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Posted (edited)

Citamo svi dosta toga ali jedino ti citas ono sto zelis da procitas. Ne bih rekao da u ozbiljnim tekstovima od referenduma naovamo dominiraju arogancija i nabedjenost. Naprotiv.

OK, živi bili pa videli.


edit: I da, nisam rekao "u ozbiljnim tekstovima" već da u tekstovima postoji "ozbiljna doza nabeđenosti". Misleći na postreferendumske izjave političara.

Edited by Tribun_Populi
Posted (edited)

 Nacisti su vrlo ohrabreni:


People in England and Wales have been reporting incidents of racism believed to be fuelled by the result of the EU referendum, including alleged racist graffiti on a Polish cultural centre in London and cards reading “no more Polish vermin” posted through letterboxes and outside a primary school in Cambridgeshire.
In Gloucester, Max Fras said he was in a Tesco supermarket on Friday night with his young son when a white man became agitated in the queue for the checkout and began yelling: “This is England now, foreigners have 48 hours to fuck right off. Who is foreign here? Anyone foreign?”
“This evening my daughter left work in Birmingham and saw [a] group of lads corner a Muslim girl shouting ‘Get out, we voted leave’,” she posted on Twitter.





Edited by vememah

Još jedna anketa pokazuje da u Škotskoj postoji većina za nezavisnost, ali dosta tesnija:


We now have confirmation of the Panelbase numbers - fieldwork was apparently conducted on Friday and Saturday, so entirely after the referendum result was known.
Should Scotland be an independent country?
Yes 52%
No 48%
According to the Sunday Times who commissioned the poll, that represents a 7% increase in the Yes vote and a 7% decrease in the No vote.  I'll have to take their word for that, because I'm not aware of a recent Panelbase poll giving No a 55-45 lead.  The last one listed by What Scotland Thinks is from April, and showed Yes 47%, No 53%.

To put this in perspective, 52% is the best ever showing for Yes in a Panelbase poll.



Posted (edited)

tesno je to još uvek. Mislim da će strategija SNP-a biti da prvo proba sve po bilo kakvoj proceduri da bi mogli da izadju pred birače i kažu - evo, mis smo sve probali lepo, ali oni su nerazumni i ne zanima ih šta mi imamo da kažemo

Edited by MancMellow
Posted (edited)



Алтмајер: Британцима дозволити да преиспитају Брегзит
Политика недеља, 26.06.2016. у 14:41

БЕРЛИН - Британски политичари требало би да имају шансу да преиспитају последице напуштања Европске уније, изјавио је Петер Алтмајер, шеф кабинета немачке канцеларке Ангеле Меркел.

„Политичари у Лондону треба да имају могућност да поново размотре последице Брегзита”, рекао је Алтмајер за медијску мрежу РНД, преноси Ројтерс.

Ако Британија стварно оде, то би био „тешка вододелница са пуно последица”, рекао је шеф кабинета немачке канцеларке.

Наравно, како је додао, Британија може касније да аплицира за чланство у ЕУ, али за то ће требати пуно времена, преноси Танјуг.

Edited by slow

tesno je to još uvek. Mislim da će strategija SNP-a biti da prvo proba sve po bilo kakvoj proceduri da bi mogli da izadju pred birače i kažu - evo, mis smo sve probali lepo, ali oni su nerazumni i ne zanima ih šta mi imamo da kažemo

Reverse Greenland

Reverse Greenland


da :D 



Алтмајер: Британцима дозволити да преиспитају Брегзит


Политика недеља, 26.06.2016. у 14:41





БЕРЛИН - Британски политичари требало би да имају шансу да преиспитају последице напуштања Европске уније, изјавио је Петер Алтмајер, шеф кабинета немачке канцеларке Ангеле Меркел.

„Политичари у Лондону треба да имају могућност да поново размотре последице Брегзита”, рекао је Алтмајер за медијску мрежу РНД, преноси Ројтерс.

Ако Британија стварно оде, то би био „тешка вододелница са пуно последица”, рекао је шеф кабинета немачке канцеларке.

Наравно, како је додао, Британија може касније да аплицира за чланство у ЕУ, али за то ће требати пуно времена, преноси Танјуг.



Her chief of staff, Peter Altmaier, said politicians in Britain should “take the time to reconsider the consequences of the Brexit decision - but by that I emphatically do not mean Brexit itself”. Europe should “wait for this to happen with calm”.




1 reč - Bolikita


Inače, onlajn peticiju za drugi referendum koja je sad na 2 miliona potpisa, pokrenuo je još pre prvog referenduma lik iz English Democrats i Leave aktivista.  :lolol:

koja zajebancija  :D

Posted (edited)

Ajde što omladina ne glasa nego što sedi na ladnom betonu pravi sranja po netu :D

Edited by Prospero

 FT od pre 10 dana:


Brussels eyes legal options to force quick Brexit


The EU is eyeing legal options to strong-arm Britain if a Brexit government refuses to invoke the bloc’s formal “exit clause”, in plans that highlight growing fears of an acrimonious and messy divorce should the UK vote to leave the union.
Alarmed by statements by senior Leave campaigners, EU lawyers have examined ways to suspend Britain’s rights within the single market if an unco-operative Brexit government rolled back common EU laws without seeking to formally leave the union.
This has worried senior officials in Berlin, Paris and Rome, who see it as a tactical ploy that would increase uncertainty and provoke a hostile response from the remaining 27 EU member states.

“This is not on the cards. If they want to leave it is Article 50. There is no third way,” said one senior EU diplomat involved in contingency planning. “Yes or No, there is nothing in between. People will be surprised by how quickly we move to Article 50.”
While diplomats understand any need for a change of government or prime minister may cause some delays, Germany and France are in agreement that formal detailed talks with a Brexit government should begin as soon as possible, and only under the umbrella of Article 50.

“What would be refused is a political decision to leave without formal notification,” said one senior aide to the leader of a big eurozone state. “It would create huge uncertainty. It is tactics and it would not be accepted. We would say we will not start any negotiation of any kind without a notification.”

If Britain revokes core elements of EU law before leaving the union, EU officials are aware that their options are limited. Suing Britain at the European Court of Justice or even pressing to revoke its voting rights would be pointless.

If necessary, one option is to take the British prime minister David Cameron’s report on the referendum result, made to the summit of EU leaders, or any later Brexit bill passed in the House of Commons as the formal “notification” required to start the Article 50 procedure.

As an alternative, lawyers are looking at procedures to suspend application of Britain’s rights within the single market, a move that would dramatically increase uncertainty for UK companies exporting to or operating on the continent. “That is a last resort,” said another senior EU diplomat.

This could involve the use of Article 7 of the EU treaty, which is designed to handle rule of law breaches by member states. The option is highly contentious and it is far from clear there would be consensus among member states to use it. “Maybe the ancient legal maxim of ‘two wrongs don’t make a right’ would be relevant,” said one senior eurozone diplomat more sceptical of retaliatory measures.

Mr Cameron has said he would invoke Article 50 “straight away” but his ministers doubt he would survive a Leave vote in the referendum, or have the authority to trigger the divorce.

Michael Gove, justice secretary and a leading Brexit campaigner, has argued “no responsible government” would hastily invoke the Article clause, adding the pace and management of talks must be “in Britain’s hands”. British diplomats have told their counterparts in Europe the potential upheaval in Westminster after a vote to leave could delay Article 50 being triggered for six months.


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