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Trump - hoće li biti impeachment ili 8 godina drugačijeg predsednikovanja?


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12 hours ago, dillinger said:


To znamo iz istih izvora i jednako pouzdano kao i o mešanju u US izbore ili pokušaju ubistva Mila Đukanovića.


Ako i  postoji, savezništvo sa Putinom čini mi se da može biti samo taktičko. Putin i njegova oligarhija kao prvo pitanje da li i imaju ikakvu ideologiju, kao drugo nemaju ni kapaciteta da je izvoze, za razliku od prethodnika. Koga fascinira npr 1 Dugin, kome je on interesantan i ko se na zapadu uopšte može u tome što on zastupa prepoznati? Te ideje ne mogu dobaciti dalje od Srbije.


Dok je ovo sa Benonom mnogo ozbiljnije, samo da vidimo koliko je on relevantan još uvek u Vašingtonu a izgleda da jeste. Transatlansko desno partnerstvo, za početak na pitanju imigracije, ne čini se nemogućim


ne bih rekao, nije bas da je evropska desnica zudila za jednim bannonom, saradjivali su oni (takticki) i prije ovog "genija", isuvise ekstremnog cak i za trump-administraciju





ne znam sta ste zapenili za benona...da nam je vise takvih





Downloads of the Infowars iPhone app are up '10x' after Apple made the decision to boot 'The Alex Jones Show'


  • Apple removed most of conspiracy theorist Alex Jones' Infowars podcasts from its directory on Sunday.
  • However, Apple didn't remove the official Infowars app from its App Store, which allows access to much of the same material.
  • It now looks like the decision to remove the podcasts has caused downloads of the Infowars app to spike — o ne analyst said it looked like downloads had gone up 10x.
  • It's now the No. 4 news app in the U.S. App Store, ahead of CNN, Fox News, and The New York Times.



Nemoj rodjo da brines i da se nerviras (koliko se secam, pretio si ratom i krvlju za parcanje bosne), sanse da se tu stvarno ista realizuje su kao i da se srbi vrate u krajinu. Lobiraju ljudi s ciljem odrzavanja statusa kvo za jos par godina, dok se isposluje sta ima. Ne verujem da iko s dva grama mozga racuna da ce se rs ikad stvarno odvojiti, a kamo li pripojiti srbiji. Smiri se. Ne otkopavaj pusku. 


Pa nemam se čega bojati, nisu ni u Americi uspjeli u ničemu osim dovesti narcisističkog šoven-lopova na vlast, nešto takvo u RS već je obavljeno.

18 minutes ago, Roger Sanchez said:

u ničemu osim..


Malo li je?


Otkazalo vojnu paradu u Vašingtonu DC...




ocigledno da su namerno pumpali cenu da bi ga odvratili od glupe ideje

1 hour ago, Roger Sanchez said:
Gonna be fun

Na pogrešnoj strani tražiš zabavu:



Trump argues with veterans about napalm, Agent Orange and Apocalypse Now. 

During this White House meeting, certain details of which have not been previously reported, the president managed to again annoy and confuse U.S. war veterans, this time by getting into a bizarre, protracted argument with Vietnam War vets present about the movie Apocalypse Now and the herbicide Agent Orange.


Attendees began explaining to the president that the VA had not made enough progress on the issue at all, to which Trump responded by abruptly derailing the meeting and asking the attendees if Agent Orange was “that stuff from that movie.” He did not initially name the film he was referencing, but it quickly became clear as Trump kept rambling that he was referring to the classic 1979 Francis Ford Coppola epic Apocalypse Now, and specifically the famous helicopter attack scene set to the Ride of the Valkyries.

Source present at the time tell The Daily Beast that multiple people—including Vietnam War veterans—chimed in to inform the president that the Apocalypse Now set piece he was talking about showcased the U.S. military using napalm, not Agent Orange. Trump refused to accept that he was mistaken and proceeded to say things like, “no, I think it’s that stuff from that movie.”

He then went around the room polling attendees about if it was, in fact, napalm or Agent Orange in the famous scene from “that movie,” as the gathering—organized to focus on important, sometimes life-or-death issues for veterans—descended into a pointless debate over Apocalypse Now that the president simply would not concede, despite all the available evidence.

Finally, Trump made eye contact again with Weidman and asked him if it was napalm or Agent Orange. The VVA co-founder assured Trump, as did several before him, that it was in fact napalm, and said that he didn’t like the Coppola film and believed it to be a disservice to Vietnam War veterans. According to two people in attendance, Trump then flippantly replied to the Vietnam vet, “Well, I think you just didn’t like the movie,” before finally moving on.


Ladno ih je jednog po jednog ispitivao da li misle je u Apokalipsi bilo "I love the smell of napalm in the morning" ili "I love the smell of Agent Orange in the morning". 


Ne može bolje, ja mislim.

Posted (edited)


Edited by Roger Sanchez

I prva 2 lika iz kongresa koji su podrzali trampa nadjose put do optuznice.. 


Deep state radi punom parom

3 hours ago, theanswer said:

I prva 2 lika iz kongresa koji su podrzali trampa nadjose put do optuznice.. 


Deep state radi punom parom


A pod deep state mislis na pravni sistem

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