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Trump - hoće li biti impeachment ili 8 godina drugačijeg predsednikovanja?


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Ahaha, kakvo izvrtanje :lolol:


Ajd sad još reci kako si podrzavao Sandersa, molim te :)


Pas ujeo čoveka, čudno bi bilo da nije nazvao morona moronom. Ali Kit "La Resistance" Oberman koji čeka kao zapeta puška da reaguje na ovako važne vesti...


Posted (edited)

WTF nije u redu sa njima?! Veći je problem što Tillerson kaže da je predsednik moron nego što predsednik neporecivo jeste moron?!


"The boy scouts mean eeeverything to Rex Tillerson!" :isuse:


Da sam neka vlast, sve bih ih prekomandovao u udarničku TMZ diviziju.

Edited by Weenie Pooh


Najsmesnije je sto domet Trampove politike u vezi sa NK do sada nije stigao dalje od tvitera.


Jel ovo Iran ili NK?

Mislio sam da ce pokupiti i prvi tvit. U pitanju je NK.


Da da, shvatio sam sa drugog topika. Bolid. Sve i da ovo misli tj da je to politika, de se to tako pise. S tim u vezi...nadam se da to i - nije politika, nego opet dizanje uloga


Just under 1 in 4 Americans think the country is headed in the right direction, according to a poll released Friday.


An Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research survey reports that just 24 percent U.S. adults are optimistic about the country's future, a 10-point decrease since the same poll in June.


One of the biggest drops in the poll was among Republicans. In June, 60 percent of Republicans said they approved of the direction the country is headed in, but that number is just 44 percent now.


President Trump faces dismal job approval ratings in the survey. Sixty-seven percent of Americans, including about one-third of GOP voters, disapprove of the job Trump has done so far in the White House.




Tramp gostovao kod bivšeg guvernera Arkanzasa i kandidata za republikansku predsedničku nominaciju 2008. i 2016. Majka Hakabija na Televiziji Svetog Trojstva (Trinity Broadcast Network)  :0.6:  i rekao da je zdravstvo tema za luzere, on čovek hoće da se bavi važnijim temama poput Severne Koreje i Irana.


President Trump praised health care block grants on Saturday, saying they allow the states to focus on health care, but said he would rather focus his energy on tensions with North Korea than "fixing somebody's back or their knee."

"You know in theory, I want to focus on North Korea, I want to focus on Iran, I want to focus on other things. I don't want to focus on fixing somebody's back or their knee or something. Let the states do that," the president told Mike Huckabee on the Trinity Broadcasting Network's "Huckabee."



Na debilan je način to rekao, ali u suštini ovde nije promašio - zdravstvo i treba da bude u nadležnosti država


Pa nije to, njemu zdravstvo ne ide od ruke, a ovo zveckanje atomskim oružjem mu dobro dođe za wagging the dog... vidiš da mu je support u apsolutnom čabru.

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