November 11, 20204 yr On 9.11.2020. at 15:23, borris_ said: sustina je da je zajednickom 'vladanju u ime svega svetog' prosao rok. Iz tvojih usta u manituove usi. Jos kad bi Evropa imala politicku elitu koja bi bila u stanju da se konacno osamostali.
November 12, 20204 yr The shitty side of Brexit
November 16, 20204 yr ludak ne prestaje da bulazni a vreme istice Brexit: PM confident UK 'will prosper' without EU trade deal
December 8, 20204 yr Author Billionaire Sir Jim Ratcliffe, a Leave campaigner in the run-up to the 2016 Brexit referendum, has confirmed a new 4x4 vehicle will be built in France. It ends hopes his Grenadier off-roader, based on the original Land Rover, would be made at a new plant in Wales. Quote When plans to build the vehicle at Bridgend, south Wales, were first announced, Mr Ratcliffe said it was "a significant expression of confidence in British manufacturing". It was hoped the factory would create up to 500 jobs, producing about 25,000 Grenadiers a year, once fully up and running. Chris Elmore, Labour MP for the Ogmore constituency in Bridgend, tweeted that Tuesday's decision was a "crushing blow" for the area. "The highly-skilled and dedicated workforce in Ogmore, Bridgend and surrounding areas would have risen to the challenge," he wrote. "That Brexit is clearly a major factor at play is a bitter pill to swallow. Ineos owner Sir Jim Ratcliffe was a vocal Brexiteer, loudly proclaiming the benefits of leaving the EU. Today, we can see his claims are as hollow as his promises."
December 13, 20204 yr Quote Brexit: EU offer 'unacceptable' as trade talks continue ... Fishing rights is another major area of disagreement, with the EU warning that without access to UK waters for EU fleets, UK fishermen will no longer get special access to EU markets to sell their goods. But the UK argues that what goes on in its own waters, and its wider business rules, should be under its control as a sovereign country. The government confirmed on Saturday that no-deal preparations had seen Royal Navy vessels prepared to tackle "threats of illegal fishing" in UK waters. Outlining the steps taken to prepare for all Brexit eventualities, a UK government spokesman said: "We've run live exercises moving fresh produce and fish across the border, and scrambled naval vessels to respond to threats of illegal fishing in our soon-to-be sovereign waters." francuzi kazu "Keep calm and carry on" (nije sala)
December 13, 20204 yr Author Kaze PM da se spremamo za WTO trading. Sent from my iTelephone using Tapatalk
December 13, 20204 yr Treba ih pustiti u no deal i onda gledati raspad ali bez likovanja. Trenutno je podrska u UK za no deal 17%. EU treba samo da izrazi zaljenje i otvorenost za povratak Britanije kad razmisle koji od ponudjenih menija hoce posto no deal meni nece hteti. Cak i pored medijske kampanje i uspavanog BBC-a, tesko ce ovo da prodaju kao uspeh kad pocnu nestasice, nezaposlenost, inflacija i opsti raspad usled carina. A zatim krece i serija referenduma - Skotska, mozda i SI, a ako bude lose i Vels. Unutrasnja i spoljna politicka nestabilnost je programirana za sledecih 10 godina. Tori partija je sada totalno englesko-nacionalisticka i niko sa njima vise nece bilo kakav dil.
December 13, 20204 yr Kao neko ko trenutno živi u UK (na “privremenom radu”) i ko će osetiti na svojoj koži sva haos Brexita, ipak se moram složiti sa @Anduril. Svaki deal će ERG proglasiti lošim dilom i to će im biti izgovor što ne valja situacija - ili će reći “nismo dovoljno suvereni”. Zato no deal, sa nažalost svim posledicama će biti jedino što će politički ubiti tu grupu morona i staviti tačku na taj nacionalizam. A Škotska će otići, ja mislim.
December 17, 20204 yr Kakva banana samoposluga od drzave:
December 21, 20204 yr Moze neko objasnjenje zasto su fishing kvote toliko bitne? Negde se pominje, 18 000 radnih mesta i 2 Bn obrta godisnje - ok, ozbiljne cifre, ali relativno kikiriki u odnosu na sve ostale troskove i gubitke koji ce nastati usled Brexita.
December 22, 20204 yr simbolicki znacaj kontrolisanja teritorije, na planu suverenosti. razgranicenje na mi (naše more uga uga) i oni (furriners).
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