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Trump - hoće li biti impeachment ili 8 godina drugačijeg predsednikovanja?


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Wow, kakav naivan pokusaj izvrtanja onoga sto sam napisao

Gde to tacno u prethodnom postu tvrdim da znam istinu ?


Bolje priznaj da je prethodni post bio pokusaj duhovitosti ... umesto sto se blamiras boldovanjem stanja iz 1990. godine !!!!


Krenuo si od tvrdnje da je Trump postao milijarder prodajući maglu Amerikancima. To je stav neinformisanog američkog glasača koji rezonuje "štaznam, deluje kao govno ali je valjda uspešan poslovni čovek, jebiga, standard". 


Kad sam ti odgovorio da nije tako već je rođen u porodici milijardera, te nasleđenim bogatstvim maestralno upravljao iz bankrota u bankrot, lupio si "to je razmišljanje Srbina ispred dragstora, otkud ti znaš, ne znaju ni američki mediji". Projketuješ sopstvenu neinformisanost na ceo svet, što je Trampov klasični potez - kad nemaš pojma o nečemu pa te obaveste, odmah umisli da to niko živi nije znao jer ti nisi znao. Nobody knew healthcare could be complicated, there's oil in Iraq, nobody's talking about it, etc.


Stanje iz 1990. je sasvim relevantno u odgovoru na tvrdnju da Trump već 50 godina radi kao neki genijalan muljator i sa svojih deset prstiju stvara milijarde, a uostalom šta je stotinak miliona plus-minus.

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Krenuo si od tvrdnje da je Trump postao milijarder prodajući maglu Amerikancima. To je stav neinformisanog američkog glasača koji rezonuje "štaznam, deluje kao govno ali je valjda uspešan poslovni čovek, jebiga, standard". 


Kad sam ti odgovorio da nije tako već je rođen u porodici milijardera, te nasleđenim bogatstvim maestralno upravljao iz bankrota u bankrot, lupio si "to je razmišljanje Srbina ispred dragstora, otkud ti znaš, ne znaju ni američki mediji". Projketuješ sopstvenu neinformisanost na ceo svet, što je Trampov klasični potez - kad nemaš pojma o nečemu pa te obaveste, odmah umisli da to niko živi nije znao jer ti nisi znao. Nobody knew healthcare could be complicated, there's oil in Iraq, nobody's talking about it, etc.


Stanje iz 1990. je sasvim relevantno u odgovoru na tvrdnju da Trump već 50 godina radi kao neki genijalan muljator i sa svojih deset prstiju stvara milijarde, a uostalom šta je stotinak miliona plus-minus.


Nista ti meni nisi odgovorio, odgovorio si nekom drugom a ja sam krenuo od tvoje tvrdnje da Trump prakticno nista nije uradio sem sto krcka "tatine pare".

Sto se Trumpa tice  jedino je relevantno od cega je poceo i na cemu je sada a mediji mu uglavnom daju par milijardi net worth.

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(My bad, spajam u glavi sve vas bez avatara u jedan kronenbergovski entitet.)


Upravo i pričam o tome od čega je počeo i na čemu je sada. Tatine milijarde uvećao je za oko 300% za tri decenije, što zvuči sjajno ako se zanemari koliko se pare u stvari lako množe na tom nivou (ako nisi debil kome firme svako malo bankrotiraju). Warren Buffet je u istom periodu imao net worth increase od 2,612%, a Bill Gates 7,137%.


S&P 500 za tih trideset godina ima rast od 1,336%, što je četiri puta više od rezultata Trampovog genijalnog poslovanja.



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"Ako mi predsednik naredi, rekao bih 'ne, nije zakonito'"



Skandal, ili bolje rečeno cirkus.


Nezamislivo do pre par godina.


"I provide advice to the president, he will tell me what to do," Gen Hyten said.

"And if it's illegal, guess what's going to happen? I'm going to say: 'Mr President, that's illegal.' And guess what he's going to do? He's going to say, 'What would be legal?' And we'll come up with options, of a mix of capabilities to respond to whatever the situation is, and that's the way it works.

"It's not that complicated," Gen Hyten added.


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Year One: It’s Up to Us

David Cole




“We’ll see you in court,” the ACLU (for which I am the national legal director) warned Trump in the immediate aftermath of his election. We explained that we’d sue the president if he sought to implement any of his many campaign promises that contravened constitutional constraints. We have done just that, as have many other organizations, and the courts have served as an important check. Along with the National Immigration Law Center and attorneys general from Hawaii and several other states, we have sued him repeatedly over the travel ban. We challenged his administration’s effort to block the abortion of “Jane Doe,” a seventeen-year-old girl held in Texas after she crossed the border from Mexico without proper documents. We have sued him over the voter fraud commission he has created to lay the ground for the Republican Party’s continuing voter suppression efforts. We have challenged his administration’s detention of an American citizen for nearly two months as an “enemy combatant” without charges and without access to a lawyer, and the Office of Refugee Resettlement’s detention of Rosa Maria Hernandez, a ten-year-old girl with cerebral palsy who was first stopped while traveling in an ambulance to a hospital to have emergency gall bladder surgery and was then detained upon her discharge. We have also sued the president for allowing employers to deny their female employees health insurance coverage for contraception if the employer objects on religious or moral grounds. And we’ve sued him for barring transgender people from serving in the military.




In a weak democracy, an authoritarian leader like Trump could do widespread and lasting damage. Such leaders often control the legislature, are immune from court oversight, and suppress civil society institutions. But our constitutional democracy was designed with leaders like Trump in mind (well, maybe not quite like Trump). And our hallowed traditions of judicial independence, civil liberties, and a robust political culture have—thus far, at least—held Trump in check to an important degree. He may be the most dangerous president in memory, but he is also the most thwarted. For those who care about civil liberties and civil rights, we need to keep it that way. The tools are available to do that—it’s up to us to use them.



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