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Trump - hoće li biti impeachment ili 8 godina drugačijeg predsednikovanja?


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Opet imas gresku u logici. U tvom slucaju X je uradio nesto zbog toga sto je Y pre toga uradio nesto drugo. U ovom slucaju imamo Y je uradio nesto jer je Y sklon tome. Kad vec moramo na ovom DjBovskom nivou da pricamo.


Dakle, spekulacija, nista kontekst, statistika, uzrocnost...


Kazem ja, da nije bilo Brexit-a ne bi bilo beskonacnog povecanja zrtava terorizma u Londonu.

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Imas neke preciznije podatke od ovih? https://airwars.org


Izvoli za Dronove: https://www.thebureauinvestigates.com/stories/2017-01-01/drone-wars-the-full-data


Ovde ima i malo statistike iz perioda Njegovog Nobelovskog Visočanstva, npr. koliko dece je u proseku trebalo ubiti da bi naboli jednog iz Al Kaide. Iste one Al Kaide koju je zdušno podržao u Siriji.


Ne da nije isto, nego će Trampara morati ozbiljno da se potrudi kako bi zasmrdeo makar približno nobelovskom kasapinu. Krenuo je jako™ pa će mu možda uspeti ali za sada je još uvek malo dete sa zvečkom kada ih se uporedno posmatra.

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Izvoli za Dronove: https://www.thebureauinvestigates.com/stories/2017-01-01/drone-wars-the-full-data


Ovde ima i malo statistike iz perioda Njegovog Nobelovskog Visočanstva, npr. koliko dece je u proseku trebalo ubiti da bi naboli jednog iz Al Kaide. Iste one Al Kaide koju je zdušno podržao u Siriji.


Ne da nije isto, nego će Trampara morati ozbiljno da se potrudi kako bi zasmrdeo makar približno nobelovskom kasapinu. Krenuo je jako™ pa će mu možda uspeti ali za sada je još uvek malo dete sa zvečkom kada ih se uporedno posmatra.

Nobelovac je ipak malo dete za monstruma iz Kremlja nego moze neki argument za ovo podrzavanje al kaide u siriji. Pitam posto receno nema veze s realnoscu.

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To je ta strategija. Ako ne možemo da predstavimo Trampa kao većeg zločinca od Kasapina sa Nobelom daj barem da potpuno nevezano za temu uvedemo u priču nekog ko bi mogao da bude jak™ kandidat.


Izvoli zaslužen :Hail: za spin i skretanje sa teme, čemu ne bih da doprinosim dalje.

Edited by Redoran
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EC president warns break-up of EU risks war in western Balkans

Jean-Claude Juncker, president of the European Commission, has delivered a blunt warning to Donald Trump against encouraging countries to copy Brexit, arguing that a break-up of the EU could trigger war in the western Balkans.

In an interview with the Financial Times, Mr Juncker said the US president’s enthusiasm for Britain’s departure from the EU was “annoying” and “surprising”. It showed the real estate tycoon was unaware of the complicated history of Europe. 

The Luxembourger, a 62-year-old veteran of European politics, delivered his warning to US vice-president Mike Pence when he visited Brussels last month.“I told the vice-president, ‘Do not say that, do not invite others to leave, because if the European Union collapses, you will have a new war in the western Balkans,” Mr Juncker said.

In 1991, at the end of the Cold War, the break-up of former Yugoslavia led to a brutal ethnic war between Serbs, Croats and Bosnian Muslims which only ended after a Nato-led military intervention.

Mr Juncker said it was important to offer countries in the region a prospect of EU membership: “If we leave them alone — Bosnia Herzegovina, Republika Srpska, Macedonia, Albania, all those countries — we will have war again.

”Over a two-hour lunch in his private dining room in Brussels to mark the 60th anniversary of the treaty of Rome, the European project’s founding text, Mr Juncker spoke about strains in transatlantic relations and the negative impact of the UK leaving the EU. He described it as a “tragedy” with consequences.

He said that the total bill for the UK would be “about €60bn”, according to Brussels calculations, and anticipated complex and tough negotiations. “Every day we discover new problems we did not even know about or imagine,” Mr Juncker said. “People think [brexit] is the end. No it is just the beginning.

Mr Juncker said Mr Trump was frightening Europeans with his “America First” rhetoric. “For the first time in postwar history we have an American president giving the impression he is not interested in European affairs,” he said.The commission president plans to visit Washington next month, but he is uncertain about whether he will meet Mr Trump. “They’re trying to fix it, but he has other priorities. By the way, he does not understand anything about Europe,” he said. “He had Tusk [Donald Tusk, president of the European Council] on the phone and he thought it was me.”


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ma boje se švabe novog višemilionskog priliva izbeglica kod njih ako se ovde zarati, pa preventivno kukaju jer tada abi imali tursku tampon zonu...

- rešenje je jednostavno, neka prestanu da zavlače zapadni balkan i neka ih prime po ubrzanom postupku ili neka rizikuju poplavu izbeglica

- prvo rešenje je skupo, a drugo može biti još skuplje na duži rok, jer se eu pokazala nemoćnom da zaustavi sukob...

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Ne znam zašto ali ova konstrukcija: "Ako ih ostavimo na miru opet će da ratuju" mi zvuči nekako pajtonovski.


Prošli put su sve bježali od nas i nisu se mješali, pa vidimo kako je završilo.

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Znaci pet godina, kad se usedli novi Potus koji ce da se aktivnije zainteresuje za interes(antn)e zapadnog balkana...


uspeli su da debalkanizuju Croasaniju istisnuvsi faktor destabilizacije, sad jos jedno konacno resenje za(je)biih koje ce zadovoljiti industriju arapskog pravoslavlja i to je to. Mir za narednih 25 godina.


Makedonija je u albanskom loncu i ne sme da prestane da cuti i slusa, Srbija se kao brani od same sebe i vija svoj rep, a narod na krilima poraza od Rusije u finalu SP salje jos 1-2 coveka u Hag i bira Tomislava Karadzica za Vodju.



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U je, Bill Maher

Zar nisu propali svi ti liberalni klovnovi .. objektivno je jedan Alex Jones sa svojim lupetanjima jedno 10x zabavniji, bar nije pretenciozan

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