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Koja skupim budaletina, šarlatana i đubradi... Meni je Ris Mog najveći šljam, Boris je (samo?) oportunista.


Ovaj Rory Stewart jedini normalan kandidat za lidera Torijevaca. Šteta što nema nikakve šanse ni da prođe u poslednji krug, a kamoli da pobedi

23 hours ago, Gandalf said:




Objasnio čovek sve u par rečenica

  • 3 weeks later...



Fuck. You.



Kanađani otkačili Britance za nastavak trgovine pod istim uslovima nakon najava britanskih vlasti da u slučaju izlaska bez dogovora u prvo vreme neće biti carinskih stopa na ogromnu većinu proizvoda kako cene ne bi odjednom skočile rekavši da će radije sačekati da vide razvoj događaja nakon izlaska. Uz to su ih pozvali da što pre dogovore buduće odnose sa EU.




Canada Is Refusing To Roll Over Its EU Trade Agreement For The UK If There's A No-Deal Brexit

UK officials are "furious" at Canada's decision, but it reflects the confusion around trade policy after the failure of Theresa May's Brexit strategy.

Posted on July 2, 2019, at 7:58 p.m.

Canada is refusing to extend its trade deal with the European Union to the UK if there is no Brexit agreement, BuzzFeed News has learned.

The decision — in which Canada would not “roll over” the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement if the UK abandons its withdrawal agreement with Brussels — is a huge blow to Britain's hopes of maintaining continuity in a no-deal Brexit, and it could severely impact businesses that sell goods to the Canadian market.

It goes against assurances from Conservative ministers who have insisted that replicating the UK's existing trade arrangements would be straightforward.

Liam Fox, the international trade secretary, promised in 2017 that up to 40 EU trade deals would be replicated by the time Britain left the union. CETA is one of the biggest it had hoped to have in place.

With Theresa May leaving office and her withdrawal agreement seemingly dead, both of the contenders to replace her as prime minister, Boris Johnson and Jeremy Hunt, have insisted they will seek new withdrawal terms from Brussels and said they are prepared to leave without a deal in October if they can't get them.

However, there is huge uncertainty about what either candidate's plans would mean in practice for the UK's exporters and importers.

For months, Britain has been pushing the Canadians to guarantee continuity by rolling over CETA even in a no-deal scenario. However, Canada has decided to wait and see what would happen before revisiting their trading relationship, a well-placed source at the Department for International Trade told BuzzFeed News.

Ministers have indicated that the UK could unilaterally remove tariffs on all imports in a no-deal Brexit to prevent a sudden spike in prices for British consumers. The Canadians believe this could provide better terms for Canadian producers selling into the British market than they would get under a bilateral trade deal without any of the trade-offs.

A spokesperson for Canada's global affairs department told BuzzFeed News: "In case of a no-deal Brexit, Canada and the UK had been discussing a transitional agreement based on CETA while recognising the UK’s lack of jurisdiction to negotiate a free trade agreement as long as it remains an EU member state.

"In the event that the UK leaves the EU without an agreement, it has proposed to provide all WTO partners, including Canada, with duty-free access for 95% of tariff lines.

“Post-Brexit, any future trade arrangement between Canada and the UK would be influenced by the terms of the withdrawal agreed between the UK and the EU, as well as any unilateral UK approaches.”

A spokesperson for the DIT said: “The UK and Canadian prime ministers agreed to ensure a seamless transition of CETA and we remain committed to doing so.”

“We are continuing to work on securing continuity with other countries,” the UK government spokesperson added. “Only three weeks ago, we agreed in principle to transition our agreement with Korea. Once it is signed, we will have agreements covering 63% of our trade with countries for which we are seeking continuity.”

British trade officials are "furious" at the rebuff, having spent months trying to convince the Canadians to extend CETA, the DIT source told BuzzFeed News.

On Wednesday, Fox will face MPs on the House of Commons' international trade committee who are deeply concerned about the slow progress his department has made on replicating the 40 trade deals that apply to the UK through its membership of the EU.

As of last month, the trade department had rolled over only 11 deals, including those with Switzerland and Israel, the committee said. In a letter to its chair, Angus Brendan MacNeil, last month, Fox said talks with several other countries, including Canada, are “at an advanced stage” and “making progress”.

Securing a continuity agreement with Canada would be a massive boost for the UK's hopes of building a prosperous independent trade policy after Brexit. Not only is Canada a major trading partner, accounting for 1.6% of UK exports, but it has taken on outsize symbolic importance in the Brexit debate.

Many Tory Eurosceptics, including Johnson, talk of a "Canada-style" free trade deal with the EU as their preferred foundation for the UK's future trade policy, while Hunt this week said he was lining up a former Canadian prime minister to lead his Brexit negotiating team if he becomes prime minister.

Back in March, before the original deadline for leaving the EU was extended to October, British trade officials were so confident that Canada would roll over CETA they reportedly told the Times a deal was just days away from being clinched.

In its statement to BuzzFeed News, the Canadian government said it would allow CETA to be rolled over during a transition period if Britain leaves the EU with a withdrawal agreement.

“Depending on an agreement being reached between the UK and the EU concerning a transition period, Canada would consent to the UK remaining party to [CETA] ... and all other Canada–EU agreements during that transition period,” the spokesperson said.

“Canada is watching Brexit closely and encourages the UK and the EU to agree on their future relationship as soon as possible."





Ako izadjes i kazes ,,u slucaju no deal brexita mi necemo uvesti nikakve carine na uvoznu robu" dok EU sve vreme govori da hoce uvesti carine na tvoju robu, onda ni ostali trgovinski partneri nemaju nikakav podsticaj da ti daju bilo kakve ustupke. Ti ces drzati tvoje trziste otvorenim kako bilo, a oni mogu da odluce sta ce od tvojih proizvoda pustiti na svoje...


Pa normalno, svako gleda svoj interes, ovi su najavili da će skinuti gaće i sad očekuju da ih niko ne naguzi. Kanada pritom nije jedina u redu.




Dr Fox said that Canada was one of a number of countries “hedging their bets” and holding back from a rollover agreement as they wait for the UK’s position to become clearer.


The trade secretary dismissed claims from Conservative leadership frontrunner Boris Johnson’s claims that the UK could continue commerce with the EU on unchanged terms after a no-deal Brexit until a new FTA is sealed.

Dr Fox, who is backing Jeremy Hunt as Theresa May’s successor, said it was “unrealistic” to think that the UK could use a process known as “Gatt 24” to continue trading with the EU on the same terms, as Mr Johnson has suggested.

And he said it was “fanciful” to suggest Brussels will agree a future FTA without first securing a withdrawal agreement dealing with divorce issues.

Dr Fox told the Commons International Trade Committee that a no-deal Brexit would be “sub-optimal economically” for the UK, undoubtedly causing a “market shock” to sectors such as farming.

But he insisted that cancelling Brexit would be worse, because it would amount to a “grave democratic offence” with incalculable consequences.

“Leaving without a deal would be sub-optimal, but if that’s what we have to do to fulfill out democratic mandate, that’s what we have to do,” said Dr Fox.


The Leave-backing international trade secretary promised in 2017 that up to 40 FTAs from which the UK benefits as a result of EU membership would be replicated by the time of Brexit. Ceta was one of the largest and most important of these. So far only 11 rollovers have been completed.

Dr Fox told the committee that a number of countries were holding back from concluding rollover deals because of the “understandable temptation” to see how negotiations with Brussels turn out.


Dr Fox said that Canada hoped to gain advantage from the temporary tariff rates announced in March. But he urged Ottawa not to give up on rolling over the Ceta arrangements, warning that the temporary rates are guaranteed to remain in place for only one year.


Dr Fox said the EU had made clear that it will impose the World Trade Organisation’s “most favoured nation” tariffs on  UK imports after a no-deal Brexit, rather than following Britain’s lead in granting tariff-free access to the bulk of goods.

And he rejected the idea that Brussels would be ready to strike a deal with the UK on its future trading relationship until a withdrawal agreement - covering the settlement of the UK’s divorce bill, citizen’s rights and the Irish border - was in place.

“There are all sorts of things we can offer the EU, but the EU has been very clear in its position from the very beginning,” said Dr Fox. “We could offer them all sorts of ranges of things but the EU have said that they are not willing to enter into a discussion with us about any future trade arrangement until we have got a withdrawal agreement.”




Treba pogledati to cijelo saslušanje i ta pitanja. To su jako snažne droge gdje MPima jednostavno nije jasno zašto EU nije mečka koja pleše u ritmu u kojem joj GB cigo svira. To je 1 nevina nevjerica hrpe glupih vjeverica


"Conservative leadership hopeful Jeremy Hunt has pledged to bring back fox hunting if he becomes Britain’s next prime minister."


Mislim da smo samo na nekoliko koraka od lečenja raka molitvom i pijavicama. Ionako će NHS otići na doboš.

Posted (edited)

većina torijevaca mozga bez



Edited by hazard
Just now, hazard said:

većina torijevava mozga bez







Something is rotten in the state of Britain


Mislim da "Conservative & Unionist Party" treba da promeni svoje ime u "Radical-Revolutionary Party" jer im to trenutno bolje stoji


Dnevna doza depresije, iliti "naravno da je Boris novi premijer, ni ne čekajte da se prebroje glasovi":





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