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Trump - hoće li biti impeachment ili 8 godina drugačijeg predsednikovanja?


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E, sad i ti... DC je Lord Sith, a GWB je Jar Jar Binks.

Ubio si me u pojam - nisam SW fan pa sam morao da guglam ko je JJB... Al' covek se uci dok je ziv, ne? 

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E a kad vam je dragance rekao da ce da se popicka sa GOPom i da ce ovi da ga odstrane u roku od 12-18 meseci, ti mi nisi verovao.

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Koliko je zabavno sedeti sa strane, ćopati kokice i čitati ovaj topić.

Priceless.... :lolol:  


Sad razumes kako se ja osecam kad citam topike o A. Vucicu, V. Pesic, izborima u Srbiji, Srbija u NATO....

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gle ima i autorka koja ne jase na liberalnoj histeriji  :fantom:


The DNC’s elephant in the room: Dems have a problem — it’s not Donald Trump


The elephant in the room for the DNC isn’t Trump or the GOP or Bernie bros or Russian hackers; it is its own elitist, corporatist, cronyist, corrupt system that consistently refuses to listen to the will of the people it hopes to represent. Thus far, though, DNC leadership has refused to take these issues seriously. It’s a strategy that smacks of arrogance and hubris. And it’s a politics that looks a lot more like the GOP than a party invested in helping the little guy. 

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ko placa mccain-a? ajd da nije bio vojnik idiot. matora drtina nikako da shvati da nikada nece biti predsednik



sta ima novo danas sa trampom?

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ko placa mccain-a? ajd da nije bio vojnik idiot. matora drtina nikako da shvati da nikada nece biti predsednik

Izbran na 6 godina proslog novembra, ovo mu je poslednji mandat, jebe mu se sta ce ko da mu kaze ili pripreti, sad mu se moze da bude maverick-y.


Osim sto nije maverick-y uopste. Uredno glasa za partiju, i ponekad namrsti obrvu pred press corp, cisto da ga ne zaborave. Kazu da je juce pored namrstene obrve napravio i grimasu, a press corp pao u nesvest. 



sta ima novo danas sa trampom?


Jutros smo saznali da je Comey, na onom sastanku na kome mu Trampara rekao da se mane istrage o Rusima, cuo od Trampare da bi kao sef FBI mogao malo da pocne da proganja i zatvara novinare, mnogo su se izbezobrazili. Ne Fox news, pobogu, nego one druge. Trampara je popodne promptno poceo da kuka na novine pred kadetima oruzanih sila™, a ondaK mu je poklonjena ona sablja o kojoj Rodjer prica (skini ga sa IL da vidis o cemu se radi).

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Secate se kad je pre 5-6 nedelja Trampara bacio 60 raketa na Siriju, pa kad su stariji PPPoliticki analiticari udarili u qq lele meki puch talambase? Secate se da vam je jos tada PPP glas razuma rekao da se ne lozite bez veze jer Trampara vlada od danas do sutra? Secate se kad se drama efendija smejao toj "naivnoj kontrukciji", jer eto zaboga Trampara vec 3 nedelje nije spomenuo Rusiju, jasno je da je postao marioneta a da je osovina Pentagon-Wall Street preuzela kornilo? Pa onda bilo puj pike ne vazi kad je Trampra smenio sefa FBI koji je israzivao veze njegovog tima sa Rujama, a sledeceg dana eto Lavrova i ruskog ambasadora u Beloj Kuci, ali samo sa ruskim reporterima? Secate se, jel da? Prosto da se objektivnom coveku zavrti u glavi na jednostavno pitanje: sta u stvari Trampara radi?


Ja sam taj odgovor dao pre 5-6 nedelja ("vlada od danas do sutra"), a ovih dana i ostatak sveta uvidja tu prostu stvar:



Bannon hasn't been fired, and Trump's recent bleatings about rewriting trade deals are supposedly due to his continuing influence. But there are many reports that Bannon has lost influence to Kushner and former Goldman Sachs deputy Gary Cohn, a noted monster of the financial-crisis era who represents the opposite vile brand of American politics, a Wall Street kleptocracy that has spent decades robbing Main Street blind through bubble economics and sleazy asset-hoovering schemes like sub-prime-mortgage fraud.

If there's a better metaphor for the depressing nonchoice of modern Western democracy than the intramural struggle for influence between these two arch-fiends, it's hard to imagine. Bannon and Cohn, two bilious, overweight ex-Goldman bankers, now sit on either side of the throne, each whispering his respective villainous ideology into the president's ears.

It'll be backlash ethnic nationalism against sociopathic finance capitalism, foreigners-suck versus screw-the-poor, depending on Trump's mood. 






The fundamental question, always, when it comes to President Donald Trump is this: Is he following a grand plan that only he can see or is he just saying and doing things with no broader blueprint in mind? 





The stunning nature of his election convinced most people -- including me -- that he was playing a sort of three-dimensional chess, executing a strategy that seemed crazy on its face but turned out to be crazy like a fox.
The events of the first 117 days of the Trump White House -- and, especially, the last 7 days -- suggest that assumption might be dead wrong.









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