smo izbegli Hilari.


e jebiga, ja cekam da se legalizuju privatne mucionice, imam par klijenata vec u vidu.

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