January 3, 20214 yr On 31.12.2020. at 22:53, jms_uk said: Citam o promenama od sutra, pogotovo za putovanja i vidim ovaj nugget: Sto je ok, posto su i US i neke druge zemlje dodali u 'trusted travellers' grupu koji mogu da koriste iste - ali mislim da ce biti interesantno kad Britance izbace iz EU redova/e-kapija u EU. jesu izbaceni od 1.jan?
January 3, 20214 yr Author 1 hour ago, Tsai said: jesu izbaceni od 1.jan? Valjda jesmo. Ali posto nam je dosta zemalja zatvorilo granice (pre dve nedelje?) posle ove nove vrste virusa (neke i do kraja januara), plus kao trecoj zemlji otezan ulaz u EU, ne videh neke izvestaje na tu temu.
January 4, 20214 yr Author Posto je danas prvi radni dan posle praznika, evo i prvih vesti. Sent from my iTelephone using Tapatalk
January 4, 20214 yr Author Evo jos malo (izgleda greskom): https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-55530722 Quote UK expats prevented from returning home to Spain About 10 UK nationals resident in Spain say they were wrongly turned back when their flight landed in Barcelona. They left Heathrow on the Saturday morning British Airways flight, but were refused entry on arrival. They were stopped by border police and ultimately flown back to the UK. Spain has banned all but Spanish nationals and residents flying from the UK to Spain since 22 December in the hope of containing the spread of the new UK strain of Covid-19. One passenger on the flight, who did not wish to be named, said that those on board had been told repeatedly that only Spanish nationals or residents would be allowed to enter the country and that their residency certificates, also known as green certificates, were shown to airline staff several times.
January 8, 20214 yr poceo je preporod zemlje bez glupih EU pravila Quote Government to let farmers use bee-killing pesticide banned in EU A bee-killing pesticide so poisonous that it is banned by the EU may be used on sugar beet in England, the government has announced. The decision prompted fury from nature-lovers and environmentalists, who accused ministers of bowing to pressure from farmers. They said during the biodiversity crisis, when at least half the world’s insects have disappeared, the government should be doing everything it could to save bees, not allow them to be killed. Environment secretary George Eustice has agreed to let a product containing the neonicotinoid thiamethoxam to treat sugar beet seed this year in an effort to protect the crop from a virus. Last year a virus significantly reduced sugar beet yields, and similar conditions this year would be likely to present similar dangers, Mr Eustice’s department said. Setting out conditions for the “limited and controlled” use of the pesticide, officials said the minister had agreed an emergency authorisation of it for up to 120 days. But the Wildlife Trusts said neonicotinoids pose a significant environmental risk, particularly to bees and other pollinators. A 2017 study of 33 oilseed rape sites in the UK, Germany and Hungary found a link between higher levels of neonicotinoid residues and lower bee reproduction, with fewer queens in bumblebee hives and fewer egg cells in solitary bee nests. The following year, the EU agreed a ban on all outdoor uses of three neonicotinoid insecticides to protect bees. Evidence suggests the pesticides harm bee brain development, weaken immune systems and can leave bees unable to fly. A 2019 report by the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation and the World Health Organisation said there was a “rapidly growing body of evidence” that “strongly suggests that the existing levels of environmental contamination” by neonicotinoids were causing “large-scale adverse effects on bees and other beneficial insects”. The Wildlife Trusts tweeted: “Bad news for bees: The Government has bowed to pressure from the National Farmers Union to agree the use of a highly damaging pesticide. “The government know the clear harm that neonicotinoid pesticides cause to bees and other pollinators and just three years ago supported restrictions on them across the European Union. ...
January 10, 20214 yr Author Ne bi trebalo da bude zabranjeno unositi voce i povrce - ali jeste odavno za meso i mlecno proizvode.
January 10, 20214 yr Author 1 hour ago, dragance said: Moj Sainsbury pored mene u ozbiljnoj nestašici vina 😱 Sta ti treba?
January 10, 20214 yr 13 minutes ago, jms_uk said: Sta ti treba? Svega čega nema! Neka, prošunjaću se do Waitrosa u Twickenhamu da vidim kakva je tamo sitiacija.
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