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Uefa Euro 2016 Fantasy

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opa, vec nas je 17 a mnogi jos nisu dosli.

napravio sam okosnicu tima i ako mi igraci prezive pripreme nadam se minimalnom tumbanju ekipe.

Edited by cvrlle
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Zabavnije je igrati takva takmičenja sa squadom od 15 igrača, nego sa uglavnom beskorisnim rezervama. Nije to liga, hoću svaki dan da pratim i nerviram se.

Takođe bih rekao da je bolje po raznovrsnost timova i taktika.


Aj cl ok da se za promenu uredi ovako, i onako gore ne može. Ali euro i wc definitivno ne.

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eh sad. imas 11 igraca da rasporedis na 4 dana. ako ih lepo rasporedis to mu dodje u proseku skoro 3 na dan. sasvim dovoljno za nerviranje na rate.

jeste manji prostor za manevar ali veca je umetnost igrati ovako fantazi. imas manje prostora za kiks. moras da razmisljas unapred.

Edited by cvrlle
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Manager substitutions

After all matches on a single day have finished and before the next matches start, you can:

  • Replace any player (unless they were sent off) with one from your bench whose team is yet to play
  • Change your captain (if he was not sent off) with a player from your squad whose team is yet to play
  • Players who are substituted out will score 0 points. The captain bonus will be lost from your original captain if a new captain is selected. Substitutions and captain changes can't be cancelled once confirmed.
  • An unlimited number of manager substitutions can be made, although it is not possible to make them after games on the last day of the matchday as all fixtures will have been completed.
  • If a manager substitution or captain change is made, then no automatic substitutions will take place in your team that matchday.


Sta je single day? Ceo prvi krug?


Ako je samo 1 dan, onda je stari sistem, zar ne?


edit: uleteo Ruxin i potvrdio

Edited by pantelia
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Pre bih rekao da su vratili stari sistem :Hail:


edit - stari sistem sa -4 za dodatne transfere, što podržavam. Super!

Edited by Ruxin
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