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Napadac je navodno isekao glavu nekome...

Izgleda da je tako. Ne zna se da li su ga tu doveli ili su mu tu isjekli glavu.


Kazu da su uhapsili jednog napadaca.

Edited by borris_

verovatno neka mentalna bolest :fantom:

verovatno neka mentalna bolest :fantom:

mozda je nestabilan i mozda malo ljut

mozda je nestabilan i mozda malo ljut


nesto kao onaj klinac koji pobi ljude u crkvi u usa, tek da se podsetimo da nisu samo "islamisti" nestabilni i malo ljuti

nesto kao onaj klinac koji pobi ljude u crkvi u usa, tek da se podsetimo da nisu samo "islamisti" nestabilni i malo ljuti

"islamiste" misomorom Ali ni brejvik nije bio ljut a jos manje nestabilan

"islamiste" misomorom Ali ni brejvik nije bio ljut a jos manje nestabilan


upravo. em bio miran em bio lud kao stabilan napon struje

Edited by Pontijak

ej ajde olada pa ne može brejvik da bude protivteg kod baš svakog džihadića mogo je jedan dan ili 80 žrtava i posle ćao :fantom:


nego evo zanimljivosti


It is interesting to note that the president of the company targeted in the attack, Air Products, is a Shia Iranian named Seifi Ghasemi.

Iran supports Bashar al-Assad's regime in Syria, which is battling against Sunni Islamic State militants.

Edited by Hella

Na Bljucu u tekstu pise da je uhapsen jedan azilant zbog moguce povezanosti. ne znam da li je to tacno ili su samo lupili ali mogu da zamislim talas komentara na temu azilanata. :isuse:

ne znam da li je to tacno


to je zato što si nesvesna :fantom:


Vi niste svesni koliko je mehanizam savrsen. Nista ovo nije slucajno, sve je pusteno, sve je sa razlogom. Sad zbog cega, sta se krije, videcemo. Svaki pedalj ove planete je dobro proucen. Sve se zna, nema vise iznenadjenja, u takvom dobu zivimo.


+82 -20

Edited by Hella

nakon muzeja evo mentalno obolelih ponovo u poseti tunisu ovaj put po hotelima :fantom:


Islamic militants have carried out a terror attack at a popular tourist hotel in Tunisia, exchanging gunfire with security services on a beach packed with British holidaymakers.


The attack took place at the Al-Qantawi resort in the city of Sousse, located 140 kilometres south of the capital Tunis on the Mediterranean coast.


Rebecca Miles, a British tourist who was staying at the Royal Kenz hotel with her boyfriend Dean Anderson, 24, having arrived on Monday told MailOnline: 'We were told to go back to our rooms because there were reports of a bomb.


Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3140454/Tourists-run-lives-Tunisian-beach-gunman-carries-attack-outside-hotel-packed-Britons.html#ixzz3eAXOdLwe


sasvim u skladu sa septembarskim uputstvima Otadžbine


“If you can kill a disbelieving American or European – especially the spiteful and filthy French – or an Australian, or a Canadian, or any other disbeliever from the disbelievers waging war, including the citizens of the countries that entered into a coalition against the Islamic State, then (do so),” Islamic State in Syria and Iraq said.


 “If you are not able to find an IED or a bullet, then single out the disbelieving American, Frenchman, or any of their allies. Smash his head with a rock, or slaughter him with a knife, or run him over with your car, or throw him down from a high place, or choke him, or poison him.”

Edited by Hella

Najmanje sedam mrtvih, lokalni mediji kazu 19.

I u Kuvajtu atentat, 13 mrtvih. Sta se ovo desava danas?

Edited by borris_

Napadnuta i siitska dzamija u Kuvajtu, izgleda da su se danas koordinirali sa napadima.






to izgledA OVAKO

Edited by Marcus Wulffings

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