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I feel it all, I feel it allI feel it all, I feel it allThe wings are wide, the wings are wideWild card inside, wild card insideOh I?ll be the one who'll break my heartI'll be the one to hold the gunCan I know more than I knew beforeI know more than I knew beforeI didn't rest, I didn't stopDid we fight or did we talkOh I?ll be the one who'll break my heartI'll be the one to hold the gunCan I love you moreI love you moreI don't know what I knew beforeBut now I know I want to win the warNo one likes to take a testSometimes you know more is lessPut your weight against the doorKick-drum on the basement floorStranded in a fog of wordsLoved him like a winter birdOn my head the water poursGulf stream through the open doorFly away, fly away <Try to make the world you want to make>I feel it all, I feel it allI feel it all, I feel it allThe wings are wide, the wings are wideWild card inside, wild card insideOh I?ll be the one who'll break my heartI'll be the one who'll break my heartI'll be the one who'll break my heartI'll end it, though you started itThe truth liesThe truth liedAnd lies divideLies divide

od svih topika na svim forumima ovaj mi je najidiotskiji

strog si.dobar je kad neces da priznas da je ensto fragment, nego kao ono.

nista manje od svih ostalih ponovljenih

Remember that tank top you bought me.You wrote 'You're Gorgeous' on it.You took me to your rented motor car and filmed me on the bonnet.You got me to hitch my knees up and pulled my legs apart.You took an instamatic camera and and pulled my sleeves around my heart.Because you're gorgeous I'd do anything for you.Because you're gorgeous our love will see us through.Because you're gorgeous I'd do anything for you.Because you're gorgeous I know you'll get me through.You said my clothes were sexy, you tore away my shirt.You rubbed an ice-cube on my chest snapped me 'til it hurt.Because you're gorgeous I'd do anything for you.Because you're gorgeous our love will see us through.Because you're gorgeous I'd do anything for you.Because you're gorgeous I know you'll get me through.Ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba baYou said I wasn't cheap. You paid me twenty pounds.You promised to put me in a magazine on every table in every lounge.Because you're gorgeous I'd do anything for you.Because you're gorgeous our love will see us through.Because you're gorgeous I'd do anything for you.Because you're gorgeous our love will see us through.Because you're gorgeous I know you'll get me through. I know you'll get me through.

Амет : Гъци, Гъци Припев:Гъци, гъци, гъци, гъци,гъци, гъци вее гуше,гуше, гуше, гуше, гуше,гуше вее дъртаки,дъртаки пак и пак и пааак дъртаки, дъртакитайния влак.Влязах във таверната извикамеее шефкатавкараме във офиса да и направя компраса. (х2)Ако изкаш мила компресаа аз щети направя сомангеса. (х2)Аз и викам даими пари тя ми вика джоба хвани. (х2)Припев:Сядам си в квартиратааа пияси ракиятааа, шефкатами званиии ела Гошо джоба ми хвани. (х2)Аз и викам даими париии тя ми вика джоба ми хвани. (х2)Припев:Ако знае жена ми, моите секси игри, моите секси игрии ще ме изгори. (х2)Припев:Тя каква си...

Wilhelmus (complete versie)Wilhelmus van NassouweBen ik van Duitsen bloedDen vaderland getrouweBlijf ik tot in den doodEen Prince van OranjenBen ik vrij onverveerdDen Koning van Hispanjen Heb ik altijd geeerdIn Godes vrees te levenHeb ik altijd betrachtDaarom ben ik verdrevenOm land om luid' gebrachtMaar God zal mij regerenAls een goed instrumentDat ik zal wederkerenIn mijnen regimentLuidt u mijn onderzatenDie oprecht zijn van aardGod zal u niet verlatenAl zijt gij nu bezwaardDie vroom begeert te levenBidt God nacht ende dagDat hij mij kracht wil gevenDat ik u helpen magLijf en goed al te samenHeb ik u niet verschoondMijn broeders hoog van namenHebben 't u ook vertoondGraaf Adolf is geblevenIn Friesland in den slagZijn ziel in 't eeuwig levenVerwacht den jongsten dagEdel en hoog geborenVan keizerlijken stam Een vorst des rijks verkorenAls een vroom ChristenmanVoor Godes woord geprezenHeb ik vrij onversaagdAls een held zonder vrezenMijn edel bloed gewaagdMijn schild ende betrouwenZijt gij o God mijn HeerOp u zo wil ik bouwenVerlaat mij nimmermeerDat ik doch vroom mag blijvenUw dienaar t'aller stondDie tirannie verdrijvenDie mij mijn hert doorwondtVan al die mij bezwarenEn mijn vervolgers zijnMijn God wilt doch bewarenDen trouwen dienaar dijnDat zal mij niet verrassenIn haren bozen moedHaar handen niet en wassenIn mijn onschuldig bloedAls David moeste vluchtenVoor Saul den tiranZo heb ik moeten zuchtenMet menig edelmanMaar God heeft hem verhevenVerlost uit alder noodEen koninkrijk gegevenIn Israel zeer grootNa 't zuur zal ik ontvangenVan God mijn Heer dat zoetDaar na zo doet verlangenMijn vorstelijk gemoed: Dat is dat ik mag stervenMet eren in dat veldEen eeuwig rijk verwervenAls een getrouwe heldNiet doet mij meer erbarmenIn mijnen wederspoedDan dat men ziet verarmenDes Konings landen goedDat u de Spanjaards krenkenO edel Neerland zoetAls ik daar aan gedenkeMijn edel hert dat bloedtAls een Prins opgezetenMet mijner heires krachtVan den tiran vermetenHeb ik den slag verwacht Die bij Maastricht begravenBevreesde mijn geweldMijn ruiters zag men dravenZeer moedig door dat veldZo het den wille des HerenOp die tijd had geweestHad ik geern willen kerenVan u dit zwaar tempeestMaar de Heer van hier bovenDie alle ding regeertDie men altijd moet lovenEn heeft het niet begeerdZeer prinselijk was gedrevenMijn prinselijk gemoedStandvastig is geblevenMijn hert in tegenspoed Den Heer heb ik gebedenVan mijnes herten grondDat hij mijn zaak wil redenMijn onschuld doen bekendOorlof mijn arme schapen Die zijt in groten noodUw herder zal niet slapenAl zijt gij nu verstrooid!Tot God wilt u begevenZijn heilzaam woord neemt aanAls vrome Christen leven't Zal hier naast zijn gedaanVoor God wil ik belijdenEn zijner groter machtDat ik tot genen tijdenDen Koning heb verachtDat dat ik God den HereDer hoogster MajesteitHeb moeten obedierenIn der gerechtigheid

Wilhelmus (complete versie)Wilhelmus van Nassouwe...
:D Znam prvu i šestu strofu... Da li poznaješ ikoga ko je zna celu? Ja ne...
:D Znam prvu i šestu strofu... Da li poznaješ ikoga ko je zna celu? Ja ne...
:D neznam ni ja.

Nadam se da nemate ništa protiv nečeg domaćeg, inače veoma starog:Osam tamburasa sa PetrovaradinaDonesite mi rujna vinahocu price da se setimbas na ovom divnom mestugde ugledah oci njeneRef.Zaustavite Dunav i kazaljke stareto je pesma moja i pesma moje dragenek me svuda prate s pesmom rujna vinaosam tamburasa s PetrovaradinaU belom ces sa mnom pocivodicu te na vencanjebacace ti cvece srecerastavit' nas niko neceRef.Tamburasi, svirajte midivne pesme od davninaja cu ljubit' kose njenei polako piti vina :)

Gates of Eden :) Of war and peace the truth just twistsIts curfew gull just glidesUpon four-legged forest cloudsThe cowboy angel ridesWith his candle lit into the sunThough its glow is waxed in blackAll except when 'neath the trees of EdenThe lamppost stands with folded armsIts iron claws attachedTo curbs 'neath holes where babies wailThough it shadows metal badgeAll and all can only fallWith a crashing but meaningless blowNo sound ever comes from the Gates of EdenThe savage soldier sticks his head in sandAnd then complainsUnto the shoeless hunter who's gone deafBut still remainsUpon the beach where hound dogs bayAt ships with tattooed sailsHeading for the Gates of EdenWith a time-rusted compass bladeAladdin and his lampSits with Utopian hermit monksSide saddle on the Golden CalfAnd on their promises of paradiseYou will not hear a laughAll except inside the Gates of EdenRelationships of ownershipThey whisper in the wingsTo those condemned to act accordinglyAnd wait for succeeding kingsAnd I try to harmonize with songsThe lonesome sparrow singsThere are no kings inside the Gates of EdenThe motorcycle black madonnaTwo-wheeled gypsy queenAnd her silver-studded phantom causeThe gray flannel dwarf to screamAs he weeps to wicked birds of preyWho pick up on his bread crumb sinsAnd there are no sins inside the Gates of EdenThe kingdoms of ExperienceIn the precious wind they rotWhile paupers change possessionsEach one wishing for what the other has gotAnd the princess and the princeDiscuss what's real and what is notIt doesn't matter inside the Gates of EdenThe foreign sun, it squints uponA bed that is never mineAs friends and other strangersFrom their fates try to resignLeaving men wholly, totally freeTo do anything they wish to do but dieAnd there are no trials inside the Gates of EdenAt dawn my lover comes to meAnd tells me of her dreamsWith no attempts to shovel the glimpseInto the ditch of what each one meansAt times I think there are no wordsBut these to tell what's trueAnd there are no truths outside the Gates of Eden

buranija je uvek bila i ostala ista. evo nesto za secu vena. iz monenta:Jolene, jolene, jolene, joleneIm begging of you please dont take my manJolene, jolene, jolene, jolenePlease dont take him just because you canYour beauty is beyond compareWith flaming locks of auburn hairWith ivory skin and eyes of emerald greenYour smile is like a breath of springYour voice is soft like summer rainAnd I cannot compete with you, joleneHe talks about you in his sleepTheres nothing I can do to keepFrom crying when he calls your name, joleneAnd I can easily understandHow you could easily take my manBut you dont know what he means to me, joleneJolene, jolene, jolene, joleneIm begging of you please dont take my manJolene, jolene, jolene, jolenePlease dont take him just because you canYou could have your choice of menBut I could never love againHes the only one for me, joleneI had to have this talk with youMy happiness depends on youAnd whatever you decide to do, joleneJolene, jolene, jolene, joleneIm begging of you please dont take my manJolene, jolene, jolene, jolenePlease dont take him even though you canJolene, jolene

ko o cemu, bad o sisama.

ko o cemu, bad o sisama.
pati, siso!

Bob Dylan?Silvio :) Stake my future on a hell of a pastLooks like tomorrow is a coming on fastAin't complaining about what I gotSeen better times but who has not.Silvio silver and goldWon't buy back the beat of a heart grown coldSilvio I gotta goFind out something only dead men know.Honest as the next jade rolling that stoneWhen I come and knockin' don't throw me no boneI'm an old boll weevil looking for a homeIf you don't like it you can leave me alone.I can snap my fingers and require the rainFrom a clear blue sky and turn it off againI can stroke your body and relieve your painAnd charm the whistle off an evening train.Silvio silver and goldWon't buy back the beat of a heart grown coldSilvio I gotta goFind out something only dead men knowGive what I got until I got no moreI take what I get until I even the scoreYou know I love you and further moreWhen it is time to go you got an open door.I can tell your fancy I can tell your plainYou give something up for ev'rything you gainSince ev'ry pleasure's got an edge of painPay for your ticket and don't complain.One of these days and it won't be longGoing down the valley and sing my songI will sing it loud and sing it strongLet the echo decide if I was right or wrong.Silvio silver and goldWon't buy back the beat of a heart grown coldSilvio I gotta goFind out something only dead men know.

Edited by adam weisphaut

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