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Nick Clegg: what you will wake up to if we vote to Leave…

clegger-300x300.jpg Nick Clegg 19:34

Wednesday June 22nd 2016

Are you still undecided? Are you someone who – pummelled by weeks of claim and counter-claim – has been left exhausted and annoyed? Have you been looking for answers, yet all you’ve encountered are insults and exaggeration?
Maybe you’re so fed up you think to hell with it, let’s throw caution to the wind and vote Brexit. Imagine, however, what happens next. Imagine how you will feel on 24 June?
Having woken on Friday to the news we’re quitting the EU, you will assume that those who persuaded you to take that leap of faith have a plan about what to do next.
So imagine how dismayed you will feel when you discover, instead, that Nigel Farage, Michael Gove and Boris Johnson can’t agree among themselves what life outside the EU looks like? They may be united by a ferocious loathing of the EU, but they have no shared plan for the future.


So you will look towards our leaders in Westminster to sort out the mess. Instead, they argue among themselves: the Conservatives descend into a bloody leadership election; Parliament enters years of constitutional gridlock trying to extricate itself from the intricate legal stitching which binds us to the EU and gives us access to world markets.
Then you discover just how unprepared the Government is – that there simply aren’t enough trade negotiators in Whitehall, for instance, with the expertise to renegotiate 50 or so international trade accords.
As politicians bicker, you become increasingly unnerved by what’s happening in the economy, too: overseas investors take fright; money flows out of the country; our credit rating is slashed; the interest on our borrowing goes up; unemployment rises; sterling tanks; prices in the shops go up.

Nicola Sturgeon soon announces that preparations have started for a second independence referendum, claiming it is the only way to keep Scotland in the EU. And this time most commentators think that she will win.
Still, at least they will finally sort out our borders, right? After all, ending mass immigration was the Brexiteers biggest claim of all.
So imagine how you’ll feel when you discover that they don’t have a plan for that either? Some argue for a new land border between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland to stop EU immigrants coming in through the “back door”. Others that a new border would harm the peace in Northern Ireland. The Australian points system which they advocate is no solution either – it has led to immigration levels twice as high as in the UK.


Panic starts to spread among the 1.3 million Brits who live, study and retire elsewhere in the EU. Spanish politicians start to complain about paying for public services used by British pensioners. If we start excluding Spanish doctors and nurses, why should they keep paying for our pensioners?

And then there’s that faintly queasy feeling you get when you see Donald Trump on the TV, visiting the UK on Friday, declaring his joy at the Brexit vote.
Meanwhile Angela Merkel invites President Obama to an emergency summit to discuss the fallout – the UK is, of course, excluded from what soon emerges as the new “special relationship” between the US and Germany.
The Brexiteers say you will “regain control”. But it won’t feel like that. Instead, the economy lurches to recession; there’s upheaval in Westminster; no plan to allay concerns about immigration; another referendum in Scotland; a steep slide in Britain’s standing in the world.

Our wonderful country adrift – not in control. And for what? Nigel, Michael and Boris still won’t be able to tell you why.


FT tvrdi da razlog pogrešnih kvota pred referendum leži u tome što su remaineri uplaćivali daleko veće količine novca od leavera.



Eto, to je ono sto sam pricao i pre nasih izbora.


Nije direktiva, nego uredba -    REGULATION (EU) 2016/679 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation)  


I jeste zlo i naopako, pogledajte samo sankcije :


The following sanctions can be imposed:

  • a warning in writing in cases of first and non-intentional non-compliance
  • regular periodic data protection audits
  • a fine up to 10,000,000 EUR or up to 2% of the annual worldwide turnover of the preceding financial year in case of an enterprise, whichever is greater (Article 83, Paragraph 4 [14]))
  • a fine up to 20,000,000 EUR, or in the case of an undertaking, up to 4% of the total worldwide annual turnover of the preceding financial year, whichever is higher (Article 83, Paragraph 5 & 6 [15])


Kazne su kao kod zaštite konkurencije, mogu biti u stotinama miliona eura. Baš ohrabrujuće za sve koji manipulišu velikim bazama podataka.


bem li ga kako se prevodi na srpski :)

poenta je u onom prvom sto napisah: sam dokument nema snagu zakona, ali drzave clanice moraju da naprave zakon koji se u odredjenom broju tacaka slaze sa tim dokumentom, a za odredjene imaju slobodu da odluce kako ce i sta ce


sto se tice samog dokumenta, on uopste nije preterano restriktivan.


a kazne - pa poenta i jeste da postanu ozbiljne da bi ih veliki igraci ozbiljno shvatili. 

nemacka trenutno ima max kaznu koja se meri u desetinama/stotinama hiljada evra, sto za velike firme znaci: zabole nas kurac za zakon

ovom promenom, information privacy itekako postaje ozbiljna tema, kao sto i treba da bude


uostalom, jedna od uloga EU i jeste da stiti interese svojih gradjana, a ne interese velikih korporacija (kako je uglavnom i optuzuju)

zauzvrat, firme su dobile pojednostavljenu zakonsku situaciju, gde vise nece biti ogromnih razlika od drzave do drzave, vec ce svi zakoni biti bazirani na istoj osnovi

malo li je?

(hint: nije nimalo, troskovi drkanja sa lokalnim divergentnim zakonima su sve samo ne trivijalni)


With Europe’s leaders divided over how to negotiate Brexit and Britain apparently reluctant to initiate formal talks on leaving, an EU source said lawyers had concluded that a member state could not be forced to launch the process. But a senior EU official stressed that, by the same token, Brussels could refuse overtures for even informal talks before the exit process is officially initiated – a course that prominent Brexit leaders including Boris Johnson want to pursue. “As long there is no notification, there will not be any negotiations,” the official said. Brussels has given up hope that Britain could be bounced into triggering article 50 – the untested procedure that governs how a member state leaves the bloc – at the summit starting on Tuesday. The official said the UK was in “a significant crisis” and it would be unrealistic to expect such a move. But he insisted: “We are ready to enter into this process quickly. We are ready to enter into this process as soon as possible.”

The US secretary of state, John Kerry, is due to fly to Brussels and London on Monday for urgent talks. Kerry urged both Britain and the EU to “minimise disruption” by negotiating the divorce responsibly. David Cameron is due to explain the UK’s position at a dinner at the EU summit on Tuesday night. Cameron will leave after the dinner, taking no part in the talks between leaders of the bloc’s 27 remaining members on Wednesday. Martin Schulz, the president of the EU parliament, led the call for formal exit talks to be launched as early as Tuesday. “We expect the British government to deliver now,” he told Germany’s Bild am Sonntag. “The summit on Tuesday is the appropriate moment to do so.”


The European commission president, Jean-Claude Juncker, said talks should start as a matter of urgency. An EU source told the Guardian that Juncker had called Cameron on Friday to say the prime minister should trigger article 50 immediately. Cameron said in his resignation speech that he would leave that task to his successor, expected to be named by October. According to the source, Juncker told him: “The decision of the British people was crystal clear, and the only logical step would be to implement their will as soon as possible.”


meni ovo uopste nije neki heavy hand pristup EU, vec jedini moguci:

odabrali ste sta ste odabrali, sada postupite po tome i pratite formalizam


svi licni stavovi pojedinaca su nebitni, i svaki drugi stav ce biti zestoko zloupotrebljen od strane evroskeptika u svakoj od clanica

- ako poteraju britaniju pre nego sto ona zvanicno krene u istupanje, bice "eto, to je ta nazovi unija, oterase ih pre nego sto su i krenuli da odlaze"

- ako ih na bilo koji nacin uspore, bice "eto, EU ne postuje odluke suverenih drzava, buuu, zla EU"


zapravo, obzirom na to koliko ovi Leave-debili nemaju predstavu sta sada, imam utisak da bi oni bili prvi koji bi se opet uhvatili iste price, zla EU, vidite sta nam radi, ma bas je dobro sto ste nas poslusali da ih napustimo


bem li ga kako se prevodi na srpski :)

poenta je u onom prvom sto napisah: sam dokument nema snagu zakona, ali drzave clanice moraju da naprave zakon koji se u odredjenom broju tacaka slaze sa tim dokumentom, a za odredjene imaju slobodu da odluce kako ce i sta ce


Pa nije.


Poveden onim što si napisao ja napisah da se radi o direktivi, to je vrsta obavezujućeg propisa EU koja nalaže državama članicama da urade baš to što navodiš.


Međutim, Ayatolah je naveo posle da to nije (više) direktiva već regulativa (ovde se prevodi kao uredba), kojom je ranije postojeća direktiva stavljena van snage, a njena sadržina sada proširena i podignuta na rang evropskog zakona. To se neposredno primenjuje na celoj teritoriji EU, tu države ne donose svoje zakone.


I Renci uoči samita kaže da je brexit gotova stvar i da se okreće list. 

Posted (edited)

Pa nije.


Poveden onim što si napisao ja napisah da se radi o direktivi, to je vrsta obavezujućeg propisa EU koja nalaže državama članicama da urade baš to što navodiš.


Međutim, Ayatolah je naveo posle da to nije (više) direktiva već regulativa (ovde se prevodi kao uredba), kojom je ranije postojeća direktiva stavljena van snage, a njena sadržina sada proširena i podignuta na rang evropskog zakona. To se neposredno primenjuje na celoj teritoriji EU, tu države ne donose svoje zakone.


nisam pravnik, ali nama su objasnili ovako kako napisah (ili bar ja tako razumeh pravnika koji je to tumacio)


plus sam dokument kaze: 



Where this Regulation provides for specifications or restrictions of its rules by Member State law, Member States may, as far as necessary for coherence and for making the national provisions comprehensible to the persons to whom they apply, incorporate elements of this Regulation into their national law.

sto mi lici upravo na ono sto napisah - od ovog dokumenta mogu (u praksi "ce") nastajati lokalni zakoni 

pogotovo nam rekose da su moguce i manje lokalne razlike i da lokalni zakoni uvedu jos ponesto sto ne postoji u ovom EU dokumentu, i da je to jedna od slabosti, jer ce u praksi ipak postojati razlike izmedju clanica, sto je losa vest za firme koje moraju da implementiraju zakone

Edited by Zverilla
Posted (edited)

^^'Su oni svi kolektivno poludili na tom ostrvu, ili im je u kolektivnom nesvesnom™ ego inače dominantna stavka?

Edited by Tribun_Populi

nisam pravnik, ali nama su objasnili ovako kako napisah (ili bar ja tako razumeh pravnika koji je to tumacio)


plus sam dokument kaze:


sto mi lici upravo na ono sto napisah - od ovog dokumenta mogu (u praksi "ce") nastajati lokalni zakoni

pogotovo nam rekose da su moguce i manje lokalne razlike i da lokalni zakoni uvedu jos ponesto sto ne postoji u ovom EU dokumentu, i da je to jedna od slabosti, jer ce u praksi ipak postojati razlike izmedju clanica, sto je losa vest za firme koje moraju da implementiraju zakone

Princip supsidijariteta™. Gde nema potrebe da nešto bude regulisano na EU nivou, prepušta se državama da urede.


Direktive su pravno-tehnički drugačije, sadrže samo nalog da se donese zakon, ne i odredbe sa neposrednom primenom.


Nebitno, odosmo daleko.

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