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idealno bi bilo da amerikanci posalju svoje trupe u poljsku, evropljani su zauzeti ekonomijom i teroristima.


NATO wrestles with internal divisions ahead of Warsaw summit


Under the terms of the NATO charter, each of the 28-member states is supposed to devote 2 percent of its annual budget to defense.

But beyond the United States, which has been trimming its military budget in recent years but still devotes 3.5 percent to defense, only about half-a-dozen other alliance members are at or near the agreed-upon threshold.

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Pa ako hoće da komanduju, neka i plaćaju, šta se sad bune. Ionako je to danas institucionalni paravan za njihovu vojnu dominaciju u Evropi i doakavanje Rusima.


Da je stvarno neki savez, dozvolili bi da Francuz bude komandant južnog krila, kao što nisu.

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Analysis: Larger NATO Baltic Sea Exercise Sends Important Message to Russia

By: Magnus Nordenman

June 1, 2016 9:41 AM



Allied forces practice amphibious assault near Ustka, northern Poland, on 17 June 2015 as part of BALTOPS 2015. NATO Photo


Summer is exercise season in the Baltic Sea region, and one of the largest ones is BALTOPS 16, which runs between June 3 and June 18, and ranges across a considerable portion of the Baltic Sea.


Over the next three weeks BALTOPS 16 will draw together some 6,000 personnel, 45 warships, and 60 aircraft from 17 nations, including the United States, Germany, the U.K., the Netherlands, along with the littoral states of the Baltic States who are NATO members (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Denmark) or NATO partners (Sweden and Finland).


Over the last two decades, the annual BALTOPS exercises have taken on a decidedly low-end character, with emphasis placed on maritime security tasks such as search and rescue, counterterrorism at sea, and other types of cooperative security tasks. High-end naval and amphibious warfighting came roaring back, however, to BALTOPS 15, with landing exercises taking place in both Sweden and Poland, while B-52s were brought in to practice airborne deployment of sea mines.


BALTOPS 16 will maintain the focus on high-end maritime warfighting (including amphibious landings and anti-submarine warfare), as the region remains a central friction zone between NATO and a newly assertive Russia that has continued with its snap exercises and close, and arguably dangerous, encounters between Russian and NATO member warships and jets. Indeed, this behavior has even escalated in recent months, as the U.S. guided missile destroyer USS Donald Cook (DDG-75), while in the Baltic Sea in April, experienced multiple high-speed passes by Russian jets at close range. A few days later a U.S. reconnaissance flight over the Baltic Sea was barrel rolled by a Russian fighter which came as close as 30 feet to the U.S. plane.


The navies and merchant fleets of the Baltic Sea littoral states have experienced this type of behavior since 2014, but Russia now seems more willing to also perform these types of maneuvers in close proximity to US ships and planes. This should be understood as an extension of the anti-access area denial (A2/AD) network that Russia is building with long-range anti-ship and air defense systems in its Kaliningrad enclave in the southeast corner of the Baltic. Making it uncomfortable for the United States and NATO to operate and exercise in the Baltic through dangerous encounters is another way to deny the area to U.S. and NATO forces.


BALTOPS 16 is an important message to Russia, and showcases the U.S. and NATO’s determination to operate in the Baltic Sea, and prepare for contingencies when maritime forces will have to play a role in forcing access to the region to reinforce the exposed Baltic States in a crisis or during wartime. But BALTOPS is also sorely needed for purely military reasons.



A Russian Sukhoi Su-24 attack aircraft makes a low altitude pass by the USS Donald Cook (DDG-75) April 12, 2016.

Donald Cook, an Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer, forward deployed to Rota, Spain. US Navy Photo


The nations of northeastern Europe, along with the rest of the NATO members, have spent precious little time on complex and high-end warfighting skills, such as anti-submarine warfare in the littorals, over the last two decades, and these skills must now be dusted off.


Furthermore, there is a real need to bolster interoperability and a regional approach to maritime missions. While the navies of the region have indeed shrunk since the end of the Cold War, northeastern Europe is hardly void of capable platforms and crews. Sweden and Germany operate some of the best conventional submarines in the world, while both Norway and Denmark have opted to introduce the F-35 Lighting II to replace their F-16 Fighting Falcon fleets. Poland meanwhile has embarked on an ambitious military modernization effort, which includes both new surface combatants and a new class of submarines. BALTOPS is an important opportunity to begin stitching these capabilities together across the region.


BALTOPS also carries special political importance this year. It is held a mere month before the major NATO Summit in Warsaw in Poland, close to the Baltic Sea, where NATO is expected to decide on a more robust presence in northeast Europe in the form of multinational battalions for the Baltic States.


Previous major meetings of NATO’s leaders have usually been accompanied by Russian attempts to stir discord within the alliance. For example, Russian operatives snatched an Estonian intelligence agent from Estonian territory mere days after President Obama visited the country in 2014, in a clear attempt to point to America’s apparent inability to defend its allies. Russia will certainly watch BALTOPS 16 closely, and may attempt to disrupt it, or stage its own snap exercise, to cast doubt on the alliance as it prepares for its crucial summit in Warsaw.


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Пољска војска због Русије формира паравојне јединице
Министар одбране обавештен о одржавању Конгреса паравојних снага, које би требало да броје око 35.000 људи


Политика Биљана Митриновић субота, 04.06.2016. 


Пољски министар одбране Антони Маћеревич није изненадио никога када је пре четири дана у интервјуу „Дифенс њузу” рекао да Пољска, као чланица НАТО-а, намерава да на својој територији размести један батаљон Северноатлантске алијансе, који би требало да буде довољан за „одвраћање руске агресије”. Али када је министар одбране у четвртак обавештен о одржавању Конгреса паравојних пољских снага у градићу Острода на северу Пољске – изненађених је било много више.

Meђу њима свакако нису били Руси, будући да је московска штампа још прошле године у марту писала о формирању пољских паравојних снага. То је тада подсећало на формирање украјинских добровољачких одреда и батаљона Азов и Ајдар, Донбас, Дњепар 1, Дњепар 2 и нацистички Десни сектор, чији су припадници починили неке од најстравичнијих злочина у источној Украјини.

Рат у Украјини је свакако подстакао известан број Пољака да се придруже добровољачким паравојним формацијама. Ту су пролазили војну обуку и припремали се да бране Пољску од руске инвазије, била она реална била плод медијског потпиривања како би у Пољску „привукли” базе, опрему и бројније НАТО снаге.

Јуче је „Шигл” потврдио вест да је Пољска основала паравојску као помоћ регуларној војсци и да ће свако од 16 војводстава ове државе имати бригаду нових обучених војних снага, изузев најгушће насељене централне области Масовијан, у којој ће бити формиране две бригаде.

Позивајући се на агенцију Франс прес, „Шпигл” је навео да је у обуци ових бригада посебан акценат стављен на источне провинције Подласку, Лублинску и Подкарпатску, које су „посебно осетљиве на руски притисак”.

Оснивач ових паравојних формација, опуномоћеник Министарства одбране Гжегож Квашњак, сматра да би Пољска требало да буде спремна за случај „хибридног рата”, који је, како каже, Русија извела у Украјини, због чега и оправдава формирање око 35.000 припадника паравојних снага за одбрану земље. Тренутно их има око 12.000, одлука о формирању је пала у априлу, а претпоставља се да су волонтери цивили који су прошли војну обуку.

Занимљиво је да ће ове паравојне формације учествовати од 7. до 17. јуна на великој војној вежби „Анаконда” у Пољској.

Још половином марта прошле године руска штампа је писала да у Пољској постоји око 120 таквих добровољачких група, са око 10.000 људи. Тадашњи министар Томаш Шемоњак је окупљеном руководству од око 800 чланова рекао да ће његово министарство платити 2.500 људи који би чинили окосницу локалних добровољачких јединица и били мобилизовани у случају рата.

Edited by slow
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Nato countries begin largest war game in eastern Europe since cold war


Ten-day military exercise, Anaconda-2016, will involve 31,000 troops and thousands of vehicles from 24 countries



Preparations for Anaconda-2016 take place in Drawsko Pomorskie, north-western Poland. Photograph: Marcin Bielecki/EPA


Alex Duval Smith in Warsaw

Monday 6 June 2016 17.15 BST



The largest war game in eastern Europe since the end of the cold war has started in Poland, as Nato and partner countries seek to mount a display of strength as a response to concerns about Russia’s assertiveness and actions.

The 10-day military exercise, involving 31,000 troops and thousands of vehicles from 24 countries, has been welcomed among Nato’s allies in the region, though defence experts warn that any mishap could prompt an offensive reaction from Moscow.

A defence attache at a European embassy in Warsaw said the “nightmare scenario” of the exercise, named Anaconda-2016, would be “a mishap, a miscalculation which the Russians construe, or choose to construe, as an offensive action”.

Russian jets routinely breach Nordic countries’ airspace and in April they spectacularly “buzzed” the USS Donald Cook in the Baltic Sea.

The exercise, which US and Polish officials formally launched near Warsaw, is billed as a test of cooperation between allied commands and troops in responding to military, chemical and cyber threats.


It represents the biggest movement of foreign allied troops in Poland in peace time. For the first time since the Nazi invasion of Soviet-occupied Poland began on 22 June 1941, German tanks will cross the country from west to east.

Managed by Poland’s Lt Gen Marek Tomaszycki, the exercise includes 14,000 US troops, 12,000 Polish troops, 800 from Britain and others from non-Nato countries.

Multinational operations publicised so far include an airdrop involving 2,000 parachutists over the northern Polish city of Toruń on Tuesday, engineers building a bridge to carry 300 vehicles over the Vistula river and a night-time “assault” involving 35 helicopters.

Marcin Zaborowski, a Polish defence analyst at the Centre for European Policy Analysis in Warsaw, said: “In Poland we see the exercise as a reassurance measure from the US and Nato. The defence needs of central and eastern Europe are real. The scope and numbers of Anaconda are no match for the Russian exercises that go on all the time just across the border.”


But Zaborowski also acknowledged that the backdrop to the exercise was “tense, and accidents can happen”.

Anaconda-2016 is a prelude to Nato’s summit in Warsaw on 8-9 July, which is expected to agree to position significant numbers of troops and equipment in Poland and the Baltic states.

It comes within weeks of the US switching on a powerful ballistic missile shield at Deveselu in Romania, as part of a “defence umbrella” that Washington says will stretch from Greenland to the Azores.

Last month, building work began on a similar missile interception base at Rezikowo, a village in northern Poland.

The exercise comes at a sensitive time for Poland’s military, following the sacking or forced retirement of a quarter of the country’s generals since the nationalist Law and Justice government came to power in October last year. So harsh have the cuts to the top brass been that the Polish armed forces recently found themselves unable to provide a general for Nato’s multinational command centre at Szczecin.


Insiders say morale has fallen to an all-time low since the appointment of Antoni Macierewicz as defence minister.

Professional soldiers are particularly worried about a lack of clarity surrounding the creation and role of a 17-brigade territorial army, drawn in part from the 35,000 members of Poland’s gun clubs and paramilitary groups, some of which, it is feared, are linked to the country’s racist football hooligans. Two of the volunteer brigades are set to assist the professional Polish army during Anaconda.

The Guardian understands from military sources that there has been little consultation over politicians’ long-term vision for the volunteers, described last week by the plenipotentiary minister Grzegorz Kwaśniak as “a fifth force after land, sea, air and special forces”.

A western defence expert confirmed that there was concern about government interference in Poland’s military. “Poland is highly regarded internationally. In the past 15 years, they spent a lot of money and created one of the best armies in the region. They made big sacrifices in Afghanistan. They lost 40 soldiers. It is not clear what the government thinks it needs to improve,” he said.


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resene su muke, nato postuje neutralnost srbije  -_-



NATO poštuje pravo država koje nisu njene članice, poput Austrije, Srbije, Finske i Švedske, da ne pristupe tom vojnom savezu već da samo sarađuju, izjavio je zamenik šefa misije Ambasade Slovačke Peter Susko, čija ambasada je kontakt tačka za saradnju NATO sa Srbijom.

Susko je, na konferenciji "Partnerstvo za Srbiju: Srbija, NATO i strateška komunikacija", rekao da NATO veruje da se može pojačati saradnja sa svim partnerima, uključujući Srbiju.

NATO alijansa je osnovana na zajedničkim vrednostima, poput očuvanja demokratije i zaštite ljudskih prava, rekao je Susko i napomenuo da taj vojni savez ulaže velike napore u jačanju široke bezbednosne mreže u kojoj se vodi računa o zajedničkim interesima.

On je istakao i da je siguran da demokratske vrednosti na kojima počiva NATO dele i građani Srbije. 




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U osnovnoj školi se iz geografije uči da je Indija potkontinent, ali ću zbog tebe da govorim isključivo Indija, jer vidim da je potrebno. U skladu sa tim, preporučujem sledeću literaturu u slici i reči, posle možemo da pređemo na knjige bez slika

O evropskim kolonijalnim ratovima u Aziji i (međusobnim) otimanjima teritorija možemo nakon što prođeš popravni.



Da ponovim, koja Indija i koja tri su jos tri kontinenta porobljena i izgenocidisana pre 19. veka? Marksista Hobsbon kaze:



Consequently between 1814 and 1849 the size of the British Indian empire increased by two-thirds of the subcontinent, as the result of a series of wars against Mahrattas, Nepalese, Burmans, Rajputs, Afghans, Sindis and Sikhs, and the net of British influence was drawn more closely round the Middle East, which controlled the direct route to India, ...


Ne znam sto saljes mene na popravni - salji njega i ostale istoricare koje sam citirao. Znas bolje od njih? Oni se uglavnom slazu oko sledece hronologije: http://www.thelatinlibrary.com/imperialism/notes/indianchron.html

A za americki Zapad pre 19. veka ovo: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_the_American_Old_West


Prema tome, ako sam ja toliko glup da verujem u ovo, reci nam koji su to tvoji pametniji izvori osim stripova i glupih fotki za ovo sto tvrdis?

Ili je ovo mozda samo jos jedan primer mahanja papirima tipicno za tzv. intelektualce koji su zavrsili Titove ili Miloseviceve skole i fakultete gde je ideolosko bubanje bilo ocigledno jace od kritickog razmisljanja?

Ako se ne priznaju osnovne istorijske cinjenice i hronologija, onda ni ne cudi nerazumevanje i nesnalazenje u danasnjici.

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tipican si zapadnjacki relativizator, to je tacno taj manir, uvek se pljacka i otimacina pravdaju nekim formalizmima, paragrafima, zarezima, kvakama. sustina je da su sva danas razvijena zapadna drustva vekovima pljackala i otimala i genocidisala 3 kontinenta. i da je to u najvecoj meri uzrok danasnje njihove razvijenosti i bogatstva, sta god oni pricali i prdeli, i da bi mogli malo da olade sa drzanjem predavanja ostalima. i danas se to manje vise radi, samo suptilnije. demokratksa razvijena bogata britanija i danas zivi od trange-frange sa parama opljackanim po celom svetu, svaki karic i miskovic odakle god na svetu je tamo dobrodosao, samo nek donese pare koje je napljackao u svojoj bednoj zemlji, jebe im se kako su te pare stecene. sve te opljackanepare zavrse u londonu, unekretninama i bankama u sitiju. mubaraka skenjaju, ali njegov sin naravno zavrsi u londonu, verovatno sa egipatskom drzavnom kasom. ugledni gradjanin londona. 


da li su u jednom trenutku pljackali i genocidisali samo 20-30% nekog kontinenta, a posle 70-80%, da li su neki deo teritorije zvanicno smatrali kolonijom ili su samo eto dali nekoj privatnoj firmi da u njihovo ime rukovodi, i da ih ne zanima sta ta firma tamo radi samo da dovlaci pare u maticu, ne menja sustinu. plus sto nisi u pravu, za indiju sam ti vec napisao da je pljackana i pre nego sto je zvanicno postala britanska kolonija. ne samo od britanaca nego i od portugalaca, francuza, holandjana i ostalih. 

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tipican si zapadnjacki relativizator, to je tacno taj manir, uvek se pljacka i otimacina pravdaju nekim formalizmima, paragrafima, zarezima, kvakama. sustina je da su sva danas razvijena zapadna drustva vekovima pljackala i otimala i genocidisala 3 kontinenta. i da je to u najvecoj meri uzrok danasnje njihove razvijenosti i bogatstva, sta god oni pricali i prdeli, i da bi mogli malo da olade sa drzanjem predavanja ostalima. i danas se to manje vise radi, samo suptilnije. demokratksa razvijena bogata britanija i danas zivi od trange-frange sa parama opljackanim po celom svetu, svaki karic i miskovic odakle god na svetu je tamo dobrodosao, samo nek donese pare koje je napljackao u svojoj bednoj zemlji, jebe im se kako su te pare stecene. sve te opljackanepare zavrse u londonu, unekretninama i bankama u sitiju. mubaraka skenjaju, ali njegov sin naravno zavrsi u londonu, verovatno sa egipatskom drzavnom kasom. ugledni gradjanin londona. 


da li su u jednom trenutku pljackali i genocidisali samo 20-30% nekog kontinenta, a posle 70-80%, da li su neki deo teritorije zvanicno smatrali kolonijom ili su samo eto dali nekoj privatnoj firmi da u njihovo ime rukovodi, i da ih ne zanima sta ta firma tamo radi samo da dovlaci pare u maticu, ne menja sustinu. plus sto nisi u pravu, za indiju sam ti vec napisao da je pljackana i pre nego sto je zvanicno postala britanska kolonija. ne samo od britanaca nego i od portugalaca, francuza, holandjana i ostalih. 




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