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Napisao sam "koliko toliko nije cista fantazija", ne  i da je verovatno


Niko ne zna sta ce biti posle izbora u GER i FRA

Edited by MancMellow

Pa nije toliko nemoguće pretpostaviti, karte su otvorene. I u jednoj i u drugoj zemlji jača evroskeptična desnica, stranke establišmenta će morati da prave levodesne neprincipijelne koalicije (kao CDU/SPD sad) da bi održale status quo.


I time verovatno u narednom ciklusu gurnuti Evropu u ruke nacionalpopulista, koji će dotle nabujati kao najača opozicija, ili ih učiniti neizbežnim faktorom prilikom formiranja vlada. Jer ovakva Evropa def neće biti sposobna da hendluje ekonomsku krizu.




BoJo danas u Telegrafu:





A prominent law firm is taking pre-emptive legal action against the government, following the EU referendum result, to try to ensure article 50 is not triggered without an act of parliament.

Acting on behalf of an anonymous group of clients, solicitors at Mishcon de Reya have been in contact with government lawyers to seek assurances over the process, and plan to pursue it through the courts if they are not satisfied. The law firm has retained the services of senior constitutional barristers, including Lord Pannick QC and Rhodri Thompson QC.

Their initiative relies upon the ambiguous wording of article 50 of the Treaty onEuropean Union, which sets out how states could leave the EU. The first clause declares: “Any member state may decide to withdraw from the Union in accordance with its own constitutional requirements.”

One of the grounds of a likely challenge to the referendum is that it is merely advisory and the royal prerogative cannot be used to undermine parliamentary statute.

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According to Mishcon de Reya, the decision to trigger article 50 rests with the representatives of the people under the UK constitution. The firm has been in correspondence with the government since 27 June “to seek assurances that the government will uphold the UK constitution and protect the sovereignty of parliament in invoking article 50”.

Kasra Nouroozi, a partner at Mishcon de Reya, said: “We must ensure that the government follows the correct process to have legal certainty and protect the UK constitution and the sovereignty of parliament in these unprecedented circumstances. The result of the referendum is not in doubt, but we need a process that follows UK law to enact it. The outcome of the referendum itself is not legally binding and for the current or future prime minister to invoke article 50 without the approval of parliament is unlawful.

“We must make sure this is done properly for the benefit of all UK citizens. Article 50 simply cannot be invoked without a full debate and vote in parliament. Everyone in Britain needs the government to apply the correct constitutional process and allow parliament to fulfil its democratic duty, which is to take into account the results of the referendum along with other factors and make the ultimate decision.”



Glasaće za Čl.50 praktično svi torijevci i poveći deo laburista, ako dođe do toga.


Najverovatnije. Ovo je samo postavljanje manjih prepreka na drum.


Najverovatnije. Ovo je samo postavljanje manjih prepreka na drum.


I kupovina vremena. Sto duze traje proces povlacenja, to ce se raznorazne firme (uklj. verovatno i gorespomenutu pravnicku i verovatno mnoge njihove klijente) bolje pripremiti za stvarni brexit


I kupovina vremena. Sto duze traje proces povlacenja, to ce se raznorazne firme (uklj. verovatno i gorespomenutu pravnicku i verovatno mnoge njihove klijente) bolje pripremiti za stvarni brexit


Pravnicke firme su opcele da otvaraju magnume od Krystala, Kruga i Dom Perignona kada su objavljeni rezultati Brexita. Bice brdo posla za njih. 


About 70 percent of trading in euro-denominated interest-rate swaps, a major type of derivative, takes place in the U.K., versus 11 percent in France and 7 percent in Germany, according to Bank for International Settlements data from 2013. Clearing firms collect fees on transactions. London’s clearing industry processes trades worth more $900 billion on an average day, provides about a thousand jobs and supports a vast legal industry in London for derivatives-trading and oversight of collateral. The world’s largest clearinghouse for rate swaps, LCH, is based in London and is majority-owned by London Stock Exchange Group.







The clearing business is unlikely to be relocated anytime soon. It could take years for the U.K. and EU to negotiate their split. Also, the EU court ruling said the ECB doesn’t have the competence to regulate securities clearing. Gaining that ability might require action by EU lawmakers.



Što znači da će dovlačenje poslova iz Sitija morati da se obavlja kroz remont domaće bankarske regulative tj. grubo rečeno kroz deregulaciju i privilegovanje bankarskih poslova u zemljama koje hoće da sebi privuku neki komad tog kolača.

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Komedija se nastavlja :fantom:


Faraž nije više lider UKIP: Hoću svoj život nazad

London -- Najdžel Faraž je objavio da neće više biti na čelu evroskeptične stranke UKIP. Rekao je da je "obavio posao" i da nikada nije želeo da bude karijerni političar.



I have decided to stand aside as leader of Ukip. The victory for the leave side in the referendum means that my political ambition has been achieved. I came into this struggle from business because I wanted us to be a self-governing nation, not to become a career politician.

Ukip is in a good position and will continue, with my full support to attract a significant vote. Whilst we will now leave the European Union the terms of our withdrawal are unclear. If there is too much backsliding by the government and with the Labour party detached from many of its voters then Ukip’s best days may be yet to come.


I came into politics from business because I believed that this nation should be self governing. I have never been and I have never wanted to be a career politician.

My aim in being in politics was to get Britain out of the European Union that is what we voted for in that referendum two weeks ago.

And that is why I now feel that I have done my bit, that I couldn’t possibly achieve more than we managed to get in that referendum. And so I feel it’s right that I should now stand aside as leader of Ukip.

I will support the new leader. I will watch the re-negotiation process in Brussels like a hawk and perhaps comment in the European Parliament from time to time.

During the referendum campaign I said I want my country back, and I’m saying today I want my life back. And it begins right now.



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